The online racing simulator
(OM) Oval Munkies Presents:
(123 posts, started )
Quote from tristancliffe :Hey, look over there. A real race track. Honest.


You got me really laughing out loud, and it's quite difficult. Any help needed to escape?
Yes, That was me and while i'm not very proud of the actions i took in that replay, at the time I felt that was the only form of action I could take... for weeks the admins had bullied me and mocked every race that i took part in, jumping at the chance to mock my lack of skill and the fact i was taking other racers out, when you watch the replay - notice i am taken out ( racing incident - it happens ! lol) but that FM stay very very quiet... now ask yourself this, if that was me crashing someone else out, would they have been so quiet...

Also, to even things up slightly, why is there no mention of the bullying that takes place on the FM server? Or the biased-restart policy? Or the fact that it's "Failure's server and he will do what the f*** he likes with it" - yet you try to pass it off as a community server?

Heres an audio interview with FM members - taken about a week ago

Enjoy. (P.s. you lot were asked to leave it, i guess that didn't get through)

*Link Removed - Situation settled*
well prepared fireball...was that part of your plan as well? 1 week ago jesus..
Quote from Chris_Kerry :I think I know enough of the basic concept, The Very End has a server named close to yours (FM), because you've had a fallout.

Even so, he can call his server what he wants.

The only funny thing is that The Very End wants to make a server where he will not ban anyone. But who knows him a bit that he was often the one on FM servers who started the vote ban and was complaining about the idiots. Now i find it funny that he is complaining about that shit, but was involved himself illepall

I think its good OM has its own server now So FM has some problems less

But they said themselves they in a previous post that they dont want to be a copy of FM, so why do they copy the whole system how FM servers are running, and copy name and colours, very funny illepall

I say again noone has a problem with a new Oval Server named Oval munkies, the only thing is that the hosts are complaining about the things on FM servers, and in these things they were involved!!!!!
Quote from f1r3b4ll :when you watch the replay - notice i am taken out ( racing incident - it happens ! lol)

watching the first replay:
Start - you hit someone, you both crash, your fault, but still a racing incident
COming out of pits - you pull accross the track and are litterally inches from another car, not an accident, or else you wouldnt have slowed down coming out of the pits! you blame it on lag, but an FM member asks if youd like a ban (heavy handed, but that was basically wrecking
Replay #2:
Phil nudges you, you spin, then you ASK for a ban!
Because of the situation this afternoon - veryend has been removed as an admin, I would also like to point out that it was myself, weegie and another who started the server, veryend joined as an honourary admin.

Hopefully this will be an end to all sides of the argument now that everything has been said and out in the open.
Quote from Rappa Z :edit: i'm with tristan.

You damn groupie!
And people please dont let this thread give u any bad reputation about [FM]! they are a great community and i have the upmost respect for all of there members. They have offered me much advice in the past! And being a very well run server and community i would encourage racers to please check them out

All The Best

Weegie illepall

*FM.mp3* removed.
same to you weegie with all respect and we need to clean this up here and now which allready happend i think. and what i allready said on vent today, we have to meet on the track again one day and hopefully have some nice races togethers.

And to everyone, beeing drunk is no excuse for beeing a arsehole.


And just to show everybody that TheVeryEnd and i also had some fun togehter i need to post this replay i just found in the archives
enjoy (rare stuff):
Attached files
gtr training ^cP.mpr - 518.2 KB - 214 views
Quote from 510N3D :same to you weegie with all respect and we need to clean this up here and now which allready happend i think. and what i allready said on vent today, we have to meet on the track again one day and hopefully have some nice races togethers.

And to everyone, beeing drunk is no excuse for beeing a arsehole.


And just to show everybody that TheVeryEnd and i also had some fun togehter i need to post this replay i just found in the archives
enjoy (rare stuff):

Iv done things that I am not proud of, I offended people and I special offended you on a very bad way, that never should happen. I know there is no exuce for beeing and **** as I behaved lately, but was just must that had happend, but we are not going to start that again.
I did wrong, I am neighter proud of it or happy it ended this way.

I know a sorry is not enough, but I can`t give more, I got no words that would help after what I`v done.
But I hope that people who saw the situation I created yesterday will understand that that was just bulshit. It should never been told, and I should never even said something like that.

FM oval is a great place, of course we had some problems, but in the end it `s a good server, if you want a good race. Admins tries, the best they can, to keep it clean, they are only human, and tho it maybe has happend an fail one time, theyir overal great people, that aims for the same as me and you - racing. And look it from their veiw - beeing online many hours each day, and getting taken out like 50% of your races of people that eighter are very new to the game, or just out for making shit.
Normally, and in the past I have allways been trying to do the right thing, sadly - lately it hasn`t. And replay shows some of it, that I let my anger and frustration go out on inocent people. I have no right to say it`s an explination for it, but I hope we/ and special me can go back to what it was before all the troubles. I don`t know where it whent wrong, but I hope I can make it good again sometime.

