The online racing simulator
/sc_Username & /tow_Username
I just noticed something cool about what I would suggest with simple thing I guess.

Usually when people wants to have safety car, but it will get showed as position in race (specially when finishing race during safety car on). Simply make a command /sc=Username to import a user to Safety Car, so it LFS will take a one racer off from the list and will have a notify about Safety Car. Also, other commands from Race Control would be:

/sc=on = Turn safety car option on
/sc=off = Turn safety car option off
/sc_Username = Select a safety car driver
/sc_laps=2 for example = Select amount of laps with safety car until race start.

So you would get options to have Safety Car on and off and it would be looking on position list as 1st (but with different color indicator like red or any).

Also, it doesn't perhaps no need to have any commands. Just picking up /sc_Username and when he join the track, SC is on and when Spec, it will be off.

Then it would show Green Flag in 5-10 seconds after SC is off.

after SC is off: GREEN FLAG ||| (in 5-10 seconds)

Rolling start behind safety car option. So lap counting would start as 0

Also, there would be option to have in server side: Laps within safety car before Rolling start: # amount of laps

@ command: /sc_laps=2 for example

Sorry, if this has been suggested before, but didn't find any.

EDIT: IF we would need a TOW car, simply same as with /SC but /Tow_Username (So it will not get laps counted, or any position during race, also they would not be implented to the grid, so there would be still able to have 32 cars in grid.)

EDIT: IF having Safety Car on single player, as AI, as rolling start, during lobby, typing /AI_SC_FZ5=on and will be automatically on 1st as in grid and it would be implented on middle of finish line. To get it off, /sc=off (or waiting when it goes to last split and will throttle to away, and getting to pits and spec itself by taking the command by itself /AI_SC_FZ5=spec. Then waiting 5-10 seconds or when cars are @ straight, Green Flag would be up.

Quote from Eclipsed :In addition to this it would be nice if some cars (those who are mostly used as safety cars - FZ,XR,FX and XF all versions and maybe RB4 as a Helping car,whatever it's called) would have flashing lights on roof and in head/tail-lights,which should be visible from long distance. And maybe possibility to choose color for them (like red/yellow/blue) These of course should be available for server admins and their assigned users.

But that would implented to client side, for who can choose the colour and car itself.

Safety Car lights would be implented also by client side, which would give an option to use a config (as same in LX4, LX6 and UF1000 cars). The only restrict would be by server by using a server option: Allow Safety Cars: Yes/No. To access to allow safety cars, giving a command /carssc=on or /carssc=off

EDIT: same for tows: Allow Tow Cars: Yes/No. And commands /carstow=on or /carstow=off.

Also, when filtering server to have a REAL+ for example, filtering servers where are SC and TOW on.

Options for server:
Safety car: on/off
Type username for using Safety Car: _________
AI Safety car: on/off
Rolling start, laps until race start by behind of safety car: #
Rolling start: on/off (when off, no safety car @ starting grid)
Warmup lap: on/off (when Rolling start is on, no warmup lap on)
Tow car: on/off
Type username for using Tow Car:________
Options for client: @ pits
Configuration: Closed/Open/Safety Car (IF VALID USERNAME)
/sc=on = Turn safety car option on
/sc=off = Turn safety car option off
/sc_Username = Select a safety car driver
/sc_laps=2 for example = Select amount of laps with safety car until race start.
/tow=on = Turn tow car option on
/tow=off = Turn tow car off
/tow_Username = Select a tow car driver
In addition to this it would be nice if some cars (those who are mostly used as safety cars - FZ,XR,FX and XF all versions and maybe RB4 as a Helping car,whatever it's called) would have flashing lights on roof and in head/tail-lights,which should be visible from long distance. And maybe possibility to choose color for them (like red/yellow/blue) These of course should be available for server admins and their assigned users.
Quote from Eclipsed :In addition to this it would be nice if some cars (those who are mostly used as safety cars - FZ,XR,FX and XF all versions and maybe RB4 as a Helping car,whatever it's called) would have flashing lights on roof and in head/tail-lights,which should be visible from long distance. And maybe possibility to choose color for them (like red/yellow/blue) These of course should be available for server admins and their assigned users.

But that would implented to client side, for who can choose the colour and car itself.

Safety Car lights would be implented also by client side, which would give an option to use a config (as same in LX4, LX6 and UF1000 cars). The only restrict would be by server by using a server option: Allow Safety Cars: Yes/No. To access to allow safety cars, giving a command /carssc=on or /carssc=off

EDIT: same for tows: Allow Tow Cars: Yes/No. And commands /carstow=on or /carstow=off.

Also, when filtering server to have a REAL+ for example, filtering servers where are SC and TOW on.
Sorry for the bump, but I just want to have discuss this more as I "accidentally" found this thread again what I forgot a week ago or so

I want to add that Rolling start behind safety car option. So lap counting would start as 0

Also, there would be option to have in server side: Laps within safety car before Rolling start: # amount of laps

@ command: /sc_laps=2 for example
Not sure if this is quite related, but meh
Right now you could get an ai driver to be a safety car but without the commands and messages etc.
Quote from Fischfix :ok here is a workaround for the use of the AI as a pacecar for flying starts:

make a setup for the AI so it cannot drive faster then the speed you want to (like 150km/h)

/ai [Name of AI]

order the grid so the ai is at the front

after the start, give out a drive-through or stop/go penalty to the ai driver in the lap you want it to start the race
/p_sg [Name of AI]
the ai will go into the pits