I don't know why you are going to Russian/soviet country's anyhow, Unless you plan to drink your holiday away, Go to Sydney, New Zealand.
(Get the pun?)
In reality, There isn't to much to see really, I mean, If you take new york, Or london for example, And spread it out to spread a whole country's worth, It's kind of how Russian territories are. Then again, I grew up in Oktyabrsky. If you insist on going, It might be fun to go to Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Or maybe Kyiv, Lviv. If you plan on packing electronics, Be sure to grab a converter. Electrical current runs on 220v/60Hz in Ukraine, American current is 110v/50Hz. Also make sure you grab a battery alarm clock, If you're staying that long, Ones with power cables will not function due to current.
Enjoy your stay?

(Or stay longer, And they will eat you... I'm dead serious. Ukrainians are freaky. Lol)
I forgot to mention, The food is quite good. ^^ And if you plop a American/British flag on your car, You're bound to be the instant favorite.