Dear Programmers, as you probably know there is a new test patch coming.
Old InSim programs will still work with the new patch, but you can make use of some new functions.
1) Note the Track[6] fields will indicate the new configs like SO1X and FE3Y etc. Those two would indicate an open config using SO Classic Forward start grid / Fern Bay Gold Reversed grid.
2) New collision reporting. Please take a look at this packet specification and have a think about how you would use it, and if it needs any more info :
3) IS_MTC now can have up to 128 characters (including a zero at the end) in a variable sized packet. You can also specify the sound effect of the message and send a message to all connections with a single call.
4) I've had a look at EQ_Worry's suggestions in this post :
Particularly suggestion (2) a traction control bit I'd like to include because that is something missing. And I'll have a look at (3). I have not studied them yet so I can't say for sure.
I really must keep any updates to the minimum, because I want to release the test patch as soon as possible so I can get back to the tyre physics. So if you have suggestions, please try to stick to very simple ones and think through how they would work.
Old InSim programs will still work with the new patch, but you can make use of some new functions.
1) Note the Track[6] fields will indicate the new configs like SO1X and FE3Y etc. Those two would indicate an open config using SO Classic Forward start grid / Fern Bay Gold Reversed grid.
2) New collision reporting. Please take a look at this packet specification and have a think about how you would use it, and if it needs any more info :
// CONTACT - reports contacts between two cars
// =======
struct CarContact // Info about one car in a contact - two of these in the IS_CON (below)
byte PLID;
byte Info; // like Info byte in CompCar (CCI_BLUE / CCI_YELLOW / CCI_LAG)
byte Sp2;
byte Speed; // m/s
byte Direction; // car's motion if Speed > 0 : 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
byte Heading; // direction of forward axis : 0 = world y direction, 128 = 180 deg
char AccelF; // m/s^2 longitudinal acceleration (forward positive)
char AccelR; // m/s^2 lateral acceleration (right positive)
short X; // position (1 metre = 16)
short Y; // position (1 metre = 16)
struct IS_CON // CONtact - between two cars (A and B are sorted by PLID)
byte Size; // 32
byte Type; // ISP_CON
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;
byte Closing; // the closing speed of the collision in m/s (suggests severity)
byte Sp1;
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;
CarContact A;
CarContact B;
3) IS_MTC now can have up to 128 characters (including a zero at the end) in a variable sized packet. You can also specify the sound effect of the message and send a message to all connections with a single call.
struct IS_MTC // Msg To Connection - hosts only - send to a connection / a player / all
byte Size; // 8 + TEXT_SIZE (TEXT_SIZE = 4, 8, 12... 128)
byte Type; // ISP_MTC
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Sound; // sound effect (see Message Sounds below)
byte UCID; // connection's unique id (0 = host / 255 = all)
byte PLID; // player's unique id (if zero, use UCID)
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;
// char Text[TEXT_SIZE]; // up to 128 characters of text - last byte must be zero
4) I've had a look at EQ_Worry's suggestions in this post :
Particularly suggestion (2) a traction control bit I'd like to include because that is something missing. And I'll have a look at (3). I have not studied them yet so I can't say for sure.
I really must keep any updates to the minimum, because I want to release the test patch as soon as possible so I can get back to the tyre physics. So if you have suggestions, please try to stick to very simple ones and think through how they would work.