thats cool
that one is cool not better than the other but yes it is nice the other is more my style
Quote from al heeley :Waaahaaayy! I love BOV threads!

...sits and waits...

hang on... that's not the blow off valve.... that's the wastegate!!!

No wait..... is windshield surge.

Oh hang on....... uhh........

Quote from kirbyNOS :Can someone kind enough, and be able to compress these into 'Dump Valve' type..

LFS doesn't read compressed wastegate sounds!
but it doesn't work afaik.
that dumpvalve is wicked innit..
need the file
post the vdeo as windows media ill get the raw sound from it
Quote from takata_nsxr :post the vdeo as windows media ill get the raw sound from it

Quote from Ricerguy :how?

save video as ...... then upload it as a file
Quote from kirbyNOS :but iv seen people take sounds from vids and compressed into .raw file :|

No, you just cant! raw files are UNCOMPRESSED!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from Munza :save video as ...... then upload it as a file

what i wanted to know is how its done...he said he would upload it as the raw file if it was first made into a windows media player file..but how is it doen i'd like to know they are so few people helping make these files...

Encoding != Compression
Theres already dumpvalve like that somewhere in the forums.....check for sound files
Quote from kirbyNOS :sorry it doesnt work

Are you putting it in the data/snd directory?
You dug this up to post a video of you revving your engine with someone else's blowoff valve noise? *hit*

Worst. 1 minute of my life. Ever.

to all you guys that don't care for blowoff valves, can't you leave people who do like them alone, stop critisizing and flaming, and just shut up instead? lol

don't see why you should say anything negative at all, if it's not positive critisism! if you catch my drift..
Sorry mate, but we just love pointing out that people fit them for the wrong reasons, and that they make a silly sound - it's a well known fact that a dump valve reduces the IQ of the driver by at least 50. 75 if they are wearing some form of hat. It amuses us.

My request: Can people who like blow off valves keep quiet about that fact so we don't have to make them look silly.
Name one matter of taste that's arguable?
anyway half the BOV's that are posted here are exactly the same...
Quote from T5T :I don't know if this is the right thread for this, but if I try making my .wav file into .raw it sounds really weird in LFS, almost as if being played inverted, and back. It's not very loud either, while the .wav is. Can someone help me with this?
I've attatched the .wav, it's originally from a Porsche in GTR 2.

could u somwho put that in RAW form i just cant get it to be a raw instead of rar .. lol like extract all u mean?
i tried to extract all but then there was no option to extract all
do you have WinRAR?
I've never heard the damn BOV (or whatever it is) sound ever.. WTF.

BOV (dump valve) chat thread
(340 posts, started )