T7R t-shirts - check (drying as we speak)
Maps and GPS - check
Hotel Reservation - check
Clothes - pack 'em tomorrow
Whilton Mill track guide - not needed

Fuel - stop on the way
Phone - charged (but will bring charger anyway)
Wallet - check
Keys - check
Helmet - check
Gloves - check
Ears - hmmmm, will go and get them

Boots - check
Cookies - get them tomorrow too (if they have them, should have gone tonight but played LFS instead, what with U10 out

Lists of people - check
Maps to Whilton just in case - check
Cash - get on the fuel/cookie run
Screenwash juice - needs topping up but okay
Tyre Pressures - I'll kick them in the morning
Sunglasses - scratched due to mistreatment, but check
Old Jenson Button cap - check
USB stick with music on - bah, didn't get round to it, radio it is.
I think I'm good to go to bed now. See you all tomorrow, and I hope everyone has a decent journey.