At least you Ati sound a ''bit'' disappointed since you're here all the time trying to tell it doesn't matter that we won. We're currently the world champions. (Yes, the WORLD) And isn't hunger for victory quite important no matter how good roster you have?
About your statement that other teams didn't have a good roster why don't you look at Russia's roster or perhaps Canada's roster. Most of those names do sound familiar don't you think?

Also considering the fact that we had 4 NHL players and all the rest were from Europe or Russia (Joensuu didn't play so he doesn't count) I claim that we actually suffered from the fact that all NHL players didn't make it to world championships.
You also bring that 2-11 record up, but why don't you tell me which country has been in the finals of world championships the most for the last 2 decades and how many times have they been in the finals. We've been 11 times out of the last 20 in finals. How many times has your country been in the finals?
And if you think about it doesn't that sort of suggest that we always have a decent team unlike most other teams. (Perhaps because we're just so good?:nod
The one time all the top players were playing against each others was in the World Cup. Wait, I think we lost to Canada in finals. We with 5 million citizens were second when all the best players were around. You still think we're that bad? Didn't think so.