Well this little project has only taken me around 10 days in total, most of that was waiting for the bloody parts to arrive, but it all came together 2 days back, so here we go
take one knackered old office chair, this was given to me by my dad who "acquired it" about 10 years ago, it came in nice brown tweed covering the old 306 cabriolets used to come with a vinyl covering over the roof while in transit and this stuff was the best "fake" leather i had ever seen, i had a massive amount (i got to keep all the old covers when the cars were PDI`d) so i recovered the seat.
But that's not bling enough, so we will start by ripping off the armrests, one was a little knackered anyway
Easy peasy, simply whip off the base and back rest, these just screwed on
Transport to work so the operation can commence
It was discovered that the base of the armrests had some nifty little bits that i could use to hold the front of the seat down, these were hacked off with a big hacksaw
I Knew i needed some flat metal bar to help make a sub frame, and cunningly i worked out that there was some inside the old arm rests, which was covered in some thick rubber style foam stuff (technical term!!) i tried to cut it off, it was hard work
I figured that me messing about with a Stanley blade was only going to lead to some missing fingers, so the best plan of attack was FIRE!!!! Got some of asdas finest 95ron with a little 2 stroke mixed in (stolen from the minimoto) and started to burn the black crap off i did not get a pic the first time as i used a little to much and we had to put it out ASAP, small controlled fires are better for this kind of work IMO, bit to close to the fence and stuff, but i had a "boy" on stand by with a fire extinguisher remember to ask an adult if you can play with matches.......
While the boy supervised the inferno around the corner, i had another look at the seat base and discovered that the backrest support would unbolt from the base, saving me from cutting it off, so i whipped that off.
Back to the fires of doom to find its nearly finished
Chucked it in the prewash bucket to cool it down, quick clean up and we now have some free flat bar (tight northerner )