Hmmm.... OK...
Funny you say that Jamie.
The whole language thing... Its easy to say, "Learn the damn language" as a young person. Older people as you might now have many more problems in learning something as big as a new language. Its much, much harder for them. As a kid, it took me around 3 good months to fully crack the language to the point where I could communicate with other kids and teachers around school. However, to me it was almost like learning my native language... I was young and was in the process of learning Lithuanian itself, so the transition was very smooth and quick when I came over here.
As a fully grown adult who has spoken Lithuanian (Or any other language) and nothing else for 30 or so years, you simply cannot just pick up another language, especially something as stupidly complex as English, and learn it in a matter of months. Just not happening... My mom has been living in England for more years than I have fingers, and still hasnt learnt the language to the point where she could write essays without errors. And to be honest, she doesnt need to! She can communicate just fine with others, so where is the problem? The English themselves make so many mistakes its not even funny.
In GCSE English I got the third best result overall, behind 2 other foreign kids! I think that says a lot, doesnt it?
This... This is just stupid. There are 4 kinds (from my experience) of English unemployed. Let me go further.
1 - The lazy: This is the person that just likes to sit on his arse all day, eat food and watch TV, making no effort whatsover to go and get a job. Why would he though? He gets benefits and is more than set to live a decent life as a single person. Funny, because the benefits come from the working people via taxes, in which group are also the foreigners... So in theory, they are contributing and helping English people be lazy.
However, the lazy will always make sure his voice is heard when unemployment is mentioned on TV, spouting crap that all the immigrants take their jobs. A common theme.
2 - The Rebel: Similar to the lazy... The person gets in shitloads of trouble at a young age, or in a female case, goes around ****ing and getting pregnant, causing her to go on benefits and continue reproducing further. But this person doesnt really care that there are no jobs around.
3 - The wannabe posh fag: The posh fag will attempt to find a job, but will turn down any non office offers faster than you can name the wage. He expects jobs that require little to no effort and still pay ****ing buckets, as if money grew on the bloody trees. He will not, under any circumstances consider a cleaner or a kitchen job even if it meant his family would starve to death.
4 - The Retard: This is the person that will look at jobs and cry that they all require some sort of skills or education, as if he was not offered a chance to actually attempt to get those grades earlier in his worthless life. He will also no doubt mention that the immigrants take all the "easy jobs", but it is then quick to state that he would not really consider that "easy job" if he was offered one. Go bloody figure.
There is a reason Eastern Euros get jobs more easily. (Especially in the building department) They already have a good reputation of being hard working and not slacking around as if the work is magically supposed to finish itself.
There was a TV show last year where they found couple of Eastern European occupied jobs and gave them to Brits for 1 week. Well lets just say it did not go too well.... "Its way too hard. Its stupid" was the most common sentence.
They also interviewed a business guy or something, who builds houses and sells them on, and he specifically said that he employs Lithuanians and Poles because they work quickly, hard, and produce quality work. He trusts them and can always be sure that the required work will be done on time and to a good standart.
There have been countless times now, where Lithuanians and Poles in our area would be called on to finish a building site that is way behind schedule because the Brits like to have a break every freaking 5mins.
Yeah... I shall now go to bed because I am very ill and tired.