The online racing simulator
Quote from dadge :we only need to establish where T4 is. anything after that is not relevant.

Or we could use NDRs rather odd "number every corner of every track" map:

Quote from Ingolf :Sadly this is the human nature to undeveloped individuals.

I think this quote says enough about your open-mindedness and your ability to comprehend other people's opinion.

Way to go
that's not aston club.
Quote from dadge :that's not aston club.

Though what's interesting about it is that it agrees with neither of us, giving the AS2 layout 5 numbers for turns, not my 4 or your 7 (which, retroactively, is what my point of that post was).
Quote from pik_d :Though what's interesting about it is that it agrees with neither of us, giving the AS2 layout 5 numbers for turns, not my 4 or your 7 (which, retroactively, is what my point of that post was).

T4 would still be in the same place (T27 on that map)if there's 5 turns.
Quote from dadge :T4 would still be in the same place (T27 on that map)if there's 5 turns.

Well obviously NDR is wrong
well played though.
I am curious though, how many turns do you label in AS4/5/6?
lol. i've never gotten round to it. the bigger tracks tend to be sector-ised. like "last corner in sector 2".
Quote from dadge :....

Dadge, I've tried telling you repeatedly, that you know jack shit about my LFS experience. You have no idea how much I've played or how much I play now. That's not an assumption, it's a fact.

You've repeatedly ignored this fact and just kept going back to the same old feeble 'evidence'. i.e. looking at my online stats and then saying for example, that I haven't tried this or that combo.

You then morphed your arguement in to me being someone who is demanding more content. I'm not demanding more content. I think more content would be great, but I'm not demanding it.
I haven't even mentioned it in the context of this debate!
This is just something you made up in your tiny little mind, and now you've convinced yourself that it happened, and are repeating it over and over.

So, then you simply call me a liar. It's an easy thing to fall back on, and it can be hard to defend against. So, lets look at this in a bit more detail.
  • I already said that I've done way more online racing than my online stats showed. You just ignored this and kept using my online stats as 'proof' of your feeble arguement thgat I haven't played LFS enough.
  • I stated that in fact, my online stats were reset years ago. You called bullshit. Anyway, I've attached a copy of the email confirming my stats reset. Considering this has essentially killed the basis of your agruement against me, I'm looking forward to what you have to say.
The truth is that I've played thousands of hours of LFS over nearly 6 years online and offline.

Quote from dadge :please, explain to me how i'm a moron.

I just have.
Attached files
Document.pdf - 22.3 KB - 413 views
Quote from farcar :
  • I already said that I've done way more online racing than my online stats showed. You just ignored this and kept using my online stats as 'proof' of your feeble arguement thgat I haven't played LFS enough.
  • I stated that in fact, my online stats were reset years ago. You called bullshit. Anyway, I've attached a copy of the email confirming my stats reset. Considering this has essentially killed the basis of your agruement against me, I'm looking forward to what you have to say.
The truth is that I've played thousands of hours of LFS over nearly 6 years online and offline.

I just have.

I'm only asking this because I'm curious. In your stats it has a bunch of blanks for the lap times, but it still has a # of laps driven. For other drivers it has grayed out lap times to indicate that the lap was set on an old patch with old physics. For your stuff, did they actually delete everything, or did it still list # of laps immediately after they deleted all the lap times and stuff?

EDIT: actually looking at it closer that must be what it is. It says you've done 1508 laps total but if you add up just your BL1 laps (including those with blank times) it comes to 2272.
Quote from farcar :...

that one was so light, it nearly floated right off my screen. the conversation's over buddy. you missed the boat.
i didn't say you demanded more content. i said you "asked". i think you'll find there's a big difference. i didn't call you a liar either. i called some of your posts bullshit. again, there's a big difference.
do the LFS development team use headers in their emails? that pdf looks a bit, erm, made up. i'm not saying that the email is fake, but take a look at it. it might make you giggle. at a glance, your online activity during the time the email was sent would suggest that your stats were not reset.
but yeah, the convo has moved on. you're too late.
Don't be thick dadge, his stats were clearly reset. His total laps says 1508 while if you add up all his BL1 laps its 2272. The stat reset can't just erase him from races because that would mess up other peoples stats. And it looks like it can't delete the number of laps driven on a combo by combo basis either for whatever reason. I've got a feeling if you added up only the laps for the combos that he has a time for it would equal 1508, but I can't be bothered to do that and I doubt you can either
why are there still races recorded before the date he asked for the reset. iirc, a physics patch required some sort of reset. but no data was lost. old times/laps were written in a lighter colour. even if they were reset, i think that conversation is well over. for 3 days i've been saying he's done so little. and it's taken him 3 days to post that pdf that looks a bit like a note a kid would forge.
It's almost as if you didn't even read my posts.
Quote from dadge :why are there still races recorded before the date he asked for the reset.

