The online racing simulator
Test Patch 0.6A2 (old content / old physics / many updates)





Hello Racers, here is a new Test Patch : 0.6A2

You can read the story behind this thread in the main forum thread :

0.6A2 is NOT compatible with version 0.5Z28.
0.6A2 CAN play most version 0.5Z28 replays.
0.6 and 0.5 versions cannot connect to each other.

You cannot upload hotlaps made with 0.5Z30 to 0.6A2 because they are test patches.

Please keep a backup of your LFS.exe from version Z28 so you can go back to Z28 if there are any problems.

Changes from 0.6A1 TO 0.6A2 :

More updated translations included
Driver sent his / her setup - message is now displayed only once
FIX : Replay OOS error after saving an SPR with autocross objecs
FIX : Crash when "agree" was pressed on the Agreement screen
FIX : Avoided some possible unauthorised connections

Changes from 0.5Z34 TO 0.6A1 :

Autocross editor :

All autocross objects are now available at all tracks
Multiple object selection - press CTRL and click object button
Selection can be deleted, copied (O), moved (M), rotated (, / .)
Prevented mouse camera movement between button click and release
FIX : Start position sometimes remained active after deleting it

Open configuration support :

Random time from red to green lights now works with open configs
It is now possible to start a qualifying session on open configs

Various :

All translations have now been updated
CTRL+C now clips the mouse so window size cannot be adjusted
Admin commands from all connections are now logged (if enabled)
If logging is enabled a message is logged when an admin connects
The digit "1" now occupies the same screen space as other digits
Maximum qualifying time increased from 60 minutes to 240 minutes
TC Allowed Slip slider now goes up to 20% (previous maximum 10%)
On changing allowed cars disallowed cars will join the spectators
Improved multiple line text formatting - Japanese training now ok
FIX : It was possible to set qualifying on an autocross layout

Hotlapping support :

Tyres section in garage - settings for tyre warmer temperatures
You can load a layout in hotlap mode (may include start position)
NOTE : LFS World hotlaps may include start position - not objects
Hotlapping is possible on open configurations (not for LFS World)
Exit from pits now results in a clean restart to hotlap position
Reliable detection of wall side impacts (e.g. at South City)
Pit stops are no longer available in Hotlapping mode

Tracks :

SO : Removed a ghostly collision object in South City pit lane
SO : Removed two barriers embedded in tyre wall (Sprint Tracks)
WE : Fixed the position of the reversed configuration finish line
KY : Removed some barrier end segment errors from Oval / National

InSim :

New packet IS_OBH reports information about any object hit
New packet IS_HLV reports incidents that would violate HLVC
New packet IS_PLC sets allowed cars for individual players
New packet IS_AXM to add / remove / clear autocross objects
New packet IS_ACR to report (attempted) admin commands

Changes from 0.5Z28 to 0.5Z34 :

Contact detection and collisions :

Improved contact detection with road / walls / pit garage exit
Improved collisions with unmovable objects (e.g. red barriers)
Unmovable objects (e.g. ramps) now have concrete friction level
Improved wheel contact detection to reduce bad car collisions

SHIFT+U mode :

New free view mode replaces the old "low" and "high" path modes
Object or ground targeted by the mouse pointer is now detected
Left mouse button moves view point by "dragging" target point
Double click to move view point directly towards target point
Mouse wheel moves view point towards or away from target point
Left + Right mouse buttons rotate view point around the target
Arrow key movement follows ground below view point when possible
Store up to 10 views per track configuration with SHIFT+NUMBER
Recall a stored view with CTRL+NUMBER (or click the button)
Click on a car to follow it / look away to stop following
List of connections is now displayed in SHIFT+U mode
FIX : N key with options on caused overlapping text

Autocross editor :

Maximum number of autocross objects is now 800 on all tracks
Object positioning is much better - using mouse target detection
Less CPU / better checks when adding / moving / deleting objects
Adding / removing autocross objects no longer resets all objects
Added a new Ramp2 like Ramp1 but 2.8 metres wide (at all tracks)
Reduced Z-buffer flickering of chalk objects and pit stop markers
Speed limit no longer enforced if autocross start position exists
FIX : Could click on invisible replay slider when buttons visible
FIX : High altitude layout objects appeared under ground on load
FIX : Could add marshall circles out of bounds then undeletable

