Nürburgring nordschleife
(50 posts, started )

Poll : Would you like a special LFS stage, called SN ?

Closed since :
Yes, I would buy the SN for 12.- Pounds as soon as its out
Yes, but it should be cheaper
Yes, but I would buy later when I got the money
No, I am not interested in having Nordschleife in LFS
Less width would be fun as well as long as you were racing with intelegant people
Red-Bull Ring or San Luis maybe?
Quote from majod :I've shared this vid on FB but I think this track is not for LFS online, it looks very narrow

It is most famous and dangerous track in Aus
Quote from hp999 :one lap of rockin'ham national circuit is 2.74 km long

one lap of nordschleife is 20.8 km

one lap of nordschleife is just over 10 times longer than one lap of rockin'ham national circuit

your argument is invalid,
- ur personal troll


Where you study maths?
Quote from Napalm Candy :20.8/2.74=7.5

Where you study maths?

People can't tell trolling from real replys these days can they...

And since the correct answer is 7.591... It's 7.6 rounded. oshit i trolled
Quote from FPVaaron :[snip]... I think we need to get other things sorted first ...[snip]

We (community in total, nothing personal) don't do shit other than moaning about not seeing any progress.
Quote from IKke5165 :We (community in total, nothing personal) don't do shit other than moaning about not seeing any progress.

I can honestly say that I have never moaned or complained about lack of progress (check post history if you must), I'm one of the few people on this forum that still actually play the game!
When I talk about the community in total, nothing personal i talk about the people in general, in average. I also never moaned and I also still enjoy lfs, if i wasn't I wouldn't even be posting here .
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :
Honestly though, I would pay much more than £12 for it. Obviously it wouldn't have to be laser scanned or even match the S2 track quality standards...

Definitely! 12 bucks is about half of what you pay for 1 (ONE!) real lap there. So I wouldn't be picky about the price in LFS. With LFS's physics I wouldn't begin to whine until it reaches ... uhm ... let's say 50 bucks - which is still cheap, at least compared to real life!

Quote from GreyBull :
But now, why don't you devs try to to take the challenge, build a virtual track of a decent quality that could be easily compared to the Nordschleife? Why couldn't you succeed on that point, while you managed to produce very fun tracks on which drivers are still having a lot of fun 6-8 years after their creation?

Because personally I can't assure that I'd maintain the aspirations learning a track this long and demanding if there is no possibility to drive it for real one day. Now, just in case everybody wants to tell me that a racing simulation can never resemble real life - you are right about that. But it definitely helps knowing where the tricky bits are before depreciating your car, kindly helped by the guardrail.
Cud Be possible, Port it from another game (with game Devs pemmision), a game with the track that ent played nomore. That wud safe the work load. Still the fact of cost to port it.

But i think racing online ud still have the same amount of racers as we have now, due to server capacity.

Love the track and wud pay for the addon!
(jenck) DELETED by Flame CZE : useless bump
(Bose321) DELETED by Flame CZE : useless bump
I think Nürburgring is must be added.

here is contact for Nürburgring Track Data: [email protected]

If developers would not sleep and made something to improve and progress this game I would be Buy it 100%, and not only me, many people would, because LFS has big potential...
Yea, right. After nordschleife you'd say another bunch of stuff like "if you do this and that I'm gonna buy it 100%"
(Abone) DELETED by Abone
LOL, I was going to post a snarky remark along the lines of "Wow, why hasn't anyone suggested this before?!?", but then I discovered I had already done so, FOUR YEARS AGO. Big grin
Nordslafe is the best racing track ever
Quote from VicaNo :Nordslafe is the best racing track ever

It's actually quite awful for racing.

It's enjoyable for "dueling" a single other person, provided you're friends and have some "mercy" rule to let the other person catch up to keep you close together.

As a race track it's too narrow and long. That said, it's so legendary because it's so narrow and long and challenging.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Let's face it, most of LFS' tracks are pretty much unrealistic. [...] Or Kyoto with its GP Long section, a roval going outside the actual oval track...

NHMS (Loudon, New Hampshire, United States)

Calder Park (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Thompson Speedway (Thompson, Connecticut, United States)
Motego Twin Ring
(does not actually use the oval but tunnels through and goes outside)
Quote from R@fiXII :Yea, right. After nordschleife you'd say another bunch of stuff like "if you do this and that I'm gonna buy it 100%"

man, understand correctly what I am trying to tell here. I would buy it if developers not sleeping there u got this?

I do not know about u but I know this game about 5 or 6 years and it is all same, thats why I will not buy it...
If you think it's "all the same" why not buy the license and get lots of new tracks and cars? I know it sounds strange but you could actually try all the tracks before demanding new ones. Taped Shut
Quote from gaboteam :man, understand correctly what I am trying to tell here. I would buy it if developers not sleeping there u got this?

Then buy AC - devs there are very active. Online mode is utter crap and devs don't give a dump about improving it,but they're still are very active,not like our old perfectionist here,who realeases stuff only of it's completely done. In AC they're very actively releasing stuff with new cars,tracks,bugs and other funny things! Thumbs up
Quote from zeugnimod :If you think it's "all the same" why not buy the license and get lots of new tracks and cars? I know it sounds strange but you could actually try all the tracks before demanding new ones. Taped Shut

yeah correct point, but in my case I know this game from A to Z, have had played all cars on all tracks (shame to say it but...it was Pirated vesrion). currently I do not have S2 License and I am enjoying demo online, trying to be legal, and as I am experienced in it I do not see point to buy it, past 5 yaer I do not see any new car or track or whatever, I do not see feature

Eclipsed - what AC? is it other game? I did not tryed other simulators because my PC is weak

This game has real huge potential but sadly it is dead
AC = Assetto Corsa. But if your PC is weak,don't bother,requirements are very high.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :But what about releases of new configurations of the current tracks now? A bit like you did with as6-7 or so6 a while ago. I would really love to try a combined version of Aston Club+Cadet, of Kyoto GP Long+National for endu... And I'm not the only one I belive! This wouldn't require THAT much efforts AFAIK, and would put a bit of new breath into the whole thing for a short while.

Just my 2 cents.

Ok I was wondering is anybody has suggested this, and finally found. I agree with this. I even suggest that current LFS players could send layout suggestions and the best ones would be included as new official track combinations. For example in the Autocross-forum section there is one awesome Fern Bay layout that I already named to "Fern Bay Black Premium". It would be really super to have it as official track.

Nürburgring nordschleife
(50 posts, started )