in game my racing wheel have a deviation to the left
i have calibrate my racing wheel on my windows
but its still go a little to the left.
but i saw u can calibrate ur racing wheel on the game to but if i do that the red square on the bottem of the screen flip all over and my racing wheel on the screen 2 how can i fix this
Did you follow the LFS Manual guide for the setting up the wheel in-game? See the image below;
Follow the instructions to find out which axes is for which function and then you can assign them. (Make sure you fully depress all pedals and turn the wheel from lock to lock).
I'm not sure what you meant by the red box (is the the virtual brake pedal: which shows how much you are braking?) - You might have to click on "invert 1 / invert 0" on the brake axis, if brakes are "on" when your not braking...
Lets start over; was there automatic installation when you plugged in the wheel? (There are no special drivers needed for Win 98/XP/Vista) Did the installing complete successfully? (i.e. "Windows have found new hardware" to "Windows has finished installing new devices")
Does LFS recognize the wheel you're using? In Options>Controls you should see "TRUST GM-3100R" or "TRUST NF340 Race Master" etc. If it says "no controllers detected", that means you may need to try and install the wheel (but that shouldn't happen since you can already use the wheel in-game...)
If that's fine, select "combined" in throttle / brake axes. (The wheel don't have separate axes for the the throttle and brake).
Now change the options > controls screen to "Axes / FF", as shown in the previous image I've posted earlier.
Turn the wheel from full left to full right. Does the yellow bar under "X axis" in that screen move from the left to right? Now click on the "Steer" in the middle of the screen and then click on the "X axis" on the right of the screen.
Now test the steering; does it work as normal supposed to?
To set up the throttle/brake; press the throttle and you'll see the yellow bar in the "Y axis" move from the middle to the right (at least I think it should...). When you press the brake the yellow bar will move from the middle to the left.
Now click on the "Thr / Brk Combined" in the middle of the screen and then click on the "Y axis" from the right of the screen. This will assign that axis to the throttle/brake function.
Now just check if that works too.
Noted: You might have to click on the invert 0 (or invert 1) if any of the functions are working the opposite way; (brake when you press the throttle or turning left when you turn right and vise versa).