The online racing simulator
Really nice skin!
I've never done public skins, only the skins for Team Finalgear. Lately I had some free time, so I decided to make some public skins.

The skins are either fictional, or rely completely on official LFS sponsors. In general I don't like very busy designs, so most of the time I try to use as little as possible. I'll post one skin every 2-3days, so that each can be looked at in time and discussed, rather than posting a bunch of them at once.

Enough said, let's get down to business.

I'll kick off with a Blackwood Airlines XRR skin.

This awesome render, by MorroW Designs, btw is also available in high res, 1600x1200, in their gallery.

Skin file in a rar package, including a 1024 & 2048px version.
Mirror 1
Mirror 2

Some screenshots are available here:

Comments, critics, feedback allways appreciated. I hope you guys like it.

In general, you'll find all the skins I made and posted on MorroW Designs and Team Finalgear website.
that skin looks lovely... just to tell you... Mirror 1 is broke
Hmm, that's odd, worked fine yesterday, gotta talk to MorroW and see what happened there.

edit: Mirror1 fixed, should be working again.
Good work, simple and effective
pimp XRT

BMW SKIN - Half done, sorry to be a bit late, but I had exams going on for a week. Will post ASAP. Oh and I will get it rendered also.
thats great quality front lights. most that i see are really low quality but thats fab!
i cant wait for that bmw. and its on xrt! woohoo!
thats ok-ish. you need to get a steadier hand on those black parts, brush tool wont do it my friend!

hope you like it
Attached to this post...

Put it into lfs/data/dds

It will overwrite the orginal file, back up the original first.

DiscATest :- brake disc by I forget who sorry
Padz:- Brembo Callipers by Zed 28
Quote from Smax :
DiscATest :- brake disc by I forget who sorry

It seems the authors is named Kahin/Destroem, this one is part of a pack of discs he made...

Quote from :I just wanted to make a post about safety cars and here i see one:jawdrop: Can you please release that skin? Only if its public of course please

you'd certainly get noticed pwetty pwease release
FMX Industries XRR.

Owl logo and skin kit courtesy of Bunta of Master Skinnerz.
You may alter the numbers on the car, but please don't edit my work any further.
Wow im stunned that must have taken ages, nice work
Smax, killer skin :up: I love the XRR and that skin really suits it!
My new Vodafone Skin
Here's me new public vodafone skin.
Tell me what you think lads, and if you like it, use it all you want
BTW, im no proffesional skinner hehe...
Attached images
Vodafone Preview.jpg
i love that vodafone skin! when i get s2 im gonna use that on my car!
Quote from LawVS :Right - my first public skin.

This is the skin that BP would run (in my eyes) on a car similar to the XRR. It's similar to the BP livery on the Ford WRC car in terms of colours and schematics to some extent. But anyways, enjoy and feel free to use it!

P.S: Thanks to Munko for the awesome mouse drifting screenshot (before he crashed---horribly! ;D )

Actually, a person in the D1GP ran something similar (eg. sponsored by BP) to this in 2003. You can find it in the latest installment of the GT series.
My first 3 skins!!!
After looking some time around in this skin-forum, I tried to make my own skin. And the result: XRT TIMZ!!!:woohoo:
I think it's not bad for a first time! OK, the quality is rubbish and the size is wrong (512 x 512), but it looks not bad, isn't it ?
Then I made the XRT ORANJE: a special edition for the WM Football 2006:soccer: , to support the dutch football team! It didn't helped: they're defeated in the 1/8 finals...:weeping: It's also size 512 x 512
The 3rd one have i made in 15 minutes. It's just a simple one, called XRT TimzCarbon, size 512 x 512.
I made them in Microsoft Photo Premium 10: not a really good program to make skins, but it's OK
Don't change anything at this skins, but if you can make it in a better size and quality I will be verry happy
See ya!:wave2:
Attached images
LFS Car Timz 1.JPG
LFS Car Timz Oranje.JPG
LFS Car Timz Carbon.JPG
Quote from harlen :i love that vodafone skin! when i get s2 im gonna use that on my car!

Thanks m8, i really appreciate that you like it. It keeps me motivated hehe
good good. i'd love to see more work from you!
Quote from Smax :FMX Industries XRR.

Owl logo and skin kit courtesy of Bunta of Master Skinnerz.
You may alter the numbers on the car, but please don't edit my work any further.

Don't know how that one got past me Smax, thats a helluva skin. Love it!

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )