Camera Program For Race Control ect.
I had an idea yesterday to have an external program that ran a sort of multi view camera system like what most real race tracks have for race control. I have attached a image of where the cameras my look like,
Also it would be amazing if you could rewind on the futage. This could be a amazing tool for race controlers or comentators. Also it would be good if each camrea could be moved and zoomed in speoratly same as the rewining feature.
Hope you like my idea,
Sorry for spelling,
Knnd Regards,
Attached images
Thats a great idea, would be amazing if somehow ScaViEr could do it.
What does everyone think
Use the new stored views feature in Z30.
yes but it would be helpful to see all cams at once
Quote from boothy :Use the new stored views feature in Z30.

Take a look at the photo that he attached.
LFS Remote (see online action) + TV Director
director + operator + commentator(s)
Quote from repeat83 : LFS Remote (see online action) + TV Director
director + operator + commentator(s)

What ?
You could just buy 10 more accounts and log them all into the same server, make each window small and shift U......
Quote from z-ro 8 :You could just buy 10 more accounts and log them all into the same server, make each window small and shift U......

Ye let's waste £240 on 10 LFS s2 accounts to watch 1 race.

I don't think it's very productive.
Who said one race?

But actually I think that boothy's idea is quite good, you'll have to set the views again for every track but it isn't so hard I guess.
In theory a good idea. In practice with that many views your fps would be appalling... No cpu can possibly render all those screens simultaneously.

Since you can open multiple LFS instances, you could perhaps just use one of them to connect to a server and run the temp-replay on on the rest of them. No idea if you can actually do that without a 1337h4x trick.
That's actually a good idea hyntty. I've tried it and it worked OK but the temp_mpr's have got a delay because they are started some time after you start recording the actual race. But even that can be used to chceck for incidents.
Quote from hyntty :In theory a good idea. In practice with that many views your fps would be appalling... No cpu can possibly render all those screens simultaneously.

This thread shows it's not actually too bad. I've attached a screenshot from my (now several generations old) Q9450 and ATi 4890 1GB. Fairly constant 55-60 fps (capped at 60fps) across 12 instances of LFS (Z, I assume). Newer 4/6/8 core CPUs could surely do even better.
Attached images
But how could I do this??
When I tried it it said corrupted file
and when it dose work it just restarts when it gets to the end

Edit: Q
Quote from Jonathon.provost :But how could I do this??
When I tried it it said corrupted file

Edit: Q

LFS should say "Unexpected end of file" (or something very close to that) rather than "corrupted file". In the first instance of LFS you join the session you want to watch. The act of joining the session starts writing the session data to the temp.mpr file (as long as replay saving is enabled). Then you open up another instance of LFS and view the temp.mpr replay from the Replays menu. The second instance of LFS now renders the information from the temp.mpr file as it goes along. Repeat with more instances of LFS if desired. This, of course, means you're only getting 1 live view and the other(s) are delayed to a degree. You can skip forward in the new instances to try and minimise the delay, but you can't eliminate it. As far as I'm aware there isn't currently an automated procedure to do this.
that all worked fine BUT it is like a lap behind so if I'm on t1 then the replayed ones are on the same corner but a lap behind.
Quote from amp88 :You can skip forward in the new instances to try and minimise the delay, but you can't eliminate it.

I have tried this but a lap is a long delay
Quote from Jonathon.provost :I have tried this but a lap is a long delay

You should be able to get it down to a few seconds if you do it correctly. Try skipping a lot closer to the end of the file as soon as you start playing it. It's all about trial and error if you're looking to get it as close as possible.
i knocked allot of that but it's still about 15-20 secs out
Quote from Jonathon.provost :i knocked allot of that but it's still about 15-20 secs out

Here's a quick and dirty tutorial video. This was the first take I attempted and the lag is around 6 seconds. With a bit of practice and patience you should be able to get it down to under 5 seconds.

edit: Attached image of 16 instances of LFS running an SPR around 20fps on an AMD Phenom II X6 1090T with an ATi 4650 1GB. As you can see, the CPU is hardly stressed, so with a better graphics card (or better cards in Crossfire) 16 instances could run at a solid 30fps no problem.
Attached images
Quote from z-ro 8 :You could just buy 10 more accounts and log them all into the same server, make each window small and shift U......

XD!!! I have to ROFL soon again
cheers for that I think I need a new graphics card and processes.