Logitech Profiler not working with Spotter mod
I installed the Spotter mod and configured my profile to load the Spotter mod which loads LFS. I now cannot use my profiler assigned buttons. Anyone know what I should do to get the Profiler assigned buttons to work the Spotter mod?
Revzalot, where did you find out about this Spotter mod, LOL . I think the problem is that you have the profiler starting the mod. It needs to start LFS in order to use it to map LFS keys. If you are starting the mod with the profiler, then your mapping will be trying to key in the spotter mod rather than LFS. I quit using the profiler since I've downloaded Joy2Key program for my button mapping. I have had the profiler crap out on me too many times which not only looses your button mapping, but looses the force feedback as well. Now I just load everything from the desktop, Joy2Key, LFSspotter, then LFS itself and use the windows gaming options to configure the force feedback. I also have FSScreen I load which is a print screen utility (from the flight sim crowd) that saves a bmp file instead of copying to the clipboard when you hit the "printscreen" key. I load it, but alway forget about it in the heat of a race. Would have been nice to remember last week at FEGreen when you dipped into the grass and got sideways coming across the track in front of me, LOL .

So, bottom line is, I don't think you can get it working in the startup configuration you described here.
Put the paths of both the spotter and LFS executables into the executable path in your LFS profile in the Logitech profiler (separated with a semicolon) and it should work. Or disable the spotter autorun and run LFS some other way.
Hmm, interesting Kegetys. I didn't realise you could do that. I'll have to try that. And great program BTW, that Pitspotter. The only thing I would do is search for JJ's sound pack for NR2003. I can't remember exactly what it is called. Perhaps it can be found at superspeedway.net if that site is still running. It's been a while since I've paid attention to NR2003. It replaces annoying Darrel Waltrip with sound bytes of Chad Knaus (SP?) who is Jimmy Johnson's crew chief. I have all the separate sound files rather than the .dat file on the other computer. I'm just too lazy to look for the ones you used for the program and move them over to my PC. It is awesome if you race NR2003.
Quote from Kegetys :Put the paths of both the spotter and LFS executables into the executable path in your LFS profile in the Logitech profiler (separated with a semicolon) and it should work. Or disable the spotter autorun and run LFS some other way.

That worked just fine. Thanks for the mod and the tip.