1. start reading posts or even go do some races at our Server "oval junkies" with us FM guys then tell me again what you think about it cause Andrés Fair & Fun + Oval Munkies are just bad copies and believe me those Servers do not really offer "Fair & Fun".
2. If there are no Admins, i totally agree with you. But to be realistic, noobs are everywhere more or less, road track or oval noobs dont care.
But, there are still Drivers like us who want to race and fight and whatever dont forget this.
3. Oval what?? BS!! lol. Keeping the Track clear is the Goal on our Server in order to give those who did not crash a nice finish. So different to Tracks with right corners and keeping the laptime in your mind its just simple: standing on track is fatal here. Doing this forces a spectate, then after sorting things out (or not) maybe kick but only if really nessesary BAN.
4. Not True. I cant remember that i have ever seen you on our server anyway so where did you got all those infos from? Do Practice, more or less, show that you are willing to win races due fair fights and you will race with the Aliens sooner then you think. And more important then win a race is the Race itself for me and most of the guys i know
5. Not True as well. Whats your pb btw? 31.6x is mostly standard by most of the drivers without draft. Some better do 31.5x and the WR my friend is 31.45. If it would be like you said we would have alot more fun imho. But i agree with you, the last bit, talking about getting below 50 really takes ages but once you managed it its like reaching another level and pushing that car on its limits over this track is more fun then on any other track for me.
6. After 5 laps without draft for sure. But i bet its even a shit lot of work for a Alien like you to get and stay fast in a grid of 23 cars. And even if you reached the top 5 Train and there are less cars around...its not going less easier.
7. Well i do not like to hear that even its not true but i really hope to race you one day with some of my mates

I know youre gone love it one day!!
And i would like to see more Ovals, Talladega or Daytona style or maybe official ? who knows, would be great to do a Event on different ovals like you monkeys do on the road tracks for example

dont get me wrong, im not a pure oval racer but as long its in the game i will use it and im really glad it is.
And yes, i am sorry my english sux ****.