Lets face it, most arguments on the internet are only there so you can link your friends to it, and go 'LOOK AT HOW I OWNED THIS GUY'!
do you really do that?
No he doesn't, because he's never won an argument on the internet. Having never been there or done that (or read that, or been taught that), he is the one always getting 'owned'.
Quote from tristancliffe :No he doesn't, because he's never won an argument on the internet. Having never been there or done that (or read that, or been taught that), he is the one always getting 'owned'.

Whatever, my point was, there is reason behind internet arguments, otherwise they wouldn't last as long as they do.
Quote from tristancliffe :No he doesn't, because he's never won an argument on the internet. Having never been there or done that (or read that, or been taught that), he is the one always getting 'owned'.

Don't forget that he also has no friends to run off to.
Quote from BlueFlame :Lets face it, most arguments on the internet are only there so you can link your friends to it, and go 'LOOK AT HOW I OWNED THIS GUY'!

Maybe in your case.
Quote from 5haz : Thats not the issue, the point is naming names dosen't make you any bigger a person when you consider that the whole thing is done behind a big facade, so theres little point in you trying to make yourself feel better by accusing others of weakness, especially if you can't even lead by example.

lucky i don't take the things i read on this forum serious. or else i would have felt insulted. you internet hardman you.

Quote from 5haz : Come on now, we both know thats bullshit. Somebody following your shining example would be responsible enough to own up to it as well, but we've already established that you're not going to practise what you preach.

you're still doing it. don't read into it. take my post for what it was. nothing snide, bullshitty or anything else for that matter.

Quote from 5haz :Essentially you're preaching to me how I should behave according to you, like some kind of self styled evangelist, don't try to pretend that you had anything remotely relevant and impersonal to say. And don't try to portray yourself as some high and mighty figure who always plays by the book, you're no better than the rest of us when it comes to arguing over the internet. The moral high ground is not yours no matter how much you pretend it is.

yeah, essentially, if my aunt had a beard, she'd be my uncle.
you keep telling me "don't try to" this and "some kind of" that. you still don't get it do you? i take as much value from the things written in this forum as i would if it were written in a public toilet.
so, you were saying something about moral high ground... please, continue.
Flame me for speaking the truth, seems like me and a few others on here are the only ones prepares to put ourselves out at the risk of abuse, with our opinions, showing that at least WE, are honest people. Others, sit here waiting for an easy one liner, in an attempt to receieve popularity and credit that they don't get.
Quote from BlueFlame :Flame me for speaking the truth, seems like me and a few others on here are the only ones prepares to put ourselves out at the risk of abuse, with our opinions, showing that at least WE, are honest people. Others, sit here waiting for an easy one liner, in an attempt to receieve popularity and credit that they don't get.

Give them a medal, noble heores of the internet.

Quote from dadge :lucky i don't take the things i read on this forum serious. or else i would have felt insulted. you internet hardman you.

you're still doing it. don't read into it. take my post for what it was. nothing snide, bullshitty or anything else for that matter.

yeah, essentially, if my aunt had a beard, she'd be my uncle.
you keep telling me "don't try to" this and "some kind of" that. you still don't get it do you? i take as much value from the things written in this forum as i would if it were written in a public toilet.
so, you were saying something about moral high ground... please, continue.

You obviously cared enough to start this, so what has changed since then that makes it so unimportant to you now? Don't try to cop out, if you're so correct then why are you trying to get out of what you started?

Odd how you started off as the serious one, pulling me up for a minor issue, and now you're trying to pretend that you're not uptight at all?

Being an ignorant arse and then trying to pass it off as some edgy opinion is also another cop out, yes you have a right to be wrong, but that dosen't mean you should be for the sake of your own vanity.
Quote from 5haz : Give them a medal, noble heores of the internet.

keep your medals. you don't need to reward me when i post.

