Internet isn't the same as real life, but the people who are on it are the same. So I don't see why stalking someone on the internet is different from doing it in real life.
I think that people like this need to be stopped, I might do an experiment, buy another S2 licence (my 3rd) as a complete feminine name (Barbie Lover) and see the abuse I get with a pink name and my sexy XRT skin that I made after a comment from Tiny. I don't think that people shold have their enjoyment taken from racing because of a few jerks thinking they can get SOMETHING. We all paid our 24 (or more) GBP, for racing and it shouldn't be interupted by some toads.
No, because i don't take things which happen in games seriously. If some kid wrecks me, i vote kick/ban him. If i can't, I leave the server. Simple, isn't it?
Im stepping out of this discussion. I'm not discussing something that certain people obviously have no clue about. Stalking/Cyberstalking is ILLEGAL in the UK end of story. Case closed, no discusion. Go and do your homework or something, isnt it getting late?
You're stepping out of this discussion because you're out of arguments. You can throw some more childish insults at me, if it makes you feel better. You'll still be an idiot in my eyes.
So, because you wouldn't complain and someone else does, that person is an idiot, crybaby, whiner, etc?
A bit egoistic if you ask me. If you don't take seriously (good for you!) what happens inside a server... well that's your way to go. But don't expect others to be the same... most of all if the 'other' belongs to the opposite sex!
What if some guy was randomly spouting off your phone number, address, and threatened to hurt you? would you take it seriously? How would you feel? Would you feel all "ZOMG STALKER", or would you be all like "This guys a fool, this is only a game"? Chances if you thought it was the latter, you wouldn't call the cops or anything, and get totally owned, where as if you would take the first one, called the cops, possibly saved you, and other people from his wrath.
Now I'm starting to wonder why you say that people start throwing insults at you, I haven't insulted you, and now you call me an idiot. I think you're the one running out of arguments, cause you didn't even had arguments to begin with.
And I didn't mean people were exactly the same on the internet, I meant the people on the internet, are still people, and should still be respected and treated like people, just like in real life. If they're dickheads on the net, they should be treated that way, just like you would treat one in real life. And I don't think that in real life it's normal to treat girls/women this way.
What do french people have to do with this? As far as I know French always have nothing to do...
I had a feeling you would respond like that.
That's not what I'm trying to say. I just meant that some people are idiots no matter where they are. And that it makes no difference where you are, you don't have to let yourself be limited in your actions just because of some idiot.
I give up, this topic has completely deviated from the inital problem of people going all "ZOMG GIRLS" and is becoming a complete flame fest. If I wanted to argue about everything, I'd become a master debater, but I'd rather race, then debate.
You're right. I'm an idiot. An idiot with a clear opinion. Now I ask you, what are you?
I'm also gonna stop this conversation, it's getting out of hand. I thought I could have a reasonable convo with this guy, but obviously not.
P.S. This thread wasn't a complete waste of time at the start, you just changed it. For somebody as new like you, you really have a big mouth and think you're THA man. You're 16 years old, I think it's time for you to grow up now, and think about something with a clear and more adult mind.