The online racing simulator
OWRL F1 2011: Sunday is the new race day
OWRL F1 2011: Sunday is the new race day

It's time to put the best drivers and teams in the fastest car in LFS once again! OWRL’s BF1 league will start in a months time on Sunday 22 May. Race days have been moved to Sunday for OWRL F1 2011 by request of last years drivers. The calendar is made up out of eight races each over 305 KM, visiting each location at least once.

In OWRL F1, teams of two drivers compete all season long for the driver and team championships. Just like the real deal, qualifying is run in multiple phases with parc ferme conditions for the top 10 qualifying, points are awarded up to P10 and race strategy is vital with multiple pit stops per race, even though in Live For Speed the tires last a little longer than this years Pirellis. The season runs from May until October and has a summer break in July/August.


Teams consisting of at least two drivers can apply via mail to -email- with the exact team name and LFS world names of the drivers that will take part. Applications are open until Sunday 15 May 23:00 UTC. Teams can change drivers between each race, but for one team only two drivers can race per event. Teamless and interested drivers can form temporary teams for OWRL F1 or start as a guest driver for an invited team that cannot start with two drivers. The invited teams will be announced shortly after the sign-up deadline.

2011 Calendar
Race # - date (# laps): track

Race 1 - 22 May (35): Aston Grand Prix
Race 2 - 5 June (77): South City Long
Race 3 - 19 June (59): Westhill International Rev
Race 4 - 3 July (47): Fern Bay Black (cloudy Sunset)

Race 5 - 28 August (60): Kyoto National
Race 6 - 11 September (93): Blackwood GP Rev
Race 7 - 25 September (55): Aston National rev (Cloudy Afternoon)
Race 8 - 9 October (42): Kyoto Ring GP Long

Time table (CEST)

- 19:30 - 19:45 Qualifying all drivers (Q1)
- 19:50 - 20:00 Top 10 Qualifying (Q2)
- 20:10 Race

OWRL F1 information
One week left to sign up for the OWRL F1 2011 season

So far we’ve received eigth applications for the upcoming season. Nine if you count an incomplete one that will materialize shortly. If you are a team of at least two drivers who are searching for a well-organized BF1 league then this is your chance to take part. Just send a mail to [email protected] containing your team name and lfsworld names of the drivers until 15 May. Races are on Sunday evenings and 305km long with a two-part qualifying. More information about the OWRL F1 and the upcoming season can be found on the OWRL F1 info page.

It's important to note that drivers without a team can form one just for this season; you do not have to be in a LFS team to create an OWRL F1 team. Some are already using the chatbox or forum to find possible teammates.

The drivers of teams that have signed so far have been added to the tracker. It's not complete yet as a driver needs to be registered on before he can be added, so register if you want to compare your times with your fellow competitors.