Quote from 5haz : You obviously cared enough to start this, don't try to cop out.

i only started it if we don't count this:
Quote from 5haz :Exactly, I'd say a lack of updates isn't the biggest issue LFS has, its the number of massive pricks that inhabit its community, a problem which seems to have got much worse lately, and we all know who the usual suspects are.

is that massive pricks as in people who have a cock size above 8 inches or were you insulting a certain group of people?

Quote from 5haz :Being an ignorant arse and then trying to pass it off as some edgy opinion is also another cop out, yes you have a right to be wrong, but that dosen't mean you should be.

now you're being an internet hardman. my opinion is not edgy, nor is it a cop out. it's my opinion. your reading too much into it buddy.
can you tell me what you see in this picture?

i see a spade.
Quote from dadge :keep your medals. you don't need to reward me when i post.

Ahhh, false modesty

Quote from dadge :now you're being an internet hardman. my opinion is not edgy, nor is it a cop out. it's my opinion. your reading too much into it buddy.
can you tell me what you see in this picture?

You're assuming that I'm even talking about you. And anyway, its more a case of me seeing through your poor attempts to get out of this with your pride intact and without seeming a massive hypocrite than me trying to score points for acting tough in any way.

Do you realise just how boring it is when people start arguments then try to play the victim to get the sympathy vote, everyone does it ands its not clever.
Quote from 5haz : Ahhh, false modesty

nothing false dude. i really did mean it when i said "keep your medals". did you actually have medals?

Quote from 5haz :You're assuming that I'm even talking about you. And anyway, its more a case of me seeing through your poor attempts to get out of this with your pride intact and without seeming a massive hypocrite than me trying to score points for acting tough in any way.

ok then, who were you talking about. put me in my place... i don't think you will because both of us know who you were talking to don't we? seriously, now's your chance to put me right back into my box.
Quote from 5haz :
Do you realise just how boring it is when people start arguments then try to play the victim to get the sympathy vote, everyone does it ands its not clever.

i'm not playing a victim. what's boring is you're still over reading things. and keep your sympathy for those who need it.
i only started it if we don't count this:
Originally Posted by 5haz
Exactly, I'd say a lack of updates isn't the biggest issue LFS has, its the number of massive pricks that inhabit its community, a problem which seems to have got much worse lately, and we all know who the usual suspects are.

Well, here is my inputs:
1. So you realy argue there is a group of ppl who demand updates, insist lfs will die since they do not get their demanded updates, starts flaming if someone do not see their point of view or try to reason with them, badmouth developers becouse they have not said "yes we are working, nothing new" every week, race or go home, cruise or drift is not lfs(eventhough S2 is bough)?

2. Since you call stating a fact, is starting an argument, why should we even try to reson with you?

3. the point of "internet tough guy", is that ppl can say stuff they never would dare irl, becouse irl you can accualy get punched in the face for stating the same thing to a random guy on the street.

I do not get the big hype over the "oh, where are the devolpers, there will never be a patch, lfs will die, S3 will never come"....

If you care that much about the patch, you have forgoten the purpose of lfs: the enjoyment of driving it!

If you do not enjoy the game, try diferent simulators, buy a ps3 and gt5, or get a new hobby...

IF you enjoy lfs, then go driving instead of picking arguments on a forum made for a community who accualy enjoy DRIVING lfs...

Me on my part, have always had the mindset of buying lfs "as is", and any update is purely a bonus

Peace out, start flaming
Quote from dadge :ok then, who were you talking about. put me in my place... i don't think you will because both of us know who you were talking to don't we? seriously, now's your chance to put me right back into my box.

I suppose the best you could do is stop being a massive hypocrite and leave quietly, but because you're quite blatantly in this for your own vanity I doubt you will, why else would you have even accused me of lacking marbles in the first place other than to make yourself feel better? We'll see
Quote from 5haz :I suppose the best you could do is stop being a massive hypocrite and leave quietly, but because you're quite blatantly in this for your own vanity I doubt you will, why else would you have even accused me of lacking marbles in the first place other than to make yourself feel better? We'll see

so, you're not going to show me who you were talking to then? i wonder why.
i'll help you. since i'm the person who you quoted, who were you talking to/about in this post?

