The online racing simulator
event closed
(44 posts, started )
#26 - DCke
Quote from CDRrunner :I will be there when i can

To introduce myself,
I am Robin
My nickname is CDRrunner
i am 17 years old (tomorrow is my birthday and then i am 18)

I am playing LFS since i was 2 years old, haha no kiddin' xD

anyway, good luck to you all

Greetz FPRS #99 R.MaFfioSa

Happy Birthday m8 :jester:

Greets DCke
(DCke) DELETED by DCke
Nice server, good to see anything else than cruise/drift/multiclass nowadays.

But if I had an advice to give, it'd be: please, please, please, get rid of the random grid setting. It can throw away very inexperimented people up front and some faster bakwards. Result, the inexperimented struggle in the first few corners while the faster rush to the front carelessly, which inevitabely results in insane amount of incidents and some bad DNF rates.

So it would be nice if you could replace that by the plain last race result=grid setting, or Airio's custom grid placement by PBs. Or if you want to spice things a little bit, set up Airio in order to make it reverse the top X of last race, there's a way to do that AFAIK.
Here's a replay featuring 2 childish wreckers ruining the fun this evening. Check at the beginning of lap 4.

The guys on the server managed to voteban both of them quickly, but it would be nice if you could /ban them 999 in order to prevent them from coming back in 12 hours. Thanks.
Attached files
wreckers UF1.mpr - 587 KB - 257 views
(DCke) DELETED by DCke
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Here's a replay featuring 2 childish wreckers ruining the fun this evening. Check at the beginning of lap 4.

The guys on the server managed to voteban both of them quickly, but it would be nice if you could /ban them 999 in order to prevent them from coming back in 12 hours. Thanks.

I give a +1 for this for sure. Big punishment needed.

EDIT: and watch it to forward whole situation when it starts, THEY KEEP CRASHING ON PURPOSE!

Infinite Ban suggested!
(DCke) DELETED by DCke
Quote from DCke :checking this at the moment

thx mate

anyway I go to sleep, gn
Quote from DCke :I have seen the replay and those 2 wreckers are banned 999 , thx for the report

Regards DCke

#32 - DCke
#33 - DCke
Quote from DCke :500Servers Host servermove maintenance :

Server is offline , expected to be online in about 2 hours .


Server back online

Serversettings changed on request (DCke) DELETED by DCke
#34 - DCke
FPRS Custom UF1 - XFG+XRG - MRT5 Track1 added to rotation
Quote :

Hi all ,

We proudly present our first Custom Track made by 'FPRS Belgium'

The track is designed to have smooth fast Close races ( max 16 racers at start )and made for the Classes : UF1 - XFG+XRG - MRT5

Screenshots Custom Track 1 ( UF1 - XFG+XRG - MRT5 ) Designed by 'FPRS Belgium'

Regards DCke
Attached images
Looks a nice ciruit/track.
Hopefully there are going to be much fights and no crashes...
When will the track be on the server dc? ;p
#36 - DCke
Quote from versusboy :Looks a nice ciruit/track.
Hopefully there are going to be much fights and no crashes...
When will the track be on the server dc? ;p

Track is made specially for groupraces , crashes depends on the racestyle of the racers imo .

This track will be in rotation from 22/03/2011

Quote from DCke :( max 22 racesr at start )

How is that possible? Au1 is limited to 16 cars.
#38 - DCke
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :How is that possible? Au1 is limited to 16 cars.

hehe good to know , we made room for 22 racers at startgrid , didnt know about the max 16 racers at start AU1 , thx for the info , its our first try-out on AU1

Regards DCke
maan the server is always so empty I could have very much time to race but nobody wants to race alone..

Any why is this oval not changing away?
#40 - DCke
Quote from ArSk4 :maan the server is always so empty I could have very much time to race but nobody wants to race alone..

Any why is this oval not changing away?

were having a tryout on oval to try to get server more crowded , even that doesnt work realy , seems theres no intrest in this event imo

my opinion is leaders are to far away , to much points and also that carrotation seems not to work causse everyone has his favoriet car and leave if carclass ch&anges , maybe u have a sugesstiob that we could add to server so its more atractief , also maybe the racers arent intrested in pricemoney , also possible , maybe racers dont trust it and think they never will receive there money

Yesterday racers KIRAYA Shadow_Tzu won the ' S2 Lisence on our FBM RankingSystem , maybe that 'proofs ' more that we are serious with our prices ( its the 7th s2 lisence won on our demo servers .

anyway everyone can still compete for the money :

EVENT : DAY 26 / 157 DAYS to go ...

still 157 days to go ( about 16% of event completed now )

regards DCke

Rgeagrds Jeffry
Quote from DCke :my opinion is leaders are to far away , to much points and also that carrotation seems not to work causse everyone has his favoriet car and leave if carclass ch&anges , maybe u have a sugesstiob that we could add to server so its more atractief , also maybe the racers arent intrested in pricemoney , also possible , maybe racers dont trust it and think they never will receive there money

That's a bit naive to think that the racers are racing for the money... Maybe a few !ptt leaders actually are. But I belive most are coming there to have some good racing, and couldn't give a damn about the money.

Now, you have to see it that way: a) Most of the racers do not have enough time to aim for the money whatsoever. b) The few that actually have enough time know that spending countless hours every day in this contest isn't the most productive way to get money. c) As you said, some people might not have enough confidence in this, as sadly many LFS leagues with price-money turned into a massive failure, either because of random controversy, or because the admins retracted the price in last minute, etc. Not saying you're not serious or anything, of course... but there's been strong antics on that point in the past.

Maybe the few racers that cared for the money were enough to make the server popular during the first few days, but now that they see that their place most likely won't change thanks to server inactivity, why should they still bother?

You might be right about car selection though. Maybe you could switch it to 1 swap a day or something like that. But I doubt this'd be enough to bring back some life into the server.
(DCke) DELETED by DCke
#42 - DCke
Event Stopped ( temporary we hope )
Hi guys , as u noticed the Server(s) are ofline and unfortunatly we have received no good news from what happend . 500Servers told me he will do the best he can to recover all DATA , but the chanse that works is 1 out of 4

If the Data cant be recovered we will have to Close down this Event because everyone lost all points/pb/stats on airio what would be very sad after all hours of racing all customers did in this Event .

Fingers crossed this wont happen and we can go on with the Event .

500Servers Wrote :

Dear jeffry tanghe

Unfortunately this e-mail bares some bad news. You may be aware that as of 11:40AM BST this morning, all users on the machine with IP: are now offline.

Why are all services form the machine with ip: offline?

- To try and cut the long story short, There was a case of human-error (AKA: mess up) this morning with the requested O/S reload for the control panel machine. Instead of the requested reload happening to the Control panel machine, The Operating System was reloaded on this machine (Drive formatted, and operating system reinstalled). This has now left us with a worst case scenario. The backup for this machine was on the Control Panel machine. And the most recent backup for the control panel, was on this machine. This means that ALL DATA on this machine has been lost.

We will then reinstall servers for all users who were on the ip: (Note: your ip will change to:, your server ports may also have changed). Unfortunately due to the issue explained in section 3 NO DATA will be available and you will need to setup your server(s) as fresh.

As soon i have more news about this ill reply this thread .

Regards DCke
Oh no..
I hope the machine will be fixed soon.
and hoping for the information to be rescued

'Groetjes Robintje
i guessed this would happen sometime

event closed
(44 posts, started )