The online racing simulator

Poll : What programming languages do you know?

What programming language do you use?
How of hands, who knows what programming language. (I'm not trying to be comprehensive, just trying to get a feel of who knows what when it come to the languages most commonly used for InSim apps and the like.)

Python - 2 Projects
.NET - 8 Projects
C# - 4 Projects
PHP - 9 Projects
HTML/JS - 1 Project
Java - 1 Project
C++ - 1 Project
Um, sorry to be pedantic, but .NET isn't a language, it's a platform on which languages are built. From the top of my head .NET includes C#, C++, VB, F#, Python, Ruby, plus other sub-languages such as XAML and its ilk. Of course that's only the surface, as it also includes MSIL, an awesome generational mark-and-sweep garbage collector, a JIT-compiler, as well as a hundred other esoteric technologies. Asking someone to vote on .NET in this poll is like asking someone to vote on Linux.

Anyway despite the above I'll always vote for Python, as it's easily the best programming language ever, and never ceases to be an utter joy to work with.
#3 - PoVo
Already looks like PHP will be getting the most
Quote from DarkTimes :Um, sorry to be pedantic, but

... But you can't help it I know.

Quote from DarkTimes :.NET isn't a language, it's a platform on which languages are built.

When I put .NET on there, I knew someone was going to say this. I also had a feeling that it was going to be you. But what I mean is, is the languages you use also .NET compatible?

Quote from DarkTimes :Anyway despite the above I'll always vote for Python

Don't you also program in C#? You should vote for all that you use.

Quote from PoVo :Already looks like PHP will be getting the most

It's on in the lead any more. But I wonder of the people we have on here, what's the most known programming language / platform. I would what kind of market PRISM could have if it was written in another language. I've always said I really wanted to do PRISM in C++, but I'm just not that good at it, so I did it in PHP first. After I get my idea down to paper and it works well, I hope to also make a C++ version of PRISM, although, it would have a different name, and the plugins themselves would be in SmallC (PAWN) or SourcePAWN so that AMX Mod X and SourceMod plugin writers can come over and fell instantly at home.
Quote from Dygear :and the plugins themselves would be in SmallC (PAWN) or SourcePAWN so that AMX Mod X and SourceMod plugin writers can come over and fell instantly at home.

*DarkKostas is praying for it
After coding in SA-MP(San Andreas MultiPlayer) for more than 3 years i love this language.

For now i'm still using LFS External because most insim projects were based on it so i got much experience by reading their source and developing my insim. So my vote is C#
I guess C# is gonna win this one.

Voted C++ and Java, though C++ has been my preference for a long while.
#7 - PoVo
Overall InSim wise, C# is the most kitted and exampled language on here.

It's easy to use, has many functions and is very powerful. I also love the Visual Studio IDE
Quote from DarkKostas :*DarkKostas is praying for it
After coding in SA-MP(San Andreas MultiPlayer) for more than 3 years i love this language.

I could not agree more, I love PAWN and is a great language for this exact situation. I really want to have a way to hook into the events of the game engine, but I don't know how to do that yet.

Quote from MadCatX :I guess C# is gonna win this one.

PHP comes back to take the lead! So you never know!

Quote from PoVo :It's easy to use, has many functions and is very powerful. I also love the Visual Studio IDE

Yeah, the IDE is nice, but I use NotePad2 to program in PHP.
Quote from PoVo :Overall InSim wise, C# is the most kitted and exampled language on here.

It's easy to use, has many functions and is very powerful. I also love the Visual Studio IDE

You make a very good point about tooling. The reason I code for Windows is because Microsoft has the best tooling of any platform vendor. A long time ago Microsoft realized that the key to Windows success was to have as many third party apps as possible, so they have sunk an extraordinary amount of cash into developing their tools support. Microsoft get a lot of stick, often deservedly so, but the two main teams, Windows and DevDiv (developer division), have been churning out brilliant software for over twenty years. Apple may lead the way in terms of UI, but Microsoft are the best when it comes to developer support. Ironically Apple's support for developers is completely zero. It sucks ass. Really, really sucks ass. I get accused sometimes of being an MS fanboy, but I'm really not, I'm just a fan of DevDiv.
HyperText Markup Language != Programming Language its Markup Language
JavaScript ! = Programming Language its Script
dotNet != Programming Language! its Framework

C++ and Assembler over 20 projects

use Code::Blocks
Quote from denis-takumi :
JavaScript ! = Programming Language its Script

I'm sorry but I think you can consider a multi-paradigm, object oriented script language to be a programming language. At least it looks like one and can be used like one.
VB - does that count?
#13 - PoVo
Quote from Dygear :Yeah, the IDE is nice, but I use NotePad2 to program in PHP.

Have you tried Blumentals Rapid PHP 2010? I used NotePad2 too, and I switched to Rapid PHP
Quote from denis-takumi :HyperText Markup Language != Programming Language its Markup Language
JavaScript ! = Programming Language its Script
dotNet != Programming Language! its Framework

C++ and Assembler over 20 projects

use Code::Blocks

If you troll, at least do it right ...

"PHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language"
Quote from DarkTimes :You make a very good point about tooling.

And you both make a great point about developer support. One of the main draws when I started programming with PHP was that it had a easy to comprehend online manual in a central location. The fact that it included up to date information and provided great examples on how to use many of it's function helped me in so many ways to learn and grow with the language.

It's one of the areas with PRISM where I have lacked, and that is documentation, but I'll fix that before I get to version 1.0.0 and the API get's locked down. Don't want to do the same job 3 times or more, seeing as none of the API is mature yet, and anything can change at any time.

