I think that it could be good to have more "advanced" options to cars. Like you could pick engine and differend engines/tyres etc. and they all would have differend weakneses and strenghts. You could balance your car with those and it would give more surprises to races and would make races be more interesting. Also could be a button where to report or crashers =) these are just my toughts, sorry if i write bad english
Eric already on it, here is the concept art (Just a note final result my vary)
Scaven says the breast physics is more advanced than tyre physics and its the true reason for latest delay of the patch.
The test forum liked it but testers are not sure how realistic it is compared to real life as no one have any point of reference
Victor struggle to make realistic flapping sound with default LFS sound mixer
So as you can see devs are working hard to make your dream come true