I want to give a few tips for making the team forward.
As I have keep my team over 4½ years already, I have got many experiements about what problems and troubles would have in team, here is few:
1. Members
Keep good and active members on team. They don't need to be fast in track, but respectful and useful. When team's base is in good morale by having members doing their job, it will increase more interest about team. This will open the chances to have fast and real drivers instead of such a bunch of trolls.
I tell you it might not be easy, but when having more experience, im pretty sure you can keep it in good line . Also, when having team more older and older, more respect will born up.
2. Activity
As in section 1, activity is the key of having team in LFS. It is important, and I think you really don't want to keep unactive people in team, unless they have something else in real life, for example, a military service.
3. Updating team
It is important to have mostly good news from team, which you would like to tell to the public. Many teams liek to update their info about having new member joined to team. Also, if having league or something smaller but important, it is good to tell a one, to have more interests ofc.
4. Meetings
Meetings for example, in LFS, in TS3, in msn or everywhere, those are important to have them. Keeping meetings like every 2nd weekend, you will also have a clue about whats new on team, whats the problems or matters, what are good news or bad news, have members left or joined, or rejoined, everything. You will have a clue about your team. Specially when you are a team leader, it is very useful to make some meetings.
5. Contact
While you have more members in team, it is good to have kind of any contact to your members. For example, having member's sn addresses, you will always able to say just hi or want to ask something or just requesting to play some LFS with you. Also, this keeps updated the thing, which members are active.
6. Do the tasks
If having a good team, team leader doesn't need to make ALL things on team. If having loyal members, they definetily would do some little tasks, while you need to do something else. What more they are able to do or they want to do, the more your team will become more better.
7. Not too much members
every team has their limits. If just have started a team, it is good to have members as in maximum 10 members. Too much members in team would cause a chaos and no one knows who is trolling or wtf is happening in where. This would be a result team would make falling down by itself. (My team did this twice until now has a good base tho). Also, respect would decrease greatly.
8. Having fun
Without fun, team is boring. Simply no one wants to get bored.
There is more tips, but I hope you can start with those Im not meaning you would never think those already, but just want to help ya guys because I see this team will become very great. Having web-sites and skins, also S2-licensing in somepoint would increase to have becoming better.
And once again, good luck! If having seriously feeling about own team, to becoming good, it will also need much time. Then how much? You will decide of it
Bose, i have a social life... i'm only 14, and you?.. i know a little how to make websites using DreamWaver CS5... HTML.. CSS.. but i'm not professional using this program..
sure they are... i've created templates for both v2 and v3... it just takes some reading and some knowledge of php, but it's mostly html and phpbb variables.