My problem is when i open the server and put the insim, i start to drift in the server but in the chat dont appear your made points.. look my LFSLapper.lpr
what i have bad??
if possible i want the twin system, and drift score board !! help![](/static/smilies/frown.gif)
List of All variable that can be used in player events
$Nickname -> Nickname
$Username -> UserName
$Laps -> Total number of laps done on the ent track and with the current car
$SessLaps -> Total number of laps done this session on current track and with the current car
$TotalPitTime -> Totaltime used for a pitstop
$Car -> Current car of the player
$Posabs -> Current absolute position
$Posqual -> Current qualification position
$Groupqual -> Current group qualification
$SwearWordsRem -> Remaining number of swearwords to be used before SwearWordsAction2 is triggered
$H_Mass -> User mass required on this server
$H_TRes -> User intake restriction required on this server
$P_Mass -> Current player Mass
$P_TRes -> Current player restriction
$SplitTime -> Last Split time done by player
$LapsDone -> Lap done for the current player
$Split1 -> Last First Split, updated when doing new Split1
$Split2 -> Last First Split, erased when doing Split1
$Split3 -> Last First Split, erased when doing Split1
$LapTime -> Current Lap Time, erased when doing New LapTime
$PBLapTime -> Current PB on current Combo
$diffLapTimeToPB -> Laptime - PBLTime, Last PBLTime is new realised
$SectorSplit1 -> Last First sector Split, updated when doing new Split1
$SectorSplit2 -> Last second sector Split, erased when doing Split1
$SectorSplit3 -> Last third sector Split, erased when doing Split1
$SectorSplitLast -> Last Last sector Split, erased when doing Split1
$BestSectorSplit1 -> Best Split duration for the sector 1
$BestSectorSplit2 -> Best Split duration for the sector 2
$BestSectorSplit3 -> Best Split duration for the sector 3
$BestSectorSplitLast -> BestSplit duration for the last sector
$DiffSectorSplit1 -> $SectorSplit1 - $BestSectorSplit1
$DiffSectorSplit2 -> $SectorSplit2 - $BestSectorSplit2
$DiffSectorSplit3 -> $SectorSplit3 - $BestSectorSplit3
$DiffSectorSplitLast -> $SectorSplitLast - $BestSectorSplitLast
$isBestSectorSplit1 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplit2 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplit3 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$isBestSectorSplitLast -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
$BestSpeed -> Best Speed done on this combo by player
$UnitSpeed -> Speedunit of the current player
$AvgSpeed -> Avg Speed on last Lap Time
$Tpb -> Theoretical PB
$DriftScore -> Drift score
$typ -> {typ} - = "Sess" if split PB for Session "PB" if split PB for PB file;
$AngleVelocity -> Last Angle velocity in degrees
$LastDriftScore -> Last drift score
$AccelerationStartSpeed -> Starting speed
$AccelerationEndSpeed -> Ending speed
$AccelerationTime -> Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
$MaxAllowedLapTime1 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime1
$MaxAllowedLapTime2 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime2
$Dist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player
$SessDist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player this session
$RotateIn -> Race remain before Rotation
List of all variables that can be used in all events
$HostName -> Current host Name
$ShortTrackName -> Track Name in Short format : SO6
$LongTrackName -> Track Name in long format : South City Chicane
$ShortTime -> Server Time in short format
$LongTime -> Server Time in long format
$ShortDate -> Date in short format
$LongDate -> Date in long format
$CurrRotateCar -> Current rotated Car
$CurrRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$CurrLongRotateTrack -> Current rotated Track
$NextRotateCar -> Next rotated Car
$NextRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
$NextLongRotateTrack -> Next rotated Track
Additionnal variable that can be used in OnBeginPit.
$Work -> Work do on current car player after Pit
Additionnal variables that can be used in votation.