Quote from 5haz :Give them a medal, noble heores of the internet.

You obviously cared enough to start this, so what has changed since then that makes it so unimportant to you now? Don't try to cop out, if you're so correct then why are you trying to get out of what you started?

Odd how you started off as the serious one, pulling me up for a minor issue, and now you're trying to pretend that you're not uptight at all?

Being an ignorant arse and then trying to pass it off as some edgy opinion is also another cop out, yes you have a right to be wrong, but that dosen't mean you should be for the sake of your own vanity.

now, if you were not talking to me then i'll apologise. all you have to do is show me who you were talking to.
People only say AFTER the argument. 'Well I wasn't doing this, or that, or I wasn't even talking to you, after they realise nobodies on their side.' Happened a while ago, guy in a bar started talking shit about my wife and son, so I broke his nose. Then he said 'well I didn't mean it like that' after he was trying to insult me and after I bust his face. Fox > Tail > legs <
You have a wife and son? Poor them!

And you over-reacted with violence? You surprise me.....
Whats this? An argument in which I am not involved? Oh, rejoice!
Quote from 5haz :Exactly, I'd say a lack of updates isn't the biggest issue LFS has, its the number of massive pricks that inhabit its community, a problem which seems to have got much worse lately, and we all know who the usual suspects are.

"plus one"
Quote from DevilDare :Whats this? An argument in which I am not involved? Oh, rejoice!

I'm sure someone will get involved after you mentioned it.
Slovenian LFS community died in recent weeks. It was dying for a long time. Leagues did not help. People go away. I am leaving... no one to race with... and I like racing my friends.

I tried a racing forum that covers almost every sim (LFS apparently didn't catch on) and now I am having trouble to find the time for every event I want to participate in. It got me so far I even bought a 1-year iRacing license and I was always saying that I will never give that amount of money for a game - especially if I wouldn't own it in the end.

Times change. Writing a bunch of cra* won't help anyone. Too bad this post won't help. Oh well, gotta go and practice to defend the advantage in the wtcc championship, f1 is starting, rating in iRacing won't improve by itself. When there will be someone to race with on LFS servers (and I don't care if it is S1, S2 or S3), I will come back. Until then, I will read your insulting posts and amuse myself with these nonsense comments

Oh, by the way. I know I will get a lot of "great" replies... I am active in one LFS league and just joined another one... have to give it one last chance until situation improves
The S3 content is the rallypack. Why do you think they don't want to annunce it before Eric gets it to almost finished state? Do you think it takes Eric 2 years to model 1 car and track? The pack consists of various cars, if they annunce the S3 (rally car) they would spoil the suprise.

You heard it here first.

Please don't kill me.
The lack of progress isn't really LFS main problem. The biggest problem for LFS is the progress other sims have made over the years.

I started playing iRacing about a month ago, and iRacing just feels like it is in a completely different league. I know iRacing is also a lot more expensive, but in my opinion it's worth it's price. I can't even come back to LFS anymore. It's not the physics that's letting LFS down, but rather the amount of feedback LFS produces through the wheel. In iRacing I can feel every bump on the road and feel exactly which bump is kicking the back out.

I am not here to say how amazing iRacing is, I am just using it as an example to highlight the fact that LFS is really lagging behind compared to other sims. nK pro recently updated their game to include wet weather racing, rFactor 2 looks promising, iRacing continues to update their tire model and introduce more cars and tracks.

I have never been one of those people who complains about the lack of progress. But after playing another sim, I just don't see the point of waiting anymore.
Quote from kimd41 :The S3 content is the rallypack. Why do you think they don't want to annunce it before Eric gets it to almost finished state? Do you think it takes Eric 2 years to model 1 car and track? The pack consists of various cars, if they annunce the S3 (rally car) they would spoil the suprise.

You heard it here first.

Please don't kill me.

Fow weal man? Awe u like sewious?

Iw you awe sewious, please pwoof!
This thread is closed

Progress Report December 2010
(1653 posts, closed, started )