The online racing simulator
Virtual LFS Dashboard
(116 posts, started )
Not Working
hi there the installer keeps crashin at 39% each time every download ive tired has done the same, the exe and INI file dosnt work for me either just throws up an error about a file not being registerd correctly or somthing?

Anyone got an idea?
The installer registers the controls in the registry, IIRC
I used to have a .reg file that is executed with the installer.. I'll have a look for it

Try running this to add the keys to the registry...
Attached files
iocomp_activex_ keys_300.rar - 1.4 KB - 573 views
thanks mate worked a treat. ran that then the installer and it worked. is there any way of rezing it to fit an iphone screen i think the res is 320x480?
resizing means opening the source and changing the forms size and then adjusting all the controls to fit... I had started to make a few versions but since stopped...

And since its written in VB6 I can't do it now, I only have VS2008 Express... No idea where my VB6 disk went lol
DOH! lol i found a non legit download *cough* torrent *cough* for vb6 but im not good at codeing. mayb ill have to have a read up how to code. if you do ever decide to get vb6 again and redo it and need a tester im there

cheers for helping getin it working anyway
You don't really need coding experience to resize it as its visual You just need to enter the number of pixels and then drag resize all the controls to fit on the screen.. and maybe hide some that don't fit and you don't need

NP Glad to help around here.. And make fun apps lol

I Use version 0.2.1.
The dashboard-lights works not.
Except for the fuel-light, everything else does not.
I Use LFS 0.6B and Windows 7.

Greets, WDHBGS
Bump, excellent dashboard tool so far.

Trying this tomorrow on my ipad as setting it as second screen
Mikko, dude, that you? :OO hey it's me
Awsome application!
Just a messgae to say thanks for making this, no problems so far with me. Great application!
Another problem :/

Yeh, bit of a problem The installer keeps crashing at 39%, at the point where it's installing "MSSTDFMT.DLL". All the fixes I've been directed too haven't seemed to help, including the registry one :/ Looks like a great app, and the only one of it's type really, so any help would be very very much appreciated
I used the source, took what was already in 1024 x 768 and up the executable (this is it and who was looking for one with 1024x768 resolution)
NOTE: I just did save the credits is the DavidTiger.

Sorry for my bad English.
Quote from ssr11 :Bump!

Yeh, bit of a problem The installer keeps crashing at 39%, at the point where it's installing "MSSTDFMT.DLL". All the fixes I've been directed too haven't seemed to help, including the registry one :/ Looks like a great app, and the only one of it's type really, so any help would be very very much appreciated

Same here!

Any other solutions to this? THX

(using win 7 x64)
Quote from ys8574 :Same here!

Any other solutions to this? THX

(using win 7 x64)


1. Do the registry trick as mentioned in a few posts before
2. Restart your computer
3. Install the program
None of the download work...
(Ripley) DELETED by Ripley : link oudated
Sorry, previous link required registration...

This link should work.

great program, just ran it on my LFS PC and it worked perfectly. Because I am using my 3 Monitors for LFS, i would like to run that gauge on my netbook, but when it is succesfuly installed, and I want to run it, theres following message:

Quote :Run-time error '713':
Class not registered.
You need following file to be installed on your machine.

Somebody has a solution for this? My netbook has win 7 starter 32 bit.
Is it possible to Start the Dashboard on second Screen? Everytime time it Starts windowed and on the first screen. Is it possible to save the last position? or is there another trick ?
When are the larger versions coming ?
Not sure about the startup screen, a 3rd part app might be able to do that if it bothers you
As for the different sizes... well I started it but had no time to finish it and gave up, released what I had to the public for anyone to continue..

Although, Without looking through the thread, Yep all 3 pages of it xD
I have no idea if anyone still has the latest sources as UploadFFS and Megaupload have both gone down the drain, or FBI shutdown in MU's case lol
But if you're looking for any custom sizes you'll have to find the sources and have VB6 installed to change it, You'll have to resize all the controls individually

IIRC..The sources wont update to VS2008 or VS2010..At least not without a shitload of errors and warnings
So you will need VB6 to edit the source
Yes thats the way i handle it out , i use "ultramon" to select on wich screen it should start, but only windowed.
Any chance of a new upload link for any of them? The UploadFFS site doesn't work for any of the links, and MegaUpload is obviously out.

Virtual LFS Dashboard
(116 posts, started )