Open configurations :

New "drive anywhere" open configs (CTRL in track select screen)
Open configs can be selected with text command like /track=SO1X
Open configs can be used as racing circuits by adding checkpoints
Checkpoints can now be up to 62 metres wide to include pit lane
Custom layouts race progress / history now stored at LFS World
Positions list and blue flags are supported on open configs

Optimisations :

Frame rate increased - drawing most world objects is much faster
Optimised transparent objects (e.g. fences) to help open configs
Much better frame rate with many autocross objects (faster draw)
Removed continual small memory leaks (materials list corruption)
Number plate generation is much faster - reducing pit-out glitch

Interface :

Unlock screen now renames unnamed player to user name on exit
Clicking selected track loads that track (like pressing ENTER)
Windows messages processed in a cleaner way (affects key presses)
Mouse movements are processed more efficiently (drag / slide)
FIX : Mouse look info could go off screen in some languages
FIX : An invalid view could be selected when no cars in race
FIX : Meeting room scroll bar was invisible in recent versions
FIX : Occasionally refuelling did not match set amount

Graphics / Audio :

Improved display of help text / lesson text / welcome messages
F9 tyre diagram and SHIFT+L suspension diagrams now antialiased
Improved tyre optimisation - no missing parts of deflected tyres
Entry screen logo and frame are now drawn if a dialog box is open
FIX : In Driver Options the driver intersected with world objects
FIX : Reset from behind a barrier at South City could stop sound
FIX : Missing shadow on ground near fences at Autocross track

Multiplayer :

Wear limit for changing tyres can be set to 100% (never)
List of hosts can now show hosts you are not licensed to join
Host name is displayed in task bar and window title (if Latin)
Dedicated host window now adds new messages without flickering
Implemented VOB mod protection (physical changes will cause OOS)
Host options are now readable when opened from game setup screen
Default host IP address is now (address of local host)
CTRL+SHIFT now displays time and date in all multiplayer replays
Removed TCP filter that allowed old versions in the list of hosts
FIX : On joining host, cars not past finish line showed wrong lap
FIX : Some problems resulting from multiple requests to join race
FIX : Pit stop did not end if car was knocked out of the pit lane
FIX : Some crashes that could result from an invalid unlock state
FIX : Some missing images (e.g. track select) caused LFS to crash
FIX : Suspension could incorrectly stay broken on remote computer
FIX : It was possible to get stuck on the track selection screen
FIX : Host restart exploit caused by multiple join packets

Text commands :

New command /ck cancels any kick or ban votes in progress
New command /cv cancels game votes (restart / end / qualify)
Command /modified=yes allows a private host to avoid CP checks

InSim :

NLP / MCI minimum time interval reduced to 40 ms (was 50 ms)
New packet IS_CON reports details of contact between two cars
Longer IS_MST now up to 128 chars / specify sound / send to all
Lap timing info added to IS_RST (standard / custom / checkpoints)
OutGauge : OG_SHIFT and OG_CTRL (keys) bits added to OutGaugePack
Security : InSim can no longer be initialised from a URL command
FIX : Clutch axis / button was not reported from Controls screen
FIX : IS_BTN did not allow documented limit of 240 characters

Misc :

New Ukrainian translation included
Hungarian translations of training lessons updated
Misc options : F9 / F10 accelerometer can be shown as one value
Improved detection of invalid window positions when starting LFS
URL command is now case insensitive - LFS:// or lfs:// both work
Cruise : no need to drive a lap before serving DT / SG penalty
Cruise : current lap is not displayed if lap timing is disabled
FIX : InSim camera with vertical pitch would cause LFS to crash
FIX : OutGaugePack ID was always zero regardless of ID in cfg.txt


NOTE : Z28 (or later) must already be installed! If it is not, please install Z28 before installing this test patch.

PATCH Z28 to 0.6A2 (SELF EXTRACTING) (If you already have Z28) : ... =LFS_PATCH_Z28_TO_6A2.exe (2.2 MB)

PATCH Z28 to 0.6A2 (ALTERNATIVE ZIP) (If you already have Z28) : ... (2.7 MB)

DEDICATED HOST 0.6A2 (non-graphical version for hosting only) : (1.6 MB)
serious note:
Anyways good work scawen!
edit: I just tested out install on another PC and works fine.
Quote from Scawen :
Driver sent his / her setup - message is now displayed only once

Works as intended now. Also tried it when pitting/unpitting, and when the other driver does the same. Once you get the set sent once, it never is sent again. However I did not test whether it "updates" if you send another setup before the person grabs the older one.

