The online racing simulator
Quote from ACCAkut :is there anything similar for ATI cards?

ATI does not have anything similar.. the only way to get this feature, is to have an NVIDIA card.

I think the new modified servers shouldn't save pb improvements, as you already know it will be quite easy to do better times. Thought it would be ok to still be able to retrieve info (only-read LFSW info)
In what month will come out lfs s3? (if somebody know)
I'm quite sure that nobody knows it...

Anyway - good improvements,less flickering chalk objects (flickers mostly where they cross each other and in very uneven places) and as an in-built graphics card user,I'm always glad for framerate improving optimisations!
Quote from misiek08 :Can z33 have adding/moving/removing objects via InSim, please? That will be awesome and will give you some time to make new physics, Rockingham, Scirocoo while we will be making new type of cruise and drift servers.

Seconded, this would be handy as it means insim doesn't lag the whole server to change from one layout to another when you just want to add a few cones, ie in autocross events .
Quote from BOSCHO :ATI does not have anything similar.. the only way to get this feature, is to have an NVIDIA card.

This is not true, Ambient Occlusion is for all video cards, but the game has to support it. It's just the nvidia drivers can FORCE it on unssuported game and amd cant yet.
What exactly does "avoid CP check" do?
Which part isn't checked on a modified server? Is any modification on the client side allowed or must is be the same as on server side?
Can anyone explain what the "/modified=yes" command exactly do?

If i understand it right, the cheat protection system is stopped.

But why it´s not possible to join my dedicated host with slickmod? If you change your tyres e.g. to gnobbly and join the race, you will be banned.

Any ideas? :/


lol GeForz, danke!
I alreary have been in a Z28 server with modified enabled, they were using nitro mod while I was in standard LFS, no problems at all
Quote from Ivan-R32 :In what month will come out lfs s3? (if somebody know)

The month following the one you buy S1 and S2 first
Quote from vistaman :@BOSCHO: Not everybody is using Nvida Graphic Cards...

Ambient Occlusion is...:


1: Resource Intensive at worst....

2: Resource Intensive at best....

3: Extremely GPU intensive.

4: will make your mother fat....

5: Require Pixel Shaders 3.0 or better

6: is not available on DX8
( Boscho - this means it CANNOT be done in LFS anyway unless LFS upgrades to DX9C/DX10/DX11 )

Ambient Occlusion is rendered in real time - every frame - every time the camera or object is move - and WILL TAKE too much performance away from LFS to be practical.

Also - it is a form of real time RADIOSITY - it is not a form os casting shadows - they are seperate.

LFS track shadows on the other hand may need improvement - but they are not gonna suck your GPU away.

I would have prefered a cached/caching radiosity render feature ( meaning calculate once use forever ( until daylight changes or sun position is relocated ) ...... using a 'render to texture' aproach to create cached shadow mapping and application....

-- and a cached prerendered radiosiy shadow map DOES NOT require any shaders - and would remain DX8 friendly.

Boscho - IT IS NOT , and will NEVER BE exclusive only to NVidia - all graphics chipsets capable of SS3.X etx can support it.

Shaders are scripted - and ambient occlusion can be scripted into a game - to be compiled by the GPU and applied to the envitonment :

1: meaning the GAME must have a shaderFX script for it usually.
2: if NVidia maintains a precompiled shader then it would be in Nvidia's API - but then again - games running on ATI would need a shader script for it - and it would vary depending from game to game and on whoever wrote it - howver - it's easier to just supply your own shaders with your own game - or use a game engine that already has them put together and tested.

But who gives a **** anyhow - It will never happen because your request is simply not possible on DX8. DX8 has very limited shader support ( bump mapping .. specular mapping --- the basic stuff ) compared to newer versions.

Additionally: Ambient Occlusion ( if forced on us ) would prevent people with slower computers and weaker cards from seeing track shadows in LFS -
Ambient Occlusion does not work great on huge environments and is kinda pointless on outdoor environments..... in the end Baked Radiosity/Lighting is better for tracks that dont have dynamic sunlight.

Radiosity Baking and caching a light map would only need one rund - then Raycast generic ( rendertotexture) shadows for direct dynamic lighting...

No wait a minute --- why the hell am I talking about this shit all over again ....

Reminds me of trying to set 'JustASimFan' straight (impossible to fix a retard there anyhow)

..... fuxxit - this is a waste of time anyhow because you probably wont be listening anyhow.
hello i have a problem with the Logitech DFGT have everything set as in previous versions of the Z32 and I started having a problem with Force Feedback Wheel I automatically begin to twitch in the corners I tore it out of hand I have FF set to high setting profiler 70% in game 40 -45 I do not know what it could be today, I tried the Z31 and even there it was fine thanks ... PS Sorry for my English use a translator ...
Scawen, this section of grass on FE appears to have no grip (or grip like sand). There may be more spots like this.

See the attached .spr (used XRT on Hard Track setup)
Attached files
grip_bug.spr - 39.5 KB - 292 views
Quote from Scawen :I still can't reproduce the bug. I've tried in an SPR and an MPR, if I am paused and following a car I can go backwards using the < key or clicking earlier on the replay time bar and it just stays with the car every time.

Quote from Bokujishin :I tried too, and I can't reproduce either. I'm not locking the camera, only following, but it stays with the car while stepping backwards

Thanks for checking. For some reason I didn't explain myself very well previously (distracted by RL issues)

Please see this video which shows the problem I see.