$Vote -> Number of player that have voted to restart, qualify or end
$Players -> Number of player that can vote ( player on track )
$Remain -> Number of votes remaining after votation conclude
$Need -> Number of votes to do action (qualify, restart, end)
Additionnal variables that can be used in OnNotMatchFlags.
$RequiredFlags -> Flag(s) required on this server
$PlayerFlags -> Flag(s) for the current player
Additionnal variable that can be used in OnFastDriveOnPitL1 or OnFastDriveOnPitL2.
$RemainFDIP -> Number of remaining penalties for fast driving in pits
Additionnal variable that can be used in OnAuthReached.
$auth -> Authorization reached
Command block to run when a LFS Special event is triggered
Event EventId()
Command block used by backcall command like button or scheduled action or when received a command by player
Sub SubId()
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
You can register a subfunction to call when a player typed a special text
Firts arg = text typed in
Second arg = Sub to call when a player typed this text
Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
You can register a subfunction to call when a time is reached
Firts arg = cron format ss mm hh dd MM YYYY
Second arg = Sub to call when player type this text
Command allowed on Event and Sub
Send a command to Lapper, see command.txt in LFS Doc
privMsg( "Message_text");
Send a private message to the player that has triggered the event
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list" );
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list", backcall );
Open a button for the current player
1 - Unique id for this button
2 - Left coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
$origL = (value between 0-200); - when this value is used, every next value can be made relative to this one (example: $origL + 5;)
3 - Top coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
$origT = (value between 0-200); - when this value is used, every next value can be made relative to this one (example: $origT + 5;)
4 - Width of the button ( 0-200 )
5 - Heigth of the button ( 0-200 )
6 - Space between line in multiline button
7 - Duration in seconds for the button to be displayed (use -1 if you don't want an automatic close)
8 - Format of the button, look at insim.txt for values
9 - Button caption, for multiline, separate each line with &
10 - Option name of the backcalled sub
Close one or more button(s), you specify ID of the button to close, multiple ID's have to be separated by a &
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Restart:" );
Same as openPrivButton, but open button for all players connected
Same as closePrivButton, but close button for all players connected
console( "My test");
To display message on the Lapper console
There are another functions, look in config file
Codes that can be used on button format:
0 - transparent button
16 - light button
32 - dark button
64 - align text to left
128 - align text to right
If you want to make a light colored button with text aligned to the left, combine the codes to one new code, for example 16+64 = 80
To create colored text, use the following codes in front of the text you want to color:
^0 - black
^1 - red
^2 - green
^3 - yellow
^4 - blue
^5 - violet
^6 - cyan
^7 - white
^8 - no color
Other variables that could be used on expressions
&& -> and
|| -> or
+ -> plus
- -> minus
/ -> devide
* -> multiply
^ -> pow
== -> equal to
!= -> not equal to
> -> bigger then
< -> smaller then
<= -> smaller then and equal to
>= -> bigger then and equal to
#General options#
$Host = ...; # Host IP. When more network interfaces are present, set it to IP of your host.
$Port = ...; # Insim UDP port. Open this port after starting LFS Server by typing /insim=29999 in chat or include it in config-file LFS Server
$Password = "..."; # Put in the admin password used on the LFS Server
$TrackInfoFile = "trackInfo.cfg"; # Path to the TrackInfoFile used to compare splits
$TCPmode = true; # Connection to LFS in UDP mode or TCP mode
$EnableRegisterWeb = true; # When set to "true" your LFS Server is displayed on the FRH Team website
$DateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; # Date format used for the PB files
# Look at C#-format for date/time, little help
# HH = Hour in 0-23 format
# hh = Hour in 0-12 format
# mm = Minute
# tt = PM or AM
# dd = Day
# MM = Month
# yyyy = year with 4 digits
$TimeFormat = "HH:mm"; # Time format used for the PB files
$MessageTime = 5000; # Time in milliseconds for a racecontrol message (started by: rcm_all) to be displayed on screen
#$PubStatIdk = ""; # Indentification code for a connection to PubStat.
