I don't know who built it, who ever did sure did not ask my permission to take all that stone, not that it's that big of a deal I needed to clear up some of that storage space.
You probably won't be playing anything else for a good week or so. And you can only get whitelisted by telling boosted your minecraft user name, which you get after you buy the game. Have fun!
There's a tute video on Youtube about how to survive your first night in Minecraft. That will teach you probably everything you need to know for your first few days of play.
Okay, Boosted and I did some basic testing of the plugin: it seems to work just fine, he made a chest private and I could not access it nor destroy it, as it should!
When you can, go online and protect whatever you want to protect. If anything does not work as it is supposed to work, let us know.