Quote from Fire_optikz001 :!refund <car,km,cash> <amount> <user>
  • !refund car XRT Fire_optikz001
  • !refund cash 100 Fire_optikz001
  • !refund KM 10 Fire_optikz001
forcefine is the same, just do !forcefine instead of !refund

bye bye now

Are you gonna put in jobs and tow commands...... if not can you tell me how i can do it
Quote :Please note: This is the LAST update that i will be releasing

ok.... can some one atleast tell me where and whats the code for the penalty clear to do it automatically

i kno the command is
/p_clear [USERNAME]

but how do i code it and where do i put it
Hi Fire optikz001

how i can start it !!

i have server on 500servers and already start LFS Lapper Version 6 right now !

but i really need this on my server whatever takes
  • Cars
  • Cash
  • Refund And Force Fine System (Car,Cash,OR KM)
  • HUD
  • Swear filter
  • Showoff Function(show off your stats to everyone on server) (!Show)
  • Can't Buy cars / food if u don't have enough Cash
  • Driving Bonus
  • Buy/Sell cars
  • Bank
  • Pit Fines
  • KM
  • Bank Interest
  • Happy Hour
  • Cop system
  • Ability To Rob bank
  • Lotto
and i dont know how to start it
can u plz till me and i appreciate that

thank you & best regards

!mode cruise to put into cruise mode
!mode race to put into race mode
!mode drift to put into drift mode
Quote from sinanju :Try

!mode cruise to put into cruise mode
!mode race to put into race mode
!mode drift to put into drift mode

wen i was on server i put !mode cruise

like u say ! but nothing happen !

maby there is some file from here need to download or somthing
Do you have the cruise.lpr and cruise_settings files in your includes folder?

Have you changed your addonsused.lpr file so that both these files are listed?
Quote from sinanju :Do you have the cruise.lpr and cruise_settings files in your includes folder?

Have you changed your addonsused.lpr file so that both these files are listed?

i changed addonsused.lpr for showing drift point with removing (#)

include( "./utils.lpr");
include( "./myInc.lpr");

#### Include for splitting infos ####
#include( "./pitboard.lpr");
include( "./pitwindow_gui.lpr");
# OR
#include( "./defPitInfo.lpr");

#### Include for drifting infos ####
include( "./driftdef.lpr");
# OR
include( "./driftmeter.lpr");

include ("./debug.lpr");
# GUI Framework main include - this MUST be first
include ("./gui.lpr");

# Help GUI
include ("./gui_help.lpr"); # Multi-tabbed help (all in one)

# Admin GUI
include ("./gui_admin.lpr"); # Admin GUI root include
include ("./gui_admin_membership.lpr"); # Admin GUI Membership administration
include ("./gui_admin_handicaps.lpr"); # Admin GUI Handicap allocations

include( "./safetycar.lpr");
include( "./ctrack.lpr");

include( "./guiconfig.lpr");

include( "./who.lpr");

include( "./tops.lpr");

include( "./listevent.lpr");
#include( "./winnerflags.lpr");

but i cant find
cruise.lpr and cruise_settings !!

Attached images

What you need to do (forgive me if you've already done some of the steps but just making sure) is

1) Download the cruise addon
2) Find the Cruise.lpr and Cruise_Settings.lpr files from the zipped file (I think they're in the \includes directory)
3) Extract these 2 files into your own \includes directory
4) Add both these file names into your addonused.lpr file (include( "./Cruise.lpr"); and include( "./Cruise_Settings.lpr");)
5) In your \bin\default directory, make 2 blank text files - one called Cruise_Lotto.txt and the other called Cruise_Police.txt
6) In the same directory, make another directory called Text_Files
7) Make a text file called admin1.txt and put your user name in it
8) Make a text file called admin2.txt and put your user name in it
9) Restart lapper.

Not sure if steps 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all strictly necessary, but it will save on some errors.

Make sure you have the underlines between names where necessary.

See how you get on.
Quote from sinanju :OK.

What you need to do (forgive me if you've already done some of the steps but just making sure) is

1) Download the cruise addon
2) Find the Cruise.lpr and Cruise_Settings.lpr files from the zipped file (I think they're in the \includes directory)
3) Extract these 2 files into your own \includes directory
4) Add both these file names into your addonused.lpr file (include( "./Cruise.lpr"); and include( "./Cruise_Settings.lpr");)
5) In your \bin\default directory, make 2 blank text files - one called Cruise_Lotto.txt and the other called Cruise_Police.txt
6) In the same directory, make another directory called Text_Files
7) Make a text file called admin1.txt and put your user name in it
8) Make a text file called admin2.txt and put your user name in it
9) Restart lapper.

Not sure if steps 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all strictly necessary, but it will save on some errors.

Make sure you have the underlines between names where necessary.

