The online racing simulator
LFS Outgauge on iPad
(84 posts, started )
Some news for iphone 4? The jailbreak is required?

lolwut this thread is still here?
Quote from m4tty :Some news for iphone 4? The jailbreak is required?


It's works on iPhone 4 and jailbreak is not required
i have a ipod touch 4g
will it work?
of course!
Any download link?
No, sorry i need to update it! BTW i have no time and lfs dont get update too
ok thank you
Okey, I formated my hdd and there is my software, so i give back from users and upload to here! Onetime i rewrite it!
Hurray \o/
Here is the first 0.1B for ALL iDEVICES WITH AIR PLAY


OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 4000
OutGauge ID 0

Start exe
Move to iDevice's screen and press S to fit to screen!

Please test this first version!
Attached files
LFS - 432.6 KB - 459 views
Yay, wish I check my email sooner would have been able to test it.
So, you tested it?
Quote from Gegry1992 :Here is the first 0.1B for ALL iDEVICES WITH AIR PLAY


Start exe
Move to iDevice's screen and press S to fit to screen!

I'm not understanding your logic. Air play is playing a multimedia though an Apple TV. The only way this would work is to buy something like MaxiVista.

Edit: uploaded screenshot. So there's basically no editing for it? I'm stuck with kph and the max set to 240?
Attached images
I'm about to test it now, got back to my computer.

Edit: The oougauge does not fit my Touch4's screen, only partially. (*yes I pressed S)

Edit2: I have idisplay too
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :I'm not understanding your logic. Air play is playing a multimedia though an Apple TV. The only way this would work is to buy something like MaxiVista.

Edit: uploaded screenshot. So there's basically no editing for it? I'm stuck with kph and the max set to 240?

Maxivista isnt for iPhone iPod only for iPad

Airplay same as Maxvisita btw Airplay is using native resolution and resizing to 320x480

iDisplay is using real resolution on iPhone/Pod4 480x960

We need to find one free display extender app!

So "pfpdoodlez2009" why not fit ?
it only takes up a quarter of the screen, so I can barely see it, even when it's mounted on my wheel... I think you should have to resized much larger for iDisplay users because the screen is probably adjusted to my main monitor's resoloution (1366x768)

IN other words, the out gauge takes up a quarter of my monitor, and a squarter of my ipod.
Thanks for feedback!
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :I'm not understanding your logic. Air play is playing a multimedia though an Apple TV. The only way this would work is to buy something like MaxiVista.

Edit: uploaded screenshot. So there's basically no editing for it? I'm stuck with kph and the max set to 240?

That is iPad?
how to put this on my Generation 2 iTouch?
well i bought the idisplay app for 4.99 and it works... but not in full screen... and i lose connection too often.

and add MPH pls.
Yes, I have that fullscreen issue too, I haven't tested it much after that issue because I couldn't see the outgauge (and I have it set up literally behind my g27's wheel itself, like a real dashboard). Touch4 here ._.
i wish this app ran through the USB chord, would be much more functional.

LFS Outgauge on iPad
(84 posts, started )