# To obtain a PubStatId go to , select My LFSW Setting, tab Pubstat Access
# Remove # before PubStatIdK to activate this option
$ShowPlayerControl = False; # Set option to "true" if you want to show the control configuration of players when leaving the pits.
#FTP transfer#
# Results files can also be transferred to an FTP server
# Define the following parameters to use this feature
# Remove # before line to activate it
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#$FtpServer = "your ftp server"; # Name/IP-address of your FTP server
#$FtpLogin = "your login"; # Loginname for your FTP server
#$FtpPasswd = "your password"; # Password for your FTP server
#$FtpRemotePath = "your remote dir"; # Directorname
#Synchronise Lapper databases#
#$SyncID="frh01"; # Unique ID for this instance of Lapper
#$SyncDir="synchro"; # Name of synchronisation directory. Every Lapper should have this directory name in order to synchronise
#$SyncIDsToSync="frh02|frh03"; # Lapper ID's to synchronise with
# Seperate ID's with |
# You can't use current SyncID here
#Default Car#
# Default car to show, when no car is specified in command !top or !drf and when a player haven't used a car on this server
# You can combine several cars by using + (example: "XFG+XRG";)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#$DefaultTopCar = "UF1";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XFG";
$DefaultTopCar = "XRG";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RB4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXO";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX4";
#$DefaultTopCar = "LX6";
#$DefaultTopCar = "RAC";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZ5";
#$DefaultTopCar = "MRT";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XFR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "UFR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FOX";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FO8";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FXR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "XRR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FZR";
#$DefaultTopCar = "BF1";
#$DefaultTopCar = "FBM";
#Event triggered when lapper start#
Event OnLapperStart()
#Authorization Options ( license )#
#Authorization Options
#$Auth1 $Auth2 ... $Auth10 variable
#Syntax : $AuthX = "Carname:Trackname:MinimumTime&Carname:Trackname:MinimumTime&...| Carname:Trackname:MinimumTime&Carname:Trackname:MinimumTime&... | ...";
#& -> And condition
#| -> Or condition
#$Auth1 = "XFG:BL1:1.30.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20";
#$Auth2 = "XFG:BL1:1.10.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20";
#$Auth3 = "XFG:BL1:1.05.10";
$AuthAllowPlayer = "All";
$AuthMinPlayer = 0; # Minimum number of players on the server to auto enable authorization
# If number of players is below value, alle players are allowed
# If number of players is above value, only AuthAllowPlayer are allowed
Event OnAuthAllowed()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 allowed on this server" );
Event OnAuthNotAllowed()
cmdLFS("/spec " . $Nickname . "^3 allowed on this server");
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 not allowed on this server");
# Local viariable that can be used
# $auth -> Authorization reached
Event OnAuthReached()
privMsg("^3You have got level" . $auth );
#Control Allowed#
# Racer flags
# "Y" = Yes
# "N" = No
# "*"" = Yes or No
# Local variable
# $PlayerFlags = The current Player flags
# $RequiredFlags = The current Required flags
$SwapSide = "*";
$AutoGears = "*";
$Shifter = "*";
$HelpBrake = "*";
$AxisClutch = "*";
$AutoClutch = "*";
$Mouse = "*";
$KbNoHelp = "*";
$KbStabilised = "*";
$CustomView = "*";
Event OnNotMatchFlags()
privMsg( "Flags not match required flags" );
privMsg("Yours flags -> " . $PlayerFlags );
privMsg("Required flags -> " . $RequiredFlags );
privMsg("Spectated" );
cmdLFS("/spec " . $Username );
#Race Control#
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = Laps in between where votes are allowed in race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 0-0 Votes are never allowed
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = -5 Votes are allowed between lap 1 and 5
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = 2- Votes are allowed between laps 2 and the end of the race