See how you get on.

its starting with out useing steps 5,6,7,8

when i right !add-officer viktoor-lfs ( User is already A Officer!!! ) ok next step !chase (username) Access Denied

why !help not showing evrything i want to know like
!Price or all Cruise
and about money on this mode why they gives all races 1.500.00 lol ! they should starting from XFG

and how i can get my money back coz i all i do for testing
if you want to come and check
server name: Saudi_Arabia_Cruise
password: sinanju

Attached images

Apologies, but don't know answer to any of your questions.

I downloaded code and got it working, but I did it for my son to play with.

Because there was no layouts with code he didn't know where to go, or what he was meant to do so quickly got bored with it.

I know how to get it loaded in lapper and working on LFS, but that's about it, I'm afraid.

I'd suggest looking thru the cruise.lpr code for all the CASE commands that start with ! (e.g. CASE "!mode":) to see what commands are available. Further CASE commands without the ! mean they can be added to another CASE command (which I consider very clever!).

Sorry that I can't be of further help.
Quote from sinanju :Whoa!!!

Apologies, but don't know answer to any of your questions.

I downloaded code and got it working, but I did it for my son to play with.

Because there was no layouts with code he didn't know where to go, or what he was meant to do so quickly got bored with it.

I know how to get it loaded in lapper and working on LFS, but that's about it, I'm afraid.

I'd suggest looking thru the cruise.lpr code for all the CASE commands that start with ! (e.g. CASE "!mode":) to see what commands are available. Further CASE commands without the ! mean they can be added to another CASE command (which I consider very clever!).

Sorry that I can't be of further help.

hmmmmmm ...... np mata I really appreciate your help

Thanks for the all information.
i have big proplem guys

When I do not have enough money to buy car Whatever the price!!
I can take all the cars !

How can I control it ؟
Attached images
all cars free!.jpg
could we maybe get a new dl link?
where Lfs Lapper save users?
If a user

- does a lap time, then this is saved in GripPB.dbs and GripPB.elp databases.

- does a lap drift score, then this is saved in DriftPB.dbs and DriftPB.elp databases.

- in some other cases, and if set up, data will be saved in storedvalue.dbs database.
I found one bug. When police chasing my and I stop he don't bust my. Why and how fix it? Can I make a !bust command?
Quote from bananas111 :Hi,
I found one bug. When police chasing my and I stop he don't bust my. Why and how fix it? Can I make a !bust command?

You can make the command, but what do you want it to do?

For instance

CASE "!bust":
IF ( 
$Mode == "Cruise" )
IF ( UserIsAdmin$userName ) == )
("^1Police: ^3You have been busted"); 
privMsglangEngine"%{main_notadmin}%" ) );

That example doesn't really do anything except shows everyone a message that they've been busted.

Should it pit someone? Fine someone? Kick someone? Fine and pit?

Is it only Police allowed to !bust someone? If so, then first line will have to change.

So what you need is

Quote :
CASE "!bust":
IF ( $Mode == "Cruise" ) # only work in Cruise mode
IF # user is in which group?
# do something to person being busted
# do something else - or ignore or nothing

You may want to look at the CASE "!pay": command in the cruise addon for idea on what to do.

If you want the exactly same outcome, there's nothing to stop you adding a different "trigger" word to same case command, e.g.
CASE "!pay":
CASE "!bust":
CASE "!catch":
CASE "!stop":
# do something
I have good script but in that script a little problem a distance bug. When COP stop distance stuck and don't move when he move distance unstuck like Distance:27 he stop and that civil what he follow can go away but distance don't move when COP move distance jump to 100 I don't understand that can you help? there script
$distToDo = 100;
CatchEvent OnDistDone( $userName ) # Player event
IF ( $Mode == "Cruise" )

SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) + ToNum( 0.05 * GetConfigVar( "distToDo" ) ) ) );

IF ( ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Bank" ) ) < 250000 )
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Bank", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Bank" ) + ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Bank" ) * ToNum( 0.000001 * GetConfigVar( "distToDo" ) ) ) ) );

SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Health", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Health" ) - ToNum( 0.000008 * GetConfigVar( "distToDo" ) ) ) );

SetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM" ) + GetConfigVar( "distToDo" ) ) );

SetCurrentPlayerVar("BonusMeter", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar("BonusMeter") + GetConfigVar( "distToDo" ) ) );
Cruise_HUD( $userName );
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar("Health") < "0.01" )
IF( $Cruise_HH != "Yes" ) THEN
globalMsg( langEngine( "%{cruise_fine_db}%", $userName,FormatCash($Fine["Docter"]) ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) - $Fine["Docter"] ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Health", "1" );

IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") >= ToNum( $Refund["dist"] * GetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") ) )
SetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") + 1 ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar("BonusMeter", "0" );
globalMsg( strFormat( "^7{0} Recived {1:C} ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus",$userName,$Refund["amount"] ) ) );
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash", ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Cash" ) + $Refund["amount"] ) );

IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ) == "1" ) THEN $argv = GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" );
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase_S" ) != "0" ) THEN
$Chase[$argv] = "^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-%nl%" . "Suspect: " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ) . "%nl%Cop: " . GetPlayerVar( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ), "Chase" ) . "%nl%Distance: ".DistFromUser($userName,$argv)." Meters%nl%^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-" . "%at%" . "^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-%nl%" . "Suspect: " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ) . "%nl%Cop: " . GetPlayerVar( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ), "Chase" ) . "%nl%Distance: ".DistFromUser($userName,$argv)." Meters%nl%^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-";
openPrivButton( "CopSys",160,15,35,5,5,-1,32, $Chase[$argv] );

IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase_S" ) == "1" )
$argv = GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" );
IF ( ToNum(DistFromUser($userName,$argv)) < ToNum("126") )
$Chase[$argv] = "^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-%nl%" . "Suspect: " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ) . "%nl%Cop: " . GetPlayerVar( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ), "Chase" ) . "%nl%Distance: ".DistFromUser($userName,$argv)." Meters%nl%^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-" . "%at%" . "^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-%nl%" . "Suspect: " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ) . "%nl%Cop: " . GetPlayerVar( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase" ), "Chase" ) . "%nl%Distance: ".DistFromUser($userName,$argv)." Meters%nl%^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-^4-^1-";

openButton( $argv, "CopSys",160,15,35,5,5,-1,32, $Chase[$argv] );
openPrivButton( "CopSys",160,15,35,5,5,-1,32, $Chase[$argv] );

IF ( ToNum(DistFromUser($userName,$argv)) < ToNum("6") )
globalMsg( langEngine( "%{cruise_chase_ca}%",$userName,$argv ) );

CloseButton( $argv, "CopSys" ); ClosePrivButton( "CopSys" );

SetPlayerVar( $argv, "Chase_S", "0" ); SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase_S", "0" );

SetPlayerVar( $argv, "Chase", "" ); SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase", "" );
SetPlayerVar( $argv, "Chase_Last", $userName );
IF ( GetPlayerVar( $argv,"Bank_Rob" ) != "" )
SetPlayerVar( $argv,"Bank_Rob", "" );

globalMsg( langEngine( "%{cruise_chase_lc}%",$userName,$argv ) );

CloseButton( $argv, "CopSys" ); ClosePrivButton( "CopSys" );

SetPlayerVar( $argv, "Chase_S", "0" ); SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase_S", "0" );

SetPlayerVar( $argv, "Chase", "" ); SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Chase", "" );


UserGroupFromFile( "Police", $Dir["Police"] );

IF ( ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM" ) ) >= 1000000 )
IF ( UserInGroup( "Police",$userName ) != 1 )
MoveUserToGroup( "Police",$userName );
UserGroupToFile( "Police", $Dir["Police"] );
GlobalMsg( langEngine( "%{cruise_cop_new}%",$userName ) );

Hello maybe you can make the traffic lights that automatically change the colors?
Or what could be done in the table which would indicate the speed directly?

Alternatively, the tables show the police show that player's nickname is close to 200 meters and at the same table directly in the variable speed and more speed zone where it is. And on the table to see it start to catch. Even that would be good if the offender fails to comply with speed zones where the speed is changed to red.

And if you can not do those things above, where at least I wrote it maybe could have been made as to what is wrong in a pit has to be thrown out of the spec.
Do you know how to do that when a player takes the car from another player kicked him?

NickName took over from NickName
cmdLFS("/kick " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );
How do I do?
Quote from LFSCruise :Do you know how to do that when a player takes the car from another player kicked him?
NickName took over from NickName
cmdLFS("/kick " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );
How do I do?

Not quite sure what it is you mean here.

Do you mean when a player changes their nickname?

As in something like

Event OnNameChange
($userName,$oldNickName,$newNickName# Player event
cmdLFS("/kick " GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

How I can make a timer like /msg Hi and then 1min go /msg Hello.
Use the RegisterScheduleAction and make up a couple of sub-routine to go with it that show the text you want as clear buttons.

Something like

"0 0 1 * * * *"RSA_hi );
RegisterScheduleAction"0 1 1 * * * *"RSA_hello );

Sub RSA_hi()
globalRcm"Hi" );

Sub RSA_hello
globalRcm"Hello" );

If I've got it right (long time since I used this method) that should probably put "Hi" on screen every hour, followed by "Hello" a minute later, but from experience, it'll get annoying.

The first number in the sequence is seconds, then next is minutes, then hours, .....etc. Nothing to stop you changing from every 1 hour to every 2, 3, 4 or more hours.