first off i just started with lfs2.
i had some enlightening moments watching crospy doing ridiculously fast laps in a fxo-gtr on aston national recently. he generously sent me his setup which didn´t really improve my laptimes. what i did of course notice was his amazingly consistent lines, brake points, etc. so, more than ever i am convinced that proper driving has a much greater effect on laptimes than a chnage in setup. but i might be wrong
attached is the setup i used on aston national. so if anyone would like to try that and post his laptimes i´d be most interested to see what fast guys can do with it. the best i managed was 1:47:7.
first off i just started with lfs2.
i had some enlightening moments watching crospy doing ridiculously fast laps in a fxo-gtr on aston national recently. he generously sent me his setup which didn´t really improve my laptimes. what i did of course notice was his amazingly consistent lines, brake points, etc. so, more than ever i am convinced that proper driving has a much greater effect on laptimes than a chnage in setup. but i might be wrong

attached is the setup i used on aston national. so if anyone would like to try that and post his laptimes i´d be most interested to see what fast guys can do with it. the best i managed was 1:47:7.