The online racing simulator
(22 posts, started )
Rendering Help
I thought i'd change this to a "Rendering help" thread.

Need help, ask here and wait for someone to get back to you.

Looks like you need to assign a to the tires.

As for the red strip though...
The windscreen strip is a row of polygons along the top of the windscreen. However there is a second row in the same place with the texture on the otherside for the player to see in the car. As both are at the same point on the 3D model Max doesn't know which to show, so you get this rounding error.

The solution - select the sun stripe polygons from inside the car and delete them (then check you can still see it from the outside).

As for the tyre stripe, as Ryan says you need to assign to the material after the tyre texture (i.e. it the tyre is ID 10 then logoalpha has to be on ID 11).

Hope this helps, and good luck!
I've set that DDS file to its rightfull ID, but its still white (but it does look like logo is there)

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Can try this one I seem to have.. might help

Or if you don't want a logo you could just select all the polys that make up the sidewall and set them to the same ID as the tire itself? Should work..
Attached files - 170.8 KB - 269 views
#6 - joen
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :I've set that DDS file to its rightfull ID, but its still white (but it does look like logo is there)


Do you have the Alpha Source of the sidewall logo set to Image Alpha? I think that's the problem. See attachment
Attached images
Learn something new everyday, thanks Joen
#8 - joen
You're welcome
Yeh, thats ticked but still not working.

Cheers in anycase guys, i kinda like em plain atm

Thanks for the sunvisor fix tristan
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Soz for double post.

I'm setting up the BF1. The tyre logo is shown, but the surrounding area is wrong. Help please

Also, what is "13_mtl_BF1 - BMW Sauber_s_windxrALPHA" and where can if be found? Is it the wee window on the front? If so will the normal window setup work (from the tutorial)
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Hello! I've 2 problems. See the pic. ... at=image&file=FXO.jpg

I made it in high res that it can be seen prefectly.
1) the pic is not sharp at all
2) the lights are blacks.
What should I modify in materials by pressing 8 in 3 ds Max 8.
Anyway I use Bigrenderer demo plugin

THX for aswer
What resolution skin are you using? 1024x71024 and over comes out clear but 512x512 comes out like that, so i would say use a high rez skin.

You dont need to adjust any materials for the lights. I have that happen to me when im half way through setting my scene up and doing test renders. I think it might be the skylight. Have you enabled that in Brazils properties? (if your using brazil, if not i dont know) but its normaly down to lighting, not the texture. You might of assigned a colour or a different texture to that materials slot. Double check in the material menu that each texture is assigned to the right part of the car.

Hope this helps, if not im sure their is someone who has much more experiance than me in max will help ya
THX. IT'S a 800X600 size pic. I can do max. 1000X1000 size pics, because Brazil is a demo
no, what size is the skin, the skin has to be low resolution, because the render looks fine (besides lights as you said) but its the skin thats blurry because of its smal size
Ohh, that's 512X512. What size should it be?
at LEAST 1024x1024
2048x2048 would be very clear though, 1024x1024 is fine though
OK, thx.
I dno but i've changed the thread to a Rendering help thread so anything can be asked and asnwered (instead of hundreds of new threads) good or bad idea? Like the rendering request thread, ask, someone helps, life carries on.

Yah or Nah?
Sounds good to me, rendering is tough and I'm sure there's people out there stuck on something
Right, i'm making my own brake disks from scratch. I've made my own rims so i might aswell finish the job off properly and add brakes

I've made the disk (calipers are beings modeled as i type) and got some decent textures of a forum but when i map them to the disk, they dont come out right, any ideas?

The image size is 800x800 and the disk is 200x200 (according to the XYZ thingy at the bottom) so i dno if that would make any difference, also, they are totaly 3D, both disk's have a front, back, side and the holes on the disk, so that might be another factor.

I've added the texture and a render of the disks so you can see their layout, but as you should be able to see, the nearest disk is pure white like a polo. That is the disk i have applied the texture to and obviously hasnt come out right.
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211 disc bump1.jpg
Something to do with UVW mapping, I've no idea exactly what since I don't really use it all that much... But it's that I think
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :Right, i'm making my own brake disks from scratch. I've made my own rims so i might aswell finish the job off properly and add brakes

I've made the disk (calipers are beings modeled as i type) and got some decent textures of a forum but when i map them to the disk, they dont come out right, any ideas?

The image size is 800x800 and the disk is 200x200 (according to the XYZ thingy at the bottom) so i dno if that would make any difference, also, they are totaly 3D, both disk's have a front, back, side and the holes on the disk, so that might be another factor.

I've added the texture and a render of the disks so you can see their layout, but as you should be able to see, the nearest disk is pure white like a polo. That is the disk i have applied the texture to and obviously hasnt come out right.

Image size 800 x 800 and disk size 200 x 200 is OK because they are both square. The best way to check if your mapping is correct, make your viewport 'smooth+highlights' and then go to your material editor, check on the 'show map in viewport' button of your bump map. If the UVW mapping is correct, you should be able to see the texture map show up on the viewport. If it doesn't show, try apply a 'UVW map' modifier to your disk, use 'planar' for the mapping. You may want to scale up the Gizmo to get the bitmap to fit your disk shape or apply cropping in your bump map texture.

If the texture shown up correctly on the viewport and still doesn't render out, check the amount of bump you applied, you may want to increase that or check if you lighting was too intense which may have blown out the fine details. Also try apply that map to the 'diffuse colour' slot with about 10% which may help.
Attached images
show map in view port.jpg
apply UVW.jpg
brake disc.jpg

(22 posts, started )