Quote from pik_d :The stat reset can't just erase him from races because that would mess up other peoples stats.

Quote from dadge :iirc, a physics patch required some sort of reset. but no data was lost. old times/laps were written in a lighter colour.

Pretty sure you're missing the point of him asking for his stuff to be reset, he didn't want it saved.

Either way it is painfully obvious that he has driven more miles/laps than his totals say. If you deny this you are deliberately ignoring facts. Who cares if the PDF has huge spacing issues, and why would Victor (assuming him because it's a LFSW thing) use a header? It's a 3 man team not a corporation.

But yes, that conversation is over, you were wrong about something and it's annoying for people who haven't driven much to ask for new content, nothing changes.
LFSW - driven distance : 165069 miles

I wantz more contentz!
Must be getting close to another progress report now.
Quote from dadge :i'm not saying that the email is fake, but...

... but it seems that you're going to clutch on to the 'It's forged' straw anyway, seeing as you go on to mention it again. The email is completely real. I did remove my email address from the email on 6/8 however.
Quote from dadge :for 3 days i've been saying he's done so little. and it's taken him 3 days to post that pdf that looks a bit like a note a kid would forge.

(note the forgery reference again ) Like I said, I've told you the facts repeatedly. Not my fault you ignored them. I also argued repeatedly that there are other ways to play than online. It hasn't taken me 3 days to produce a PDF either. Who requested it 3 days ago? Regardless, my online stats are a sideshow. The initial debate was nothing about online stats, or asking for more content. Dadge morphed it into that to suit himself. The initial debate was; that you still be an active LFSer without having a presence online. My answer is: Yes -absolutely.
Yes but you are not an active LFS'er;

You pretend it to be. Which makes yourself look a little bit stupid.
Quote :How exactly?

Acting like a zombie on the forum.

Making claims that if there will be... Then .. (Maybe)..

This group of inactive oldies, experienced or unexperienced is hanging like a thick cloud over this community everywhere. Putting in large amounts of text about whats going to happen to their own personal LFS occupancy when an update will be released.

It's almost the same as being a new player, saying that you can't be bothered with this sim at all unless there is an update and then you might...

To repeat my initial statement;

Quote :The ones with the biggest mouth here never race anymore. Pathetic.

You can't take those people serious and that's why this whole thread is a bit useless.

Quote from :you are not an active LFS'er

Actually, I played for an hour last night. It's funny how you still insist you know what I get up to.

I'm not sim racing at the moment while I wait for the patch.

Is there a patch?


Why are you playing for an hour?

Just to claim here that you all of a sudden do play?

Cooommmeee ooonnn... This is getting epic.
OMG -call the COPS!

A guy in Australia played LFS despite saying a few months ago on the forum that he'll wait for the patch.

I got an itch a few weeks ago. Arrest me.


EDIT - I really must apologise though. As soon as I even thought about double clicking on LFS.exe after my post a few months ago, I should have started a new thread on the forum to announce this massive flip flop.
Epic indeed.
Quote from pik_d :Or we could use NDRs rather odd "number every corner of every track" map:

*mega image snipped*

Sorry to interrupt this perfectly reasonable argument, but this track map is not an NDR product. The track map you linked to was created two or so years ago when the "Favourite/Least Favourite" corner business came about in the Community Awards.

Thankyou for your attention, you may now resume the silly arguing, when as it stands, this silly arguing is the reason this wait for a new patch is so intolerable to me - please, just shut up and race for once!
Quote from farcar :


Are you talking to yourself or did you just said that to me?
This thread is closed

Progress Report December 2010
(1653 posts, closed, started )