I stop dev (temporary ?) of LFS Manager following few onlines racing game tonight on LFS...
Some guys told me :
- "Phlos the hacker is here"
- "The man who steal your S2 license with LFS Manager !"
and so on...
Why should I dev a free software in my spare time for some dumbs people that like to make me a bad reputation in LFS ?
No, I don't steal your S2 license, nor the passwords of your servers, ... I don't even care about them...

You can deasm my software, analyse it with a network sniffer, do what you want, I don't do anything wrong, nor in my other softwares...
Yes, I know that some people like my work and would like some new versions of LFS Manager. But thoses reactions make me feel so bad...it's like everything I do is in the "wrong way"...
So I decided to STOP dev of everything until people mind change, I'm tired about thoses dumb people that make me a bad reputation about everything I do, in LFS or outside the track.