Quote from denis-takumi :HyperText Markup Language != Programming Language its Markup Language

The only reason I included HTML & JS was because there is a project within the Libs & Tools forum that uses HTML & JavaScript. So who am I to judge?
Quote from denis-takumi :JavaScript ! = Programming Language its Script

Quote from hyntty :I'm sorry but I think you can consider a multi-paradigm, object oriented script language to be a programming language. At least it looks like one and can be used like one.

@denis-takumi, dito to what hyntty said about JS. It's hard to not see JS as a fully fledged programming language these days.
Quote from denis-takumi :dotNet != Programming Language! its Framework

I've had this discussion before with DarkTimes and my reasons where already stated.
Quote from denis-takumi :use Code::Blocks

I have, I don't remember liking the experience, but I'll give it another shot.

Quote from PoVo :Have you tried Blumentals Rapid PHP 2010? I used NotePad2 too, and I switched to Rapid PHP

Never heard of it. But I'm willing to give something a try. At the end of the day, I can always go back to Notepad2 and gEdit as needed .

Quote from :Netbeans!

I like netbeans, I like that I can use it on Windows, Linux and Mac. But it's to bloated and slow in most cases. I feel like netbeans should also be faster. But I'm willing to look at the latest version and see if anything has changed for the better.
I'm surprised Ruby didn't make it onto the list alongside Java.

Like, I use netbeans for an ide because it runs well on my multiboot. Under Windows it is horribly slow at times though.

For most stuff I use Python. It's easy to scratch out a working script for trying an idea, and it lends itself to being easily ported to C if speed/efficiency is needed.

Under the "other" category I would list Ruby, Assembly, Lisp and SmallTalk and I think LUA might even count.

Any thoughts on making a repository/source management poll Dygear?

I see several people using Git and Mercurial here, but it would be interesting to see how its spread across them and the others available.
Quote from Squelch :I'm surprised Ruby didn't make it onto the list alongside Java.

No one has made a InSim client / app with Ruby. The programming languages listed are used within the LFS Programming Libs and Tools forum. If some one made a lib, app, client, tool with Ruby I would of added it to the list. You might also notice that the order is not really an order at all. I did that to ensure that no language was unfairly favored because of it's position within the list. The list it's self is in the order that I found them within that Libs & Tools forum.

Quote from Squelch :Any thoughts on making a repository/source management poll Dygear?

I see several people using Git and Mercurial here, but it would be interesting to see how its spread across them and the others available.

Yeah, but how many source control management software are out there? I only know of Git, Mercurial, and CVS. Would you also include the web sites that run behind it like github, codeplex, and sourceforge? If you want to do it, or if you want me to do it that's fine, but we should know the scope of the question before we ask it.
Quote from Dygear :No one has made a InSim client / app with Ruby. The programming languages listed are used within the LFS Programming Libs and Tools forum. If some one made a lib, app, client, tool with Ruby I would of added it to the list. You might also notice that the order is not really an order at all. I did that to ensure that no language was unfairly favored because of it's position within the list. The list it's self is in the order that I found them within that Libs & Tools forum.

I'm just checking my history and looking for the LFS Ruby library I found.

Quote :
Yeah, but how many source control management software are out there? I only know of Git, Mercurial, and CVS. Would you also include the web sites that run behind it like github, codeplex, and sourceforge? If you want to do it, or if you want me to do it that's fine, but we should know the scope of the question before we ask it.

Not forgetting SVN of course.

To expand the options, the web resources like GitHub, Codeplex, Sourceforge and even Google code could be included yes.

I'll nail my colours to the mast now and declare Git to be my favourite.

You have the highest profile, so its why I made the suggestion rather than doing it myself.

The poll could be source control and issue tracking, seeing as there is also a close crossover where they are web based. Redmine is a very good issue tracker that supports all of the popular repositories.
Quote from Squelch :I'm just checking my history and looking for the LFS Ruby library I found.

Let me know if you find one.

Quote from Squelch :Not forgetting SVN of course.

Yeah, but I did forget it, lol.

Quote from Squelch :To expand the options, the web resources like GitHub, Codeplex, Sourceforge and even Google code could be included yes.

Yeah, I would need a list of popular ones, and ones that are used by the InSim developers out there. Of the coalition of PRISM Developers (Myself, Victor, GeForz, & T3) we all use Github. But I really can't think of any other InSim project that has multiple programmers working together like on the PRISM project.

Quote from Squelch :I'll nail my colours to the mast now and declare Git to be my favourite.

You and me both! I did not like CVS and I could never get SVN to work very well. Too complicated. Mercurial and Hg (That filur had me using for a while), never really seem to work as well as Git does.
Quote from Dygear :Let me know if you find one.

Not so much a full library, but I came across it on GitHub. It's looking abandoned right now, but does seem functional with the limited tests I've made.

Ruby-Live-for-Speed GitHub

Quote :
Yeah, I would need a list of popular ones, and ones that are used by the InSim developers out there. Of the coalition of PRISM Developers (Myself, Victor, GeForz, & T3) we all use Github. But I really can't think of any other InSim project that has multiple programmers working together like on the PRISM project.

Source control doesn't have to be multideveloper or even distributed for that matter. I use Git for a whole load of non programming as well as programming revision control on an individual basis.

Quote :
You and me both! I did not like CVS and I could never get SVN to work very well. Too complicated. Mercurial and Hg (That filur had me using for a while), never really seem to work as well as Git does.

I was involved in a large project where we tried several of the distributed ones, and Git came out tops. I ended up being resident Git support.
Quote from Squelch :I was involved in a large project where we tried several of the distributed ones, and Git came out tops. I ended up being resident Git support.

Teach a man to fish ... or in this case, read the manual, lol!