There is a reason that XRG is slower, has smaller wheels and "softer suspension" you know. It's the thing that gives new guys a RWD car to practice instead of putting them straight into FO8 and watch them spin along the track all day long.
If you want to drive a turboed version of XR GT and want to "roll on your big wheelz, dawg", just buy S2 and you'll have XRT(which is not the same, so you wont troll the same thing all over again)
Or if XRT is "gay" for you, there is always FZ5, RAC, LX4/6, XRR, FZR or any of the open wheel cars. Yes, some don't have turbo, but I'm sure that GTRs or OWC will be man enough for you.
I did most of it. But I cba to read 246565462451435 post of the same XRG != XRT. Can drive one nuts, you know?
And your profile says otherwise. So if you're S2 licensed, why post this using a demo account?
Give me $100,000 to spend on an M60 and I guarantee I can get over 1000hp.
Besides, your argument is stupid. it is like saying that a second hand hemi can easily make 8000bhp because some top fuel drag car running on nitro can do it.
@ your link aaron, I can't see any non designed for f1 car engine block used there.
look at what cars m10 is used and how old is the engine, and how much of hp it is giving out originally, and the price of this quality block... 1350hp on m10 engine block, normal block quality? pfft.
You complained about how XRG could use bigger wheels, stiffer suspension, more power(turboes) etc.
And I told you, why it doesn't have any of that. Well mainly because of what I stated before and because it already has 2 bigger brothers.
Hehe, finally topic that i can answer something! :P
Anyway, i hate trolls. And i "hate" BMW's (got one! xD), but their engines are great.
But i still admit that M10 is best 4 cyl in world. (This is hard for me, i love Cossies so damn hard...) And i mean that OLD M10 block is better than newer M10, mut newer is very good also.
That M10 blocked BMW F1 was only(?) street car block in F1 turbos.
Im not sure that, if zakspeed got some street block. But i doubt that, because:
-Zakspeed used bda turbo (ford kent block) engines in touring cars.
-F1 engine was aluminum so thats isnt really street (kent) car block, if it is aluminum kent...
But i can be wrong on this!
M60 (1992) is 31 year newer engine than M10 (1961).
I like M60, it is good engine, but it aint M10 (or M30, or even M50) level. So i think you trolled me, or you really dont know engines much.
Anyway, why you still want to make natural aspirated to turbo aspiration of XR GT car, if you still say XR GT Turbo is gay?
so that means basically, your opinion is turbo is gay.
And adding turbo for XRG (XR GT), it would be awesome
so turbo is both awesome and gay.
EVEN it has different parts and suspension and chassis and bandwith and engine-size and anything else, IT STILL doesn't change the fact about ur opinion of turbo is both awesome and gay.
End of discussion, the retarded ones who couldn't keep up with the xrg xrt stuff read the damn posts till you get it. ^
Where the **** did I say anything gay about turbo? I was telling about XRT. Not turbos. Seriously stop trying to come argue few hours later about same stuff you have no idea of.
I hate to tell everything multiple times so retarted ones can keep up.
So? Lot's of shit cars have turbo irl and it doesn't make it turbo's fault. Come on then. Let's make yet another arguement, I can't even see the topic of this but meh?