#$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = - Votes are always allowed
#$VoteRestart = percentage of players that have to vote to restart a race. To let LFS admin this function, set it to -1
#onVoteRestartChange = Command to do when player votes to restart
#onVoteRestartReach = Command to execute when VoteRestart is reached
#onVoteRestartZero = Command to execute when no nb of player reach zero
#$VoteQualify = percentage of players that have to vote to start a qualification. To let LFS admin this function, set it to -1
#onVoteQualifyChange = same as restart but for qualify
#onVoteQualifyReach = same as restart but for qualify
#onVoteQualifyZero = same as restart but for qualify
#$VoteEnd = percentage of players that have to vote to end a race. To let LFS admin this function, set it to -1
#onVoteEndChange = same as restart but for endrace
#onVoteEndReach = same as restart but for endrace
#onVoteEndyZero = same as restart but for endrace
#Local variable:
#$Vote - Number of players that have voted
#$Remain - Number of players remaining to vote
#$Need - Number of players needed for an action
#$VoteLifeSec = Number of seconds to keep the vote alive after voting
#Auto restart:
#$AutoRestartRaceMn = Minutes between the end of a race (last player finished) and an automatic restart
#$AutoRestartRaceMn = 0; No restart
#Rotation only work if AutoRestartRaceMn is set
#EnableRotation = Allow or disallow rotation for track and/or car
# Values : true or false
#$RotateTracks = "tracks to rotate"; separated by ','
#$RotateCars = "cars to rotate"; separated by ',' Use LFS definition for car, if not set, no car rotation
#$RotateEveryNbRaces = Number of races to do before rotation;
$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";
$VoteRestart = -1;
Event onVoteRestartChange()
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Restart:" );
openGlobalButton( "bargr2",70,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote ."/" . $Players . ") Need " . $Need );
Event onVoteRestartReach()
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
Event onVoteRestartZero()
closeGlobalButton( "bargr1&bargr2" );
$VoteQualify = -1;
Event onVoteQualifyChange()
openGlobalButton( "bargq1",90,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Qualify" );
openGlobalButton( "bargq2",100,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote . "/" . $Players . ") Need " . $Need );
Event onVoteQualifyReach()
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
cmdLFS("/qualify" );
Event onVoteQualifyZero()
closeGlobalButton("bargq1&bargq2" );
$VoteEnd = -1;
Event onVoteEndChange()
openGlobalButton( "barge1",120,1,10,6,6,30,96,"End:" );
openGlobalButton( "barge2",130,1,20,6,6,30,96,"(" . $Vote . "/" . $Players . ") Need " . $Need );
Event onVoteEndReach()
closeGlobalButton( "barge1&barge2" );
Event onVoteEndZero()
closeGlobalButton( "barge1&barge2" );
$VoteLifeSec = 30;
$AutoRestartRaceMn = 0;
$EnableRotation = false;
$RotateTracks = "SO6R,BL1,FE3";
$RotateEveryNbRaces = 4;
$RotateCars = "XFG+UF1,TBO,XFR+UFR";
Event OnRotateCar()
cmdLFS("/msg Car changed, go to pit! Current car = " . $CurrRotateCar);
Event OnRotateTrack()
cmdLFS("/msg Track changed, please wait!" );
cmdLFS("/msg Current Track = " . $CurrLongRotateTrack);
#Connect messages when a player joins the server#
Event OnConnect()
openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,0,"^6Welcome " . $Nickname . " ^7to ^7[HDC]^2House Drift Club ^7Server Team!" );
openPrivButton( "pos",25,80,150,10,8,-1,0, "&Don't stay on track - Drift - Ban to crashers - ADMINS ON SERVER"
. "&Respect the other players - Polka drift only in pit"
. "&Don't Flood - ^7JA^1P^7AN^8 - Advise if drift pit landing or pit drift "
openPrivButton( "clos",78,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"^2OK",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",103,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"^1NO",OnConnectCloseKick );
http("" );
Sub OnConnectClose()
IF( $Nickname == "unnamed" )
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username );
Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );
#Scheduled actions#
#Syntax: ss mm hh dd MM YYYY
Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
Sub SA_mid()
cmdLFS("/rcm Midnight warning to all working men!");
Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 1 1 *", SA_newyear );
