Phone rant, class has became a bore.
No series that produces a game each year has got my money since madden 2005 (had them all back to 2000). Back in COD2, it was nice. Similar stance to MOHAA. Then COD3 was a bit new because it was for new gen consoles. MW1 comes out and it was considered new, nothing wrong with that. However the hype from that sold world at war, which was just a new enviroment for the same game. MW2 was just another paid patch again. Black ops? No different, just made it worse with rc cars etc to kill people.
When the first bit of MW3 stuff was shown, it was SP fluff that made things look new, but as soon as MP gameplay was shown, bye bye.
BF, CS, DoD, ARMA, MOH all just try to produce something new. It's not that COD doesn't, its because they dont even try. It's an EA style release, everyone raises pitch forks at EA, so COD series will get no special treatment.
Oh and fun factor. As stated MW1 was fun, but that's how many years ago? CSS is fun and old, but its based solely on awareness and shooting skill, and doesn't come out with a paid patch every year.
Games cost $60, and COD asking for $240 for the same game is just stupid. If it was still MW1 with content patches i would be happy, but greed isn't fun in my eyes.
Made no sense but had to wrap it up, class is over.