The online racing simulator
Lag spike everytime somone leaves the pits
Please help... its really pissing me off lmao. everytime somone leaves the pits i get a lag spike..
really no1 knows?
#3 - Jakg
PC spec? Could it not be your PC takes a little while to load the extra player / car / model?
LFS freeze? Or a timeout-like lag? Maybe related to the skins being downloaded/loaded every time someone is leaving pits?
standard LFS? what version?
some mods could cause this....
all the time or just on busy server?
others lagging on same server?
More information please

If LFS freezes for a while when a player leaves garage, it's most likely the texture loading problem. (LFS probably does drawing and loading in the same thread, so the drawing has to wait until the loading is finished). Try a fresh install of LFS with no addons and only 512x512 downloadable skins. Turning off any tools that might be accessing HDD (BitTorrent downloaders, defragmenters and "speedup" tools of all kind,...) might help too.