#1 - kutu
How to read complex nickname correct?
see attachment

i want to read Mardox nickname and show it in my program, but his nickname encoding not correct

i get this bytes from lfs

5E 47 5E 31 DF 5E 4A CF B2 20 5E 37 4D 61 52 44 6F 58
^ G ^ 1 ß ^ J ϲ ^ 7 M a R D o X

read bytes from lfs correct, because i send exactly the same bytes to lfs for create button, and this text showing correct

how i should read his nickname?

i use 0.6A1, but i think i have the same problem will be in 0.5Z28

PS another problem in this nickname is red color must be first in text "^1" but nickname starts with "^G^1"
Attached images
^G is the character set, meaning the following are non latin characters. (And this is as afar as I can help :razz
every nice post , i think the most inportant information in that post is:
Quote :// L = Latin 1
// G = Greek
// C = Cyrillic
// E = Central Europe
// T = Turkish
// B = Baltic
// J = Japanese
// S = Simplified Chinese
// K = Korean
// H = Traditional Chinese

$sets = array ('L' => 'CP1252',
'G' => 'ISO-8859-7',
'C' => 'CP1251',
'E' => 'ISO-8859-2',
'T' => 'ISO-8859-9',
'B' => 'ISO-8859-13',
'J' => 'SJIS-win',
'S' => 'CP936',
'K' => 'CP949',
'H' => 'CP950');

p.s. go with the list in the next post
Except the codepage list is not strictly correct, this one is
J -> Japanese CP932
S -> Simplified Chinese CP936
K -> Korean CP949
H -> Traditional Chinese CP950
E -> Central European CP1250
C -> Cyrillic CP1251
L -> Latin 1 CP1252
G -> Greek CP1253
T -> Turkish CP1254
B -> Baltic CP1257

(DarkTimes) DELETED by DarkTimes : morpha beat me
i have to note that I had problems using all the CP pages on my php install, which was the reason i had to choose the next best thing for certain languages.

(php5 on freebsd)
Yeah, I didn't mean to make you look bad
You explained your choice in the other thread, I just wanted to stick with hotmail's concept of limiting my post to the necessary information.