That'll be awesome then

Anyway, since ngt / jrngt hasn't been the most popular class till now, maybe some people could start building a setups they would be willing to share? I doubt there are many available currently and that could boost the numbers.
EQ... if CoRe can do anything to help out (admin, etc) let me know and we'll do our best.
Quote from hyntty :That'll be awesome then

Anyway, since ngt / jrngt hasn't been the most popular class till now, maybe some people could start building a setups they would be willing to share? I doubt there are many available currently and that could boost the numbers.

Don't know if it's worth having a setup base for that, I never tried the Junior NGT myself(though I have experience with the UFBR), increasing final drive ratio+taking a softer compound(if possible)+having more pressure should be enough for a base.

Maybe Airio could be configured in a way to show set tips in a window to players picking the Junior NGTs?
Quote from DeadWolfBones :EQ... if CoRe can do anything to help out (admin, etc) let me know and we'll do our best.

Thanks! For now all interested team leaders have virtual admin rights on the server, so I added you as well. I think the real help come in two directions: 1) Trying to shape the server so that it reasonably fulfills your expectations, maybe not in all areas, but at least in the primary ones. 2) Use the server, that means be there and try to do some races, even when the servers isn't much used. That covers all interested people and team leaders: Maybe try to spread the word there's this initiative and encourage people to spend some time there, submitting all their suggestions and complaints.

@ Junior GT setups : Well, yes, that is a problem. There are still many many people who have no idea how to set air restriction, so this middle class is basically closed to them. Do you think replacing the GTJ class with TBO would work, would get better results now? I almost tend to think so. Again, we need to be dynamic. If GTJ are useless, we change that. And when/if that works, people may learn about GTJ cars, so the class may reappear. For me, it is the ideal step between GTI and GTL, but...
Hey there
Good server,good drivers (still slow for me) ...just one thing missing..chicks on the start line

Quote from EQ Worry :Do you think replacing the GTJ class with TBO would work, would get better results now? I almost tend to think so.

I think so too, TBOs are always quite popular.
When will the GT2s and GTRs be available?
Quote from Skagen :When will the GT2s and GTRs be available?

They are available. You have to have higher safety rating to race those. Type !info to see more.
Instead of doing certain cars, it should be on rotate, just like the tracks.
Then there will be grida where everybody has the same car
Quote from Flame CZE :They are available. You have to have higher safety rating to race those. Type !info to see more.

My rating is 76,3% and the server recognizes my license as the white (silver?) "GT2 Open". But the cars are still unavailable to me.
As admin of mega team racers i can say that we are donating one new fresh server for just couse contact me on msn as allways...
Again, thanks for all the responses/ideas! My comments follow:

@ TBOs : Yes, it certainly looks better to have TBOs than those strange GTJs available. I will do the change so that TBO replaces GTJ, with the same requirements.

@ GT2s : Well, indeed they are not available now. It is a concession to people who prefer less car categories on track. Many want to see just 1 category, but I don't think that could work. 3 categories seem like a good compromise. Personally I think even 5 categories is a bearable amount, but not more.

@ single car, rotated types : I really do not think that would work. As I already said many times, average people (which includes me) like to have options. And even advanced people have only certain cars they like. Having a single car (or category) per race is so restricting that it cannot work on any would-be popular server.

@ DuleXY : Thx a lot! Again, server really is not a problem, we all have some unused (much). The main thing is to see if we can have one common server, run by a group of people from different teams, which can discuss things openly and reach some conclusions, accepting necessary compromises.
I would like to say, what people would need:

One, extremely big team, who would offer all about racing. Like CTRA did! That was the key for high amount people.

But altough there is many different kind of racing types, there should be something which would add them all!

for example (these are not in any order and only for examples) :

Multiclass Racing Unrestricted (Road cars)
Multiclass Racing Restricted only ( Road cars)
Open Wheel Racing
GTR Racing ( GT2, GT3, XF GTR& UF GTR included)
MRT5 racing
Autocross racing
Layout Racing
Any racing leagues running, team racing, championship racing
and so on...

Something like this what I think, but the problem is, project would be extremely huge and difficult. But it would for LFS as VERY BIG solid racing combination, and so then there would be not only drifting and cruising what are usually often seen. (there is still racing in LFS more than 50% tough)

just my 2 cents and my idea is not good at all

EDIT: oh sorry, only GT racing server? well just cut all the other stuff off
I must say in the CTRA days I was just as often on the bump & jump server as I was on the STD server. So I'd really like to see the Bump & Jump back with car rotations (XRG - XFG - XRT - RB4).

It was so amusing and a great distraction from real racing from time to time. Is there anyway that this can be realized in the future of this concept? It would make me and others really happy!
Quote from Drifters Only :I must say in the CTRA days I was just as often on the bump & jump server as I was on the STD server. So I'd really like to see the Bump & Jump back with car rotations (XRG - XFG - XRT - RB4).

It was so amusing and a great distraction from real racing from time to time. Is there anyway that this can be realized in the future of this concept? It would make me and others really happy!

And for that, Airio tracker, and a little program what will choose random autocross area (BL3, AU1, AU2, AU4) and random lyt

Why AU4, because I have done several layouts which can do 3 laps on it. Also it would be pickupped when less than 10 people on it.
You may want to think about reducing the number of races on AS4/AS4R a bit.

After practise and 2 races on AS4R last night, everyone on the server was fed up with it.

But don't remove it from the track choices; I'd like to see if I can get my PB down a bit (currently 16+ seconds behind WR in an XFG - probably normal time for average racer - I hope!). Not likely to happen except on this server, as it's likely a combo I'd now give a wide berth anywhere else.
Can't you just try to bring CTRA back to life again and everything will be just fine?
I agree with what WlayCo said. CTRA was the real deal, you can never beat that.
And how does that help us?
Quote from Kristi :I agree with what WlayCo said. CTRA was the real deal, you can never beat that.

What, giving people access to servers based on (basically) how many races they had done? A points based system rewards those with no life and able to run lots of races - but once you had moved up, where was the racing? Race 2 was usually dead, Race 3 was usually busy as it had 3 class GTR, for SS 2 see Race 2 with a few more people, and SS 3 was empty unless that Chinese guy or someone went on to hotlap. If we can't beat that then we should give up now.

Just look at how FOX Racing took off after CTRA died. People couldn't run it with their friends on CTRA as they hadn't done months of FBM racing for the "privilege".

And just remember what happened to the last popular public server that excluded many people from joining it. We shouldn't be excluding people just because they haven't gone and got hundreds of points in an STD server. Yes, if they're shit and crash a lot their SR will take care of them, but points are a useless barometer for measuring whether someone should be able to drive a car or not.
Quote from Drifters Only :I must say in the CTRA days I was just as often on the bump & jump server as I was on the STD server. So I'd really like to see the Bump & Jump back with car rotations (XRG - XFG - XRT - RB4).

It was so amusing and a great distraction from real racing from time to time. Is there anyway that this can be realized in the future of this concept? It would make me and others really happy!

I currently have had a server up on this idea but would gladly accept help.

ATM it stays on the TBO cars, and I rotate the track (lyt)if theres ever any1 on there..
@ BIG team with all kinds of servers : Well, lets say this one initial server is the test case to see if there's any chance in today's LFS to have teams cooperating on one project.

@ CTRA : In its time CTRA was exceptional. The InSim system used there was not so good in todays terms, but the Web interface was really really cool. But it is the past. And in fact out of the 6 racing CTRA servers only 2 were used regularly, STD and FBM. So the principle of separating people on servers by categories failed even then. And they were much better times for LFS, when developers were active (instead of saying once in six months that they are active, sry, but that's how I see it), providing updates every few months, keeping the community interested.

@ AS4 : Hm, in fact this track is not in the rotation, so either it was a different track (AS7) or some higher force changing server setup.

@ CHANGES TO CONFIG : Except day 1 it seems there's not much interest in this experiment, especially from team members and the general racing community. In an attempt to make it more attractive I tried to do some changes as suggested by several people:

1) The GTJ class is replaced by the TBO class. Also the GT2 and GTR classes are now available. That is altogether 10 cars in 5 categories. Hopefully the selection will be more attractive to more people.

2) Because of TBO introduction I changed the server name to simply MultiOpen Racing, not limiting it to the GT cars. If we ever have more servers, they can be e.g. numbered, allowing for easy server switching.
Quote from EQ Worry :@ AS4 : Hm, in fact this track is not in the rotation, so either it was a different track (AS7) or some higher force changing server setup.

Apologies, I should have said FE4/FE4R.
Ah, yes, long track for GTI cars, but really interesting, I think, so it is part of the rotation.

I forgot to mention one thing: As also suggested by some people above, for now next track voting is disabled. If you're opposed to this idea, please raise your voice, but there's really no need to express your views by using such words as "this is idiotic, you are mad" etc. It never helps communication. Note also that if enough people want to switch to another track, they can just vote to end race. For the future, maybe a system allowing track voting, but limiting accessibility of recently selected tracks could be a solution. I'm already working on this Airio extension, using some ideas cleverly implemented by Dave on his CG servers.

PS: Ooops, I forgot to mention one more thing. There are now points given for race results and for series of races (currently 4). The points are by default hidden for each new connection, but you may enable them for yourself. At present there are no points ranges with assigned descriptions, widely known as ranks. They can be added at any time in the future, using the already accumulated points.