The online racing simulator
New Test Patch (not VWS or S3)
(235 posts, closed, started )
#51 - PoVo
Thanks for the update. It's so fun with all the old bugs fixed and new track configs.
#52 - Eiw
thanks it's a lot of fun

I wanted to give a try to drive a little big configuration as just to show you wha possibilities we have now

about framerate, it dropped for me 75% (it was 12 when using open conf, while normally in KY3 it is almost 50. Numbers are average ofc)


I have also tested Fern Bay, with long section where is jump at the start. That section should never be removed <3

about framerate, it was a bit higher, but did go under 5fps in some sections. (it was 16 when using open cof, while normally in FE4R it is almost 60. Numbers are average ofc)

EDIT2: I tried also a jump from Ramp2 in FE1X - Long Section. Landing is quite cool.
Attached files
MTDZX-Master ^h21_KY3X_FZ5.spr - 164 KB - 251 views
MTDZX-Master ^h21_FE4Y_FZ5.spr - 139.1 KB - 227 views
MTDZX-Master ^h21_FE1X_FZ5.spr - 35.6 KB - 229 views
woot thank you Scawen.
After the release of this patch. Is it possible to release the new physics in the near future? Because you fix the error trails, and hotlap fill temporarily impossible.
Quote from [Audi TT] :After the release of this patch. Is it possible to release the new physics in the near future? Because you fix the error trails, and hotlap fill temporarily impossible.

Doing hotlaps is possible using latest non-test patch (aka Z28).

the extra main straight on fern bay, and the short straight part next to the chicane of bl1 are very bumpy. it would be nice if they were even, so you can go full throttle over there, without flying high.
First Test

Z28 = 92 Fps
Z30 = 99 Fps

Amd x2 240
4 GB Ram
Geforce GT240

Thx for 7 Fps more
(Only on open Config i lost Fps but i think this is normal. More road,more power is need)

PS: I love the new Cameras in Shift + U mode now i feel like a Tv Director when i watch Races. This is so, so, WOW!

Thank you so so much Scavier

:lfs: is a part of my Life. :monkey:
Yesterday fun in Z30 server

Quote from reason0809 :suggestion:

the extra main straight on fern bay, and the short straight part next to the chicane of bl1 are very bumpy. It would be nice if they were even, so you can go full throttle over there, without flying high.

That said, I think it would be easier if there were some track updates with this as well. Doesn't Eric have anything ready after nearly 3 years of nothing?
Quote from Mango Juice :That said, I think it would be easier if there were some track updates with this as well. Doesn't Eric have anything ready after nearly 3 years of nothing?

Eric requested the changes to the engine that allow the open configurations, I think it's safe to assume he's got something.
#64 - 65D
The fps depends of your computer. I got before 80-120fps depending of where im looking at and amount of multiplayer cars. Now, sometimes on crowded south city, with open config, it drops to 40fps which is still playable.

And my laptop is not that powerful.

Intel® Corei3-330M, 2,13 Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 320M
Quote from morpha :Eric requested the changes to the engine that allow the open configurations, I think it's safe to assume he's got something.

I'm talking about actual updates to tracks currently in the game. The fear from Scawen is that it causes more incompatibility and perhaps resetting of World Records...but I doubt any LFS player actually cares about that. Eric request changes to the track editor to Scawen, so he must be doing something, but again, he must have done stuff to the current tracks since the last track update all those years ago. If the track updates are ready and waiting (which I hope they are; if not then wtf has Eric been doing?), then they should be packaged into this patch, especially seeing how they could fix all the drop-holes as well, instead of making Scawen fix them by other means.
With these new open tracks/configs it would be great if the developers could increase the numbers of total in a race. And perhaps also implement so you can spawn in the "old pits" aswell..

Maybe in the next update-fix along with many other things..

* This suggestion is mainly for Cruise servers.
Quote from NovaK :With these new open tracks/configs it would be great if the developers could increase the numbers of total in a race. And perhaps also implement so you can spawn in the "old pits" aswell..

Maybe in the next update-fix along with many other things..

* This suggestion is mainly for Cruise servers.

+1 on this. Maybe increase it to 42-44 and this would be very good.
Quote from NovaK :* This suggestion is mainly for Cruise servers.

Oh god, you should of not added this sentence, on this forum .

Anyway, thank you for a great patch, Scavier .
Quote from morpha :Eric requested the changes to the engine that allow the open configurations, I think it's safe to assume he's got something.


Quote from Scawen :Because the new view is not locked to the path of the track, LFS does not know which objects are visible, so the whole track must be drawn. I managed to find several optimisations that improved the frame rate in this situation, and that gave me a thought : if you can be in SHIFT+U mode and draw everything, then how about allowing "open configurations" where you can drive around anywhere in a track area, with the barriers removed?

Moreover that lightbulb moment, it has been suggested like from day 2 since a public version of LFS has been released.
Quote from Krane :Moreover that lightbulb moment, it has been suggested like from day 2 since a public version of LFS has been released.

I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying that open configurations is some fantastic original idea that just occurred to me. I've been here all the time too, I know they have been talked about for years.

It has always been quite impossible due to the frame rate loss. But now that computers are more powerful, *and* because I had spent several days working on optimisations to improve the frame rate without drawlists, the thing that occurred to me is that finally, the long awaited open configurations could be made (although that was quite a few more days work).
Quote from NovaK :With these new open tracks/configs it would be great if the developers could increase the numbers of total in a race.

+1 on both idea's
Quote from Nobody92 :Oh god, you should of not added this sentence, on this forum .

Some people like to cruise, some like to race. Nothing wrong with that, people are different. I don't see why people shall hate cruise servers. They can easily just stay away from them.

* Many racers comes to cruise servers, for a change. Trying something different, and they usually enjoy it.

This is what makes LFS the best racing simulator. That you can Race, Drift, Autocross, Cruise, Fun driving.. all at once.
Quote from Scawen :I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying that open configurations is some fantastic original idea that just occurred to me. I've been here all the time too, I know they have been talked about for years.

It has always been quite impossible due to the frame rate loss. But now that computers are more powerful, *and* because I had spent several days working on optimisations to improve the frame rate without drawlists, the thing that occurred to me is that finally, the long awaited open configurations could be made (although that was quite a few more days work).

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't suggesting that open configs is your original idea, merely that what-ever you were working on, open configs fitted in there with it with out too much work and maybe possibly the several suggestions along LFS' lifespan contributed you having the item on your list and gave you incentive to make that happen. What ever the reason was to make open configs possible, I'm happy we have more freedom to make our layouts and the cruisers can have their way with LFS etc.

32hours awake and bit inebriated and still can come up with somewhat polite and coherent sentences, should have made the effort in the last post, but .... :tired:
#74 - Zay
For those of you wondering about how the new barriers are. Watch especially my last 2 hits, sorry for bad driving.
Attached files
Z30 Barrier testing.mpr - 60.4 KB - 211 views
Sorry for offtopic.
With the release of the test patch, he decided to try to shift + U. Of course not familiar at first, but you can shoot those shots. I liked this innovation.
This thread is closed

New Test Patch (not VWS or S3)
(235 posts, closed, started )