What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 18
Country: Norway
Preferred Car/Track: All
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Fast enough.
How Active Are You? Quite active.
What Kind of Control do you use? Fanatec.
Time Zone: UTC +1

I am searching for a nice team who wants to do some league-racing, especially endurance races.
(xtraction) DELETED by xtraction
(Egon-est) DELETED by Egon-est
Quote from xtraction ::O what happened tommy?

And good luck!

While meeting up with team-mate Teemu, Tommy had intercourse with this girl. Turns out it was someone related to Teemu. This isn't allowed in our team, and we had to let Tommy go because of it.
Quote from pmd9409 :while meeting up with team-mate teemu, tommy had intercourse with this girl. Turns out it was someone related to teemu. This isn't allowed in our team, and we had to let tommy go because of it.

This was obviously a 1st of April joke I am still in ineX, and Im not searching for a team
april fooooooooooools
well tommy.. it was past 12pm so it was pretty stupid
Quote from xtraction :well tommy.. it was past 12pm so it was pretty stupid

1st april goes until midnight as far as i know.
joke only goes till noon
Oh i didn't know that
Quote :In some countries, such as the UK, Australia, and South Africa the jokes only last until noon, and someone who plays a trick after noon is called an "April Fool". Elsewhere, such as in France, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia, The Netherlands, Brazil, Canada, and the U.S., the jokes last all day

3 countries against the world.
Edit* Also remember that there are different timezones.
so i wasnt wrong but wasnt right
Quote from xtraction :so i wasnt wrong but wasnt right

your wrong. because your one of the 3 exceptions (rolls eyes : P)
(Averro) DELETED by Averro
LFS username: MentaLLL
Nickname: MentaLLL
Real name: Ben Green
Age: 16
Country: UK
Preferred Car/Track: XRT & Autocross
How Active Are You? I play every day, pretty much Wanting to get better so!
What Kind of Control do you use? DFGT Using 360 degrees at the moment until i get used to it then im going to move up
Time Zone: GMT +0
A little bit about yourself: I've always love cars, they have been a major fascination throughout these later years, i've pretty much played them all, all of the NFS's and GRID's etc. They were all fun, but got a little repetitive and lets face it not that challenging. LFS is different, it is something new to me, drifting in this game is way different, it is much harder to get right for a start!

While i've only had the game for a few days (bought it 2 hours ago) i have managed to get to grips with a few of the basic drift styles and techniques. This isnt a team search as such, its mainly a search for some people i can practice my drifting with and hopefully get tips and improve!

Also, i have played an FPS game called CSS for many years, so i know the ins and outs of competitive play, so i know that communication is key yet also having fun is what its all about!

I look forward to becoming part of the drifting community!
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 13
Country: Finland
Preferred Car/Track: SS, GTR, UF1/Aston
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Don't remember :P
How Active Are You? Haven't been much since last year

What Kind of Control do you use? Logitech DFP
Time Zone: +2

I've been away for long. Now I'm getting motivation to start LFS again. I've raced in a few teams before, driving a few GTAL and LFSCART Light races.
In real life, I drive karting, what takes most of my time, especially when I start racing KF3 this year. I race with a Finn Made chassis, NINAR, what has put up a factory team for this year. I'm taking part in European Championship Qual., Viking Trophy and World Cup. Also, I race the Finnish Championship.

(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759 : .
What kind of team are you looking for? (Race, Drift, Cruise, Drag or other): Cruise and Drift
Age: 15 (soon 16)
Country: Denmark
Preferred Car/Track: For cruise AS5x and Drift KY3r and AU1
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: Im not the big racer so i dont have any "good" times at that tracks.
How Active Are You? atm. im not that active becouse im at a International College of Sport, but at the start of the summer when i stop at the school i will get a lot more active! And that about 1-2 hour a day.
What Kind of Control do you use? G25
Time Zone: UTC+1; UTC+2 at summertime

The reason to i search a team is becouse that i was in the WindStyle team (WS.C) and when that did goes down was there no new team to join, and therefor i make this post

Im also good as a "webmaster" if there is any teams there needs help at that.

/Mat6681 - This
What kind of team are you looking for? Race and Cruise
Age: 15 (going on 16 in July)
Country: USA and proud of it
Preferred Car/Track: XRG/FBM Blackwood
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 1 minute 25 seconds with XRG 1 minute 11 seconds with FBM
How Active Are You? I race single player everyday, i race MP when my internet is good
What Kind of Control do you use? Keyboard steering
Time Zone: EST (New York state)
Good Qualities: Brash and ready to rumble at moments notice (only on weekdays after 4pm (school) and weekends) Can recover from any spin, Good blocking, good pit strategy.
Bad Qualities: Not very experienced in MP racing (mostly in Cruise), my autism tends to make me mad about alot of things (losing control of car with lead on last turn of last lap could make me start saying bad things), i tend to oversteer in the XFG and sometimes the XRG depending on the setup. I lack skill on rallycross tracks.

Something worth note: I only race blackwood (as im a demo racer) and im a huge NASCAR fan.
One last thing: i have no money of my own
Quote from theblaze57 :Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: 1 minute 25 seconds with XRG 1 minute 11 seconds with FBM

Those times are unreachable, mistake perhaps? Unless you were using Tweak, or were driving on the Rallycross track(bl2).

Quote :my autism tends to make me mad about alot of things (losing control of car with lead on last turn of last lap could make me start saying bad things)

No worries. Same story for most of us on that point, autism or not
oh yeah sorry.
on the xrg its 1 min 49
fbm is 1 min 24
Those are my fastest cause im not keeping track of all my lap times

i just finished a hot-lap session for all 3 demo cars and my fastest times are now updated.
Quote from theblaze57 :oh yeah sorry.
on the xrg its 2 min 15
fbm is 1 min 58
Those are my fastest cause im not keeping track of all my lap times

What demo users used to do is put their fastest lap time on their license plate That should help you since you do single player more than multi player.
Quote from pik_d :What demo users used to do is put their fastest lap time on their license plate

"Used to"? I keep seeing that whenever I do some demo racing, when there's no good S2 servers around.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :"Used to"? I keep seeing that whenever I do some demo racing, when there's no good S2 servers around.

Wow, I figured they'd stop after demo users had to register the same way licensed users did and LFSW started keeping track of their stats.

I've done some demo racing but I don't recall seeing lap times on plates

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