Sub SA_newyear()
cmdLFS("/rcm Happy New Year!");
#Command actions#
#$allow is optional if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute action
#You can specify more users if you separated them by ','
#You can use a file to specify users, one user per line (example : $allow = "&./your_file.flt";)
#If ! before a name, force nickName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
#If ! before a name, force userName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=false
#You can use regexp expression in userName pattern, type regex=your regular expression
#Example: if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
# !regex=^\[COP\].*
# Find all user with a nickname that begins with [COP]
# regex=^Gai.*
# Find all user with a username that begins with Gai
# See regular expression on web for more info how it work
#Use & sign at end of patterns
$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );
Register MsgAction("!license",MA_license);
Sub MA_license()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
setLicense( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!ban",MA_ban);
Sub MA_ban()
$allow = "Gai-Luron";
cmdLFS( "/ban " . $argv . " 1" );
Register MsgAction("!kick",MA_kick);
Sub MA_kick()
$allow = "Gai-Luron";
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $argv );
Register MsgAction("!powered",MA_powered);
Sub MA_powered()
Register MsgAction("!pos",MA_pos);
Sub MA_pos()
privMsg( "Your friendly position is " . $Posabs );
Register MsgAction("!posqual",MA_posqual);
Sub MA_posqual()
privMsg( "Your qualification position is " . $Posqual );
Register MsgAction("!groupqual",MA_groupqual);
Sub MA_groupqual()
privMsg( "Your groupqual is " . $Groupqual );
Register MsgAction("!ver",MA_ver);
Sub MA_ver()
Register MsgAction("!auth",MA_auth);
Sub MA_auth()
Register MsgAction("!cleanspb",MA_cleanspb);
Register MsgAction("!razspb",MA_cleanspb);
Sub MA_cleanspb()
Register MsgAction("!spb",MA_spb);
Sub MA_spb()
Register MsgAction("!hand",MA_hand);
Sub MA_hand()
showHand( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!statsqual",MA_statsqual);
Sub MA_statsqual()
statsQual( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!dstats",MA_dstats);
Sub MA_dstats()
dStats( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!stats",MA_stats);
Sub MA_stats()
stats( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!nearqual",MA_nearqual);
Sub MA_nearqual()
nearQual( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!near",MA_near);
Sub MA_near()
near( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!topqual",MA_topqual);
Sub MA_topqual()
topQual( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!top",MA_top);
Sub MA_top()
top( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!drf",MA_drf);
Sub MA_drf()
drf( $argv );
Register MsgAction("!distance",MA_distance);
Sub MA_distance()
privMsg("Distance done on " . $Car . "/" . $ShortTrackName . " = " . $Dist . ", session = " . $SessDist );
Register MsgAction("!laps",MA_laps);
Sub MA_laps()
privMsg( "Laps done on " . $Car . "/" . $ShortTrackName ." = " . $Laps . ", session = " . $SessLaps );
Register MsgAction("!pit",MA_pit);
Sub MA_pit()
privMsg( "Time in pitting " . $TotalPitTime );
Register MsgAction("!track",MA_track);
Sub MA_track()
privMsg( "Track in use :" . $ShortTrackName . " = " . $LongTrackName );
Register MsgAction("!time",MA_time);
Sub MA_time()
privMsg( "Server time clock reference : " . $LongTime );
Register MsgAction("!help",MA_help);
Sub MA_help()
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^7Commands list" );
openPrivButton( "help2",25,38,150,6,5,-1,96,"^6General commands"
. "&^5!drf ^8Drift records on actual track"
. "&^5!dstats ^8[Player Name]Drift Stats of a player"
. "&^5!track ^8Name of actual track"
. "&^5!time ^8Server time"
. "&^5!ver ^8Version of LFSLapper"
. "&^5Shft+i ^8Configure your display messages" );
openPrivButton( "close",90,145,20,10,8,-1,32,Ok,MA_closeHelp );
Sub MA_closeHelp()
#Action a player flooding chat#
Event FloodAction()
privMsg( $Nickname . "^3 kicked for flooding" );
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $Username );
$MaxFloodLines = 8; # Maximum number of consecutive lines allowed
$MaxFloodLinesTime = 5000; # Maximum time between two consecutive lines in milliseconds to count as flooding
