Cant wait .
Guys, do you stop it. From racing simulator into a simulator of a cruise, is impressive ... :arge:
Quote from [Audi TT] :Guys, do you stop it. From racing simulator into a simulator of a cruise, is impressive ... :arge:

Collision improvements and open track configs, where we can build new racing layouts. That isn't cruising, for example.
Quote from denis-takumi :Scawen, what will happen with nodes on the open configuration?
I would like to know in advance what changes will be in MCI package

Sorry, i was find post

There are no nodes at all, so InSim programs cannot use that on open configs.
They must somehow do everything with position X and Y instead.
There is a special programmer thread for this patch :
Quote from Flame CZE :Collision improvements and open track configs, where we can build new racing layouts. That isn't cruising, for example.

layouts with all clear, but the cruise servers, more people like demschikov. You're not thinking about the consequences? All demos will be on the cruise servers and racing experience they will not, and buying a license to want to race, here's a crash.
Got a few things done today, mostly on objects.


Objects in escape road at BL chicane removed from open configs
List of Hosts now shows X or Y if an open config is selected
Car reset now works on open configs (if reset is enabled)
Wear limit for changing tyres can be set to 100% (never)
Compatibility : new packets not sent if connected to old host
Compatibility : new host does not allow old versions to connect


FIX : Clutch axis / button was not reported from Controls screen
Surface friction of objects is now CONCRETE (was previously ICE)
Discovered that many KY2 and KY3 replays were OOS due to objects
Implemented SPR version check so old replays can still be watched
Added a new Ramp2 which is the same as Ramp1 but 2.8 metres wide
Ramp1 and Ramp2 are stored in the exe and loaded into all tracks

Here's a screenshot of a jump off Ramp2 at FE4Y.
Attached images
Quote from [Audi TT] :All demos will be on the cruise servers and racing experience they will not, and buying a license to want to race, here's a crash.

Demo racers do not have access to open configurations or autocross objects.
Quote from [Audi TT] :Billboards on the highway BL2 also will behave as in version LFS S1 H6? Tell me please.

These are unmovable objects. So their collisions have been improved.
Scawen. In a totally heterosexual way.. You're awesome.
True concrete wide ramps on all tracks! Good job!
Oh man, I sense a figure 8 revival oncoming.
(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer
Quote from Scawen :Demo racers do not have access to open configurations or autocross objects.
These are unmovable objects. So their collisions have been improved.

That's right, no need to expand the discipline) Thanks for the quick answers.
better buckle up

Scawen i take that arrow on the mini map is showing where the camera placement is.
Quote from rc10racer :Scawen i take that arrow on the mini map is show where the camera placement is.

I think this arrow - car
Quote from rc10racer :The car has always been a yellow triangle.

exactly. then this camera. you're right
Quote from rc10racer :Scawen i take that arrow on the mini map is show where the camera placement is.

Nice find! I also think it's the camera. I find that useful, sometimes I don't know where I am in the SHIFT+U mode.

[Audi TT] - the car there is the green triangle.
Quote from Flame CZE :
[Audi TT] - the car there is the green triangle.

I realized this when looked closely at a map and a section of track.
There's a white arrow in the SS too. Which is the camera position.
fags turned this thread into a suggestion thread..
Quote from Scawen :Got a few things done today, mostly on objects.


Objects in escape road at BL chicane removed from open configs
List of Hosts now shows X or Y if an open config is selected
Car reset now works on open configs (if reset is enabled)
Wear limit for changing tyres can be set to 100% (never)
Compatibility : new packets not sent if connected to old host
Compatibility : new host does not allow old versions to connect


FIX : Clutch axis / button was not reported from Controls screen
Surface friction of objects is now CONCRETE (was previously ICE)
Discovered that many KY2 and KY3 replays were OOS due to objects
Implemented SPR version check so old replays can still be watched
Added a new Ramp2 which is the same as Ramp1 but 2.8 metres wide
Ramp1 and Ramp2 are stored in the exe and loaded into all tracks

Here's a screenshot of a jump off Ramp2 at FE4Y.

Good progress, and it seems like you're posting daily reports?
Not exactly... Join race is something else then join server but we will see...

(You could get 'blabla has no car' when you join race, maybe that is fixed?)
This thread is closed

New test patch coming soon (not VWS or S3)
(1152 posts, closed, started )