Hi Guys,
Sorry i have not been responding, I went away to my dads for the weekend (thought i could enjoy a couple of days with him after spending so much time trying to fix things) I cannot believe that the CP has failed.. AGAIN!!.
@Mustang. For the time-being, if you can type /insim=11223 that will change your insim port to 11223 so you can use it for other applications etc. And will mean that Airio will not be interupting the race as it will not be able to connect.
(feel free to pick a different port number between 19000 - 20000 if u wish)
@Tomba, will look into why your server is down and get back to you A.S.A.P
@All. Sorry this keeps happening, As soon as i can afford to upgrade the CP server i will do that aswell, as it goes down way too often right now.