Can someone do the bolded bit please? I have a league in a few minutes and don't have the time to test it.

Edit: I'm an idiot, it erases the "sent setup" when the driver pits. Ignore the bold!
Quote :
FIX : Replay OOS error after saving an SPR with autocross objecs

Not fixed.

1. Drive BL1 back straight.
2. Save SPR (objects on before replay save did not cause OOS)
3. Add ramp down the straight.
4. Once you jump, OOS happens.

Link to pic.
That is different - that case should go OOS.

The bug was that if you drove a replay on the attached layout :
- it worked in "instant replay".
- but if you then tried to watch it from the replay menu, it was OOS.
What can be completely awesome in some translation and stuff? Nice bugfixes I'd say.
I still get an OSS error @ 0:06.81 in this replay someone posted earlier.

Quote from Squelch :OOS in new replays seems to be fixed, but it should be noted that replays recorded in 0.6A1 will still go OOS..

Oh, then it's fine.
Attached files
speedhumpnos2.spr - 10 KB - 382 views
OOS in new replays seems to be fixed, but it should be noted that replays recorded in 0.6A1 will still go OOS.
Quote from Scawen :That is different - that case should go OOS.

The bug was that if you drove a replay on the attached layout :
- it worked in "instant replay".
- but if you then tried to watch it from the replay menu, it was OOS.

The speed bumps together like that seem to give the cars a huge speed boost. Got a UF1 well above 100mph by driving over them back towards the starting area.

I tested it straight from the layout you posted in A2,
Attached files
speed bump glitch.spr - 30.2 KB - 385 views
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I still get an OSS error @ 0:06.81 in this replay someone posted earlier.

Yes, but the bug was that their version of LFS saved the layout in the replay slightly different from how it was when they loaded it. So those replays really do have a problem. But that should no longer be the case if you run a replay recorded in A2.
Quote from Luke.S :The speed bumps together like that seem to give the cars a huge speed boost. Got a UF1 well above 100mph by driving over them back towards the starting area.

That is a known problem, and it is due to a sampling error (your tyres do not test all positions between one physics update and the next). I've tested it a lot today, you can even get the acceleration if you go into neutral before hitting the bumps. I don't know if this anomaly can be fixed (or improved) or not, but it doesn't really come up in normal situations so it's not *that* important. It's not actually a new problem, it's just that the new speed humps can show up this flaw.
Quote from Scawen :That is a known problem, and it is due to a sampling error. I've tested it a lot today, you can even get the acceleration if you go into neutral before hitting the bumps. I don't know if this anomaly can be fixed or not, but it doesn't really come up in normal situations so it's not all that important. It's not actually a new problem, it's just that the new speed humps can show up this flaw.

Well I'm sure the UF1 doesn't mind the speed

It isn't really worth worrying about at this point anyway. Its a glitch but it is nothing major like the collisions bug we used to have with the barriers was. Still great job releasing these test patches.

Have a virtual beer, any kind you want
FIX : Replay OOS error after saving an SPR with autocross objecs <-true
Replay OOS A1 error when playing in LFS 0.6 A2 <-true
Attached images
LFS 2011-06-13 22-54-09-36.jpg
Attached files
Audi TT+AlkoSpirt_AU1_FXR_^C???????????.spr - 20.3 KB - 388 views
(Squelch) DELETED by Squelch : Off topic
Damn just noticed, we don't have the Aston style posts available anymore, looks a bit strange to have other types of posts on Aston
I was trying out this layout , when suddenly, LFS spammed my chat with some kind of error messages.(see attached pic and spr.)
Attached images
Attached files
eTS.Nadeo_BL1_LX4.spr - 35.2 KB - 390 views
Hey Guys,

i need ur help

where i can see my App Crashes on Windows?
LFS crashed 2nd time that day one with 0.6A1 and one with 0.6A2
but where i can find my appcrashes?

It shows me the error report but how i can copy the whole Crash Adress?!
Please Help me
(bunder9999) DELETED by bunder9999 : but now i can't find them
Quote from Nadeo4441 :I was trying out this layout , when suddenly, LFS spammed my chat with some kind of error messages.(see attached pic and spr.)