#Drifting options#
# This is the filepath for a file containing the collected data.
# This file will be created if it doesnt exist yet.
# You must ensure read/write access to this path.
$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB";
# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3points!" );
# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . " ^3drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3points" );
# Message to get on end of each drift.
# Possible variables to use:
Event OnDriftScore()
privMsg( "Score: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^1D^7on't ^1S^7top" );
$GoodDriftScore = 4000; # Value to be reached to execute action on good drift score
Event GoodDriftAction()
privMsg( $Nickname . " ^3made excellent drift: ^7" . $LastDriftScore ." ^3points" );
$MinimumDriftScore = 1000; # Minimum drift score required
# Actions to do at end of lap if MinimumDriftScore is not achieved.
Event DriftTooLowAction()
privMsg( "^6HEY!!" . $Nickname . "^3YOU ARE ^5LAZY :/ :^7" . $LastDriftScore );
$MinimumDriftSpeed = 10; # Minimum speed in km/h to maintain. Driving below that speed will reset score
$MinimumDriftAngle = 15; # Minimum angel to maintain. When angle is below value, score is reset
$MaximumDriftAngle = 120; # Maximum angel to maintain. When angle is above value, score is reset
#Options for acceleration#
$AccelerationStartSpeed = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationEndSpeed = 100; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10; # Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message
#Message to show to players.
#Possible variables to use:
#{AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
#{AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
#{AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
#{UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected
Event OnAcceleration()
privMsg( "^8Accelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $AccelerationEndSpeed . " " . $UnitSpeed ."!" );
#Actions for pit stop#
#Local variable tou can use
#$Work - Work on pit (only for OnBeginPit)
# no pit windows if two var set to 0
Event OnBeginPit()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^8 makes a pit stop" );
privMsg( "Pit begin! Work:^3" . $Work );
Event OnEndPit()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^8 left pits in " . $PitTime );
privMsg( "Pit stop finished in ^6" . $PitTime ."^7 - Total Pit: ^5" . $TotalPitTime );
#Actions on penalties#
#Possible variables to use:
#OnFastDriveOnPitL1 = Actions on 30 Sec Penalty or drive-through
#OnFastDriveOnPitL2 = Actions on 45 Sec Penalty or Stop&Go
#MaxFastDriveOnPit = Max Fast Drive on Pit allowed per race
#OnMaxFastDriveOnPit = Actions on Max Fast Drive on Pit allowed
#OnFalseStartL1 = 30 Sec Penalty or drive-through
#OnFalseStartL2 = 45 Sec Penalty or Stop&Go
#Local Variable can be used:
#{RemainFDIP} = Remain count for fast drive in pit
Event OnFastDriveOnPitL1()
cmdLFS( "/p_clear " . $Nickname );
Event OnFastDriveOnPitL2()
cmdLFS( "/p_clear " . $Nickname );
Event OnMaxFastDriveOnPit()
cmdLFS( "/p_clear " . $Nickname );
$MaxFastDriveOnPit = 1;
Event OnFalseStartL1()
Event OnFalseStartL2()
#Overriding options#
# Overriding options #
what i have bad??
if possible i want the twin system, and drift score board !! help