Well. At some point in time, I once said I would like to drive my car until something catastrophic happens. The moment came last Saturday. Heard a could loud metal knocks, which isn't a good thing, when I was about 10 blocks away from where I was supposed to be at the time. I study Auto Tech (fix cars), so I'm capable of swapping an engine and I was somewhat sure that was the problem. I towed my car back to school to fix it. Since I have no school for a week (spring break) and the engine can't come in time before the holiday, there is time to do a detailed inspection.
As it turned out #1 cylinder is shot.
These metal pieces are found on top of the oil and does not suggest anything small at all.

Looking inside the oil pan suggests it's something major.

The connecting rod is damaged

The block is also damaged too

I noticed a metal piece on top of the oil pickup tube and didn't realize it's the wrist pin until it dropped on the floor.

I was being made fun of by my instructor that I have a problem and how can I possibly blow up a Toyota. The thing is the particular engine I have is known not a strong engine if you're unlucky. Now let the remove and replacement begin!
As it turned out #1 cylinder is shot.
These metal pieces are found on top of the oil and does not suggest anything small at all.

Looking inside the oil pan suggests it's something major.

The connecting rod is damaged

The block is also damaged too

I noticed a metal piece on top of the oil pickup tube and didn't realize it's the wrist pin until it dropped on the floor.

I was being made fun of by my instructor that I have a problem and how can I possibly blow up a Toyota. The thing is the particular engine I have is known not a strong engine if you're unlucky. Now let the remove and replacement begin!