Agree with you
i dont get it
i knew it something with WEdir00 or anything like that but where that things are located?

I realy want to report that thing because i want to improve development and sort out bugs as much i can do on my own
Quote from Heiko1 :where i can see my App Crashes on Windows?

(there it is, i found it...)

search C:\docs and settings\you\local settings\temp\ for files called appcompat.txt... those might have the info you need.

they'll be in folders named with jibberish. check the timestamps for verification.
Got it now

first one
Ereignistyp: Fehler
Fehleradresse 0x000a8400.
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 6c 66 73 ure lfs
0018: 2e 65 78 65 20 30 2e 30 .exe 0.0
0020: 2e 30 2e 30 20 69 6e 20 .0.0 in
0028: 6c 66 73 2e 65 78 65 20 lfs.exe
0030: 30 2e 30 2e 30 2e 30 20
0038: 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 65 at offse
0040: 74 20 30 30 30 61 38 34 t 000a84
0048: 30 30 0d 0a 00..


0000: 6c707041 74616369 206e6f69 6c696146
0010: 20657275 73666c20 6578652e 302e3020
0020: 302e302e 206e6920 2e73666c 20657865
0030: 2e302e30 20302e30 6f207461 65736666
0040: 30302074 34386130 0a0d3030

seccond one

0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 6c 66 73 ure lfs
0018: 2e 65 78 65 20 30 2e 30 .exe 0.0
0020: 2e 30 2e 30 20 69 6e 20 .0.0 in
0028: 6c 66 73 2e 65 78 65 20 lfs.exe
0030: 30 2e 30 2e 30 2e 30 20
0038: 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 65 at offse
0040: 74 20 30 30 30 33 31 37 t 000317
0048: 30 38 0d 0a 08..


0000: 6c707041 74616369 206e6f69 6c696146
0010: 20657275 73666c20 6578652e 302e3020
0020: 302e302e 206e6920 2e73666c 20657865
0030: 2e302e30 20302e30 6f207461 65736666
0040: 30302074 37313330 0a0d3830

Thank you, but it's very important that you tell me which one of those reports belongs with which exe. Because addresses are different in different exes.

Also, it would be very helpful if you could tell me what was happening, so I can begin to try to understand what happened. Did you just run LFS and this happened? Or were you online, or single player, editing a layout, in pits, driving a car, spectating, in SHIFT+U mode.

The more you can tell me, the better. Thanks!
First two (Byte) (words) are 0.6A2

the other two are 0.6A1

First two: 0.6A2

3rd and 4th: 0.6A1

On both i was doing the same
created an layout on SO2X
CARS_ doesnt matter its to all cars.
Was on Self created Server in Multiplayermode
max players 32
max cars 2
pps 6
other stuff as reset cruise fcvn select - were turned OFF
Midrace join was ENABLED

Normal Start Line from LFS original track (no custom start point),
1, 2 ,3 Split in an circle
Added Finish line in the circle
And drove as fast i can with the car in the circle to gain LAPS.
Location of the circle was at the "big parking lot"
What doesnt worked

Hope that helps
If you need more detailed info in what gear the car was at what Rpm or speed please let me know.

Just tested it on a clean Z28, patched to 0.6A2. No more "Profile Agree crash".

Further worked without any issues.

Also, it seems that FPS has improved quite alot, well done!
Quote from Heiko1 :If you need more detailed info in what gear the car was at what Rpm or speed please let me know.

Are you able to reproduce it again? It would be helpful if you could post a layout that you can use to get this crash. Or I suspect I might be trying for hours and not getting the problem to appear.
Of course i can
it comes every time when i do that with the layout.
I tryed it now at about 10+ Times and always the same crash adress.
Here it is:

If you got it im pleased that you would allow me to delete it!
so let me know asap if you got it!

I just made that layout to let me know how long does the tyres will live when i drift with the RB4 around it (polka style)
Attached files
SO2X_tyrelifetest.lyt - 124 B - 397 views
Layout Show Bug
Hey ho,

Found an other bug

i was on SINGLE player on BL3 with an layout
then ive joined Multiplayer and joined into my server
done Shift+U
and saw on layoutname: BL3_<lytname>

all happend on 0.6A2
Attached images
This thread is closed