I deserve all the flaming I can get for the kind of actions Iv done lately. And I deserve a/that ban more than anyone of the other people here.

I hope that you understand, that FM is a great place, with serious drivers. Sometime it can be intence there, but it`s allways like that in motorsport, and special when 20 maniacs tries to win in first corner
And if you want to come racing on (OM), you are more than welcome.
We tries a little different way than it does on FM server, but still - we are pretty equal. It`s not much that is different from the servers, and I don`t think any of them are nessesary to be looked down on.

And special for you plaztik, here comes my sorry to you.

I know, I don`t deserve to be forgiven for what I`v done. We had good races in the past, on various tracks, and it was great times.
I spoiled it, not you. Tho we have been not agreeing lately, I hope you understand that I never wanted you or any of the other FM people any harm, tho I perfectly understand your not happy on me.
You are a great racer, your fast, fair and serious, 3 things that is important for a good driver.
I see I don`t got the same values, at least not in same amount, but I will try to change my attitues toward people in future.

I`v been removed as admin for the (OM) server. I was asked to get it back today, but I said no. Because I don`t deserve it, and for you that don`t know what happend yesterday -
I was angry on (OM) server, and said things about FM, that never should been told, and some of the people was affected and got bad attitutes toward FM because of me. If you read this - don`t do it. It`s not worth it, in the end it`s just been a long bitching - fight lately, and it should not involve other people.

Again sorry, for all the ones I have offended, special to you plaztik, and the rest of FM team.
I hope we can one day shake hands, and say - I ****ed it up, but lets get over it.
I will try to change, and trying to reach back to good old times, wheres racing was fun, clean and not personal as it have been lately.

I also hope you others can forgive me, and start all over with clean pages. My reputation will not be good, and I know that is what I deserve. But I will do my best, to have a good time in future, aswell you. We don`t need to let personal thoughts and feelings hurt other people.

Again sorry.
And let us end that post for now. It`s cleared up, and I hope it will sort out with time.
sorry but its too long, and im too lazy to read all that..
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :sorry but its too long, and im too lazy to read all that..

you are allways to lazy it seams to me since i told everybody the facts earlier in this thread and you still trown in your comment based on nothing just because you think you need to hop into this conversation? Well nice teammate there but whatever nevermind mate.

VeryEnd i like to see how this is going foward and trust me the last thing we (FM) or i want is storys like this, you know. At the end we all do misstakes and important is to learn from it more or less, sooner or later. So all i can say now is im really glad to see you from another point of view and i hope we can avoid situations like this in the future in order to focus on what really matters in LFS, FUN and that togehter with as many people as possible can.

Now this Thread shows how shit can grow out of nowhere and should be either made sticky or deleted asap
The 2nd option sounds better.
Quote from MaDWeeGiE :And people please dont let this thread give u any bad reputation about [FM]! they are a great community and i have the upmost respect for all of there members. They have offered me much advice in the past! And being a very well run server and community i would encourage racers to please check them out

All The Best

Weegie illepall

*FM.mp3* removed.

Bloody hell ... also here u are?!?!

What you said??? Can't really understand you ...
Quote from UsuL :Bloody hell ... also here u are?!?!

What you said??? Can't really understand you ...

LMAO "Oche Aye Jimmy" im here



P.S Plaztic.......SPACEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!
MUNNNNNSSSHCKEH Munnnnnnscccheh! ooooh ooooh! slurp!
weeeee what do you mean? this?!
Attached images
Weee? Papa? .... lolol

Whisky Great idea! thankyou plaztic

Aliens And Ovals.....They Go Well Together
Oh my gawd...

You all been drinking oday or what? :P

How many beers now weegie, 11 on me now, and it start beeing funny tho...

Lets hope this post get locked before I have drinking the 5 other beers :O
ok i think a asdf is needed here

:ambulance :chair: :sheep:

Will that do?
Quote from The Very End :Oh my gawd...

You all been drinking oday or what? :P

How many beers now weegie, 11 on me now, and it start beeing funny tho...

Lets hope this post get locked before I have drinking the 5 other beers :O

OMG ur alive lol and u aint on msn or vent! u beast! u big MEGA BEAST lol

England crashed outta world cup so its great
Sorry, I am home with my family, don`t seen them for some months..
Lol and now I am drunk funny way to have a family meeting, mum just siting and looking bad at me, damnit..

Good I got the computer, and the beers..
And btw, why I drinking when home..don`t ask rofl

(OM) Oval Munkies Presents:
(123 posts, started )