The replay is paused and I enter Shift+U and set follow.
Stepping forwards is no problem, but stepping back [index 0:27] the view is reset.
I return to the car, and follow it again but this time locking the view [index 0:44].
Stepping forwards is again without problems, and stepping backwards now stays with the car [index 0:50]
I then turn off the lock and the camera is once again reset when backstepping [index 1.04]

The last part of the video shows what happens when I do not return to the car, but set follow mode from the reset camera position. Stepping forward works as expected, but when I backstep, the view is not only reset, but increases in distance from the car. Repeating this (using reset camera position and frame stepping) the camera gets further and further from the car. [indices 1:17 and 1:24] This later part is new to me (I didn't keep Z30/1 so cannot check back).

Is this the desired behaviour?

[Additional info]
The replay is a saved SPR made with Z32.
Method of updating was to copy and overwrite contents of Z31 from zip. Paths were maintained.

This last point is the only thing I can think of that might be different. Should I have updated from Z28?
I'm aware it's a feature request but I will make it anyway because I have no bugs or other comments to make at this point. (:tilt

Is it possible to change track selection to /track=bl1+[weathertype] or something equivalent which does not need to make the track reload twice.

We are racing in sunny weather for over a year now

* and for some... It's really a sort of bug... Track loading costs too much CPU/HDD time and causes a time out. Maybe permit longer TCP timeout time in track/join screen?

Quote from Whiskey :LFSWorld bug, as this also happens on Z28.
Plus, the Split 4 is beyond the message lenght, so it is neither a suitable way of display splits

Funny, I would think that Vic would be using the larger 128 byte length message packet by now. I think he will have a fix for it very soon if not already.

Quote from :I'm aware it's a feature request but I will make it anyway because I have no bugs or other comments to make at this point. (:tilt

Is it possible to change track selection to /track=bl1+[weathertype] or something equivalent which does not need to make the track reload twice.

We are racing in sunny weather for over a year now

* and for some... It's really a sort of bug... Track loading costs too much CPU/HDD time and causes a time out. Maybe permit longer TCP timeout time in track/join screen?


Agreed great idea.
+1 with

AFAIK it not loading 2 times the track, it load 1 time and then it change the ilumination and that is what Use more CPU/HDD and make ppl connection timeout in the lobby
Great work Scawen, but may i ask something ?

Maybe lots of Cruise servers will like, when you allow 100-200 Objects more, that mean, now its something 813, and that should be some number like 900 or 1000 as a MAX I think its not so big problem maybe ? Is it ?

Thx for reply ! And have a nice day !
Quote from Squelch :The replay is paused and I enter Shift+U and set follow.
Stepping forwards is no problem, but stepping back [index 0:27] the view is reset.
I return to the car, and follow it again but this time locking the view [index 0:44].
Stepping forwards is again without problems, and stepping backwards now stays with the car [index 0:50]
I then turn off the lock and the camera is once again reset when backstepping [index 1.04]

I have to say I don't understand why the camera does this on your video. I did the exact same thing and the camera stays on the car, whether I click "lock" or not...

EDIT: @ Scawen: Oh then that's the way you reduced it^^
I did a little test on AU, placed a few chalk objects here and there, randomly and also on precise spots (intersection with AU chalk, intersection between multiple chalk objects).
My conclusion: isolated objects (I mean those that do not intersect anything else) do not (cannot?) flicker anymore.
However, as I thought, the main remaining problem is intersection between chalk objects: they are placed at the same height, so their height difference being 0, they do flicker.
I'm not quite sure how you could fix that, though. (maybe a way of telling when these objects are intersecting, and when it is the case, move them separately?).
I also looked at how "high" the objects were away from the ground, and it is barely noticeable they're not actually touching it (only noticed it while intersecting them with the lower part of a ramp, a barrier, etc.).
problem was solved by turning the analog to 0.95 and base is 0.00 m sorry for the false alarm.
Can i have an unlock please? Due to MoE stuff, i got quite confused when my tweaked MoE LFS wouldn't go onto Z32 after i installed the patch, after then being told i needed to unlock after installing i did but it made no difference. Now MoE is over and i want to go back to normal LFS but i have no unlocks Thanks.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Can i have an unlock please? Due to MoE stuff, i got quite confused when my tweaked MoE LFS wouldn't go onto Z32 after i installed the patch, after then being told i needed to unlock after installing i did but it made no difference. Now MoE is over and i want to go back to normal LFS but i have no unlocks Thanks.

Request additional unlocks via's contact form
Quote from :I'm aware it's a feature request but I will make it anyway because I have no bugs or other comments to make at this point. (:tilt

Is it possible to change track selection to /track=bl1+[weathertype] or something equivalent which does not need to make the track reload twice.

We are racing in sunny weather for over a year now

* and for some... It's really a sort of bug... Track loading costs too much CPU/HDD time and causes a time out. Maybe permit longer TCP timeout time in track/join screen?


ummm personally I do not like the idea. Altough it would be small on get implented the code on commands, but I would like to use just different.

EDIT: yeah, well I do not remember what is the command for the weather, but I would prefer to use same simple commands as everywhere


if normally you would change just weather:


if including track:


so we would not use anymore command /weather only, because you just include it to the track command.

Sorry this opinion but it annoys me to have several same thingies in several same places lol. (im not crying tho)
This thread is closed