The online racing simulator
Works fine without LFS open, but as soon as LFS is in focus, it stops changing (the rpm value still goes up and down though).
Both windowed and fullscreen.
Starting the app after, then clicking on LFS does the same...
Great, thanks for trying it out. I kind of expected this behaviour and I'm quite sure I know what it's caused by.

BTW if you close LFS, do the LEDs start changing again or do they stay frozen?
They stay frozen until I restart the app
Many thanks for your feedback, I'll see if I can upload a fixed version later today...
hope you can figure out a final for this production

before S3... you have time
After some extra investigation I was able to modify the test program and now it's possible it will actually work. However, there are few steps you have to take before testing...
1) Enable OutGauge in cfg.txt (in your LFS directory) and set it like this
OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

2) Start LFS, go to Options->Controls->Axes/FF and set Force Feedback to "No" (really, it's necessary right now)

3) Start LedsTest

If you set up everything correctly, you should be able to see the LEDs lighting up at 4000 rpm and reaching redline at 7500.
If something goes wrong, you should still be able to see at least first led lit, the first led should also light up when rpm drops below 100.
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Good news, it works with my FF off. You might want to contact me for futher development (a tiez viem po cesky takze to bude lahsie )
Quote from MadCatX :

1) Enable OutGauge in cfg.txt (in your LFS directory) and set it like this
OutGauge Mode 1
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

2) Start LFS, go to Options->Controls->Axes/FF and set Force Feedback to "No" (really, it's necessary right now)

3) Start LedsTest

If something goes wrong, you should still be able to see at least first led lit, the first led should also light up when rpm drops below 100.

Did above; upon launching the exe I get the following;
Quote : Poll error: OK Acq error: OK Send RPM error: OK X-axis: 32687 Acqs: 11 RPM: 5000

The First two LEDs light up upon launching the exe; other LEDs don't light up. Closing the app don't turn off the lights. Closing LFS don't turn off the lights; need to remove the USB to turn them off - don't know if that'll help, just thought I might add...

First time I'm trying this out; I have not checked if the previous (i.e. yesterday's release work(yet)).

Edit: I am on track in SP mode.
Silverracer: try to go on the track and rev the car up

//and you can shut those leds of by going to your controller config
@SilverRacer: If you see "RPM: 5000" in the debug window all the time, then the app isn't getting any data from OutGague. Are you sure it's configured correctly?
Quote from Nadeo4441 :Silverracer: try to go on the track and rev the car up

That was the first thing I did

The "X-axis: 32687" is my wheel position (the number changes when I steer), I'm wondering if this is mean to be the throttle position?

Quote from MadCatX :@SilverRacer: If you see "RPM: 5000" in the debug window all the time, then the app isn't getting any data from OutGague. Are you sure it's configured correctly?

Sorry, yes it seems to be an issue from my end; I've edited LFS's cfg.txt and saved it; but everytime I open it the values are changed back (to default?).

E2: Working! Good job; I'll keep and eye on this thread.
The app displays the X-axis position as a sort of check that it has access to the device. You should see it changing as you turn the wheel. If the output seems to be frozen, then there is something oddly wrong. Can you try it without LFS running?
It works; good job.

It even works when you're speccing someone and when LFS is not in focus.
Awesome, could it be that we're finally getting somewhere? I suppose I should now make everything configurable and give it a better user interface. I'll deal with the Force Feedback later as it will probably require some wicked hack to make the LEDs play along with it...
Works great!

I have a suggestion for making it work with FFB though:
Make a dinput8.dll to place in LFS's root folder, like ENB series, or the FFB mod
Another little update. I pretty much rewrote the whole thing to get rid of tons of unnecessary code and make the code well organized.
There is also a config file which allows you to customize at what RPM the LEDs should light up and reach the redline. The OutGauge connection IP/port is adjustable too. There is still no force feedback workaround though...

I've changed a lot of things internally so if this doesn't work for you, give the old version a try 'cause it's possible I accidentally broke something...

EDIT: Files removed, newer version available.
Still works great
Though, the lights flash after it goes over the set redline, so 8000 is a little high for XRT (fuel cutoff is around 7500), or even FZ5 (just under 8000).. so it only flashes if the engine gets over-revved :P
All the cars are too high

edit: It seems any port higher then 32767 gets this: "Cannot parse port number, check your config file."
Other ports work though....
If the preset "first leds" and "redline" values don't suit you, you can change them in the config file.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, the port problem should be fixed now...
Do we will be able to expect the program working with the FF on?
It should be possible with properly modified dinput.dll library. I'll take a look at those used by similar mod for rF and FFB mod, hopefully I'll figure it out eventually...
Thank you. I will wait for the update
Hi, I tried to turn the program but then nothing had happened when I went in the pit stop and after a while, then showed up on the error screen, visible in the photograph that I send. can anyone help?
My operating system is Windows 7 64 bit
LFS stops sending OutGauge packets when the car in view is not moving or if you're not in race. There is a timeout set in this app which triggers this error when no OutGauge packet is received for 30 seconds. Not a good idea for general use, but this app was more of a proof of concept thing...
Quote from MadCatX :LFS stops sending OutGauge packets when the car in view is not moving or if you're not in race. There is a timeout set in this app which triggers this error when no OutGauge packet is received for 30 seconds. Not a good idea for general use, but this app was more of a proof of concept thing...

the problem is that this happens while driving. There are no visible signs of life LEDs: D
Do you have OutGauge enabled in LFS? Is the G27Leds app set to receive OutGauge packets on correct address and port? Is force feedback disabled in LFS?

G27 LEDs mod [renamed]
(329 posts, started )