The online racing simulator
HA i can host servers!
(11 posts, started )
HA i can host servers!
yes im back becus i found out you can host a game server with what we have. and i have the LFS dedicated host uploaded to our server, but i dont know how to even start it, let alone work it

and the read me in the file doesnt help me AT ALL lol

EDIT: just found out how to start it, but it keeps telling me i dont have the setup.cfg file! but it's siting right there in the same folder lol
#2 - RasKK
well the thing is that all the how too's i've seen only tell me how to host form my PC, not a server :/ or if any of them do i dont know what the hell it's saying becus i dont know why it's talking about my PC, what does my PC have to do with it?
My thread (the one I linked to) assumes that you're hosting from your either a remote server, or a PC, since a lot of people do.

However, if my thread is too complicated, then I suggest reading the README.txt, thats got plenty of basic literature in there too.
#6 - RasKK
providing more useful info woulnt be too bad ..
what kind of server is it ? windoze, or that stylish zeta ? :P
i know the server runs on linux. (or atlest thats what the site that we rented it form says) i dont know what more you'd need other than the OS it runs on.

oh and can some one who has a server of there own tell me about how much bandwith a server use's (we have 800GB a month)
Unless you have shell access to the server, then you can forget about running a LFS game server from it.

In all seriousness, running a LFS can be tricky as it is, but running from Linux is even more difficult because of the differences between each distro (which is why my guide for LFS on Linux, under Wine doesnt tell you how to install Wine, screen, etc.), and the differences between each version of Wine, amongst a mirad of other things.

If you dont know what shell access is then the tutorial I've linked is out of scope. I can give you a more comprehensive set of instructions, but I need to know the distro first (be aware, I tend to think in Debian terms).

With regards to bandwidth, it depends on your servers settings (packets per second for instance), and how populated you expect it to be. The best calculator is infact in the full LFS game itself. If you goto Mutliplayer, Start New Game, you'll see the settings and the usage on the left hand side.

If you go for the "standard" settings (i.e. 23 max guests, 20 real + ai in race, max 1 per guest, 1 per host), with a pps of 6, you can expect to use upto 10.3GB per server, per 30 days (assuming always fully populated).
it has red hat enterprise linux 4. and form what it looks like i can do any thing i like to the server, becus i can seem to use it for websites to game servers to forums and so on. and the faq for the web host is fliping long! i found out that yes i can host game servers but thats all it has in the faq on hosting servers.

also do you have any MSN, xfire, skype, TS. any thing with voice chat? i have a feeling this is going to be a long and hard project, so it'll take for ever if we talk on the forums like this
I'm on MSN; I'm not online as often as I'd like, but I should be online at some point to give you a hand.

I'm afraid that I'm not overly experienced with redhat el4, specifically (like I said, I'm a debian man) but we should beable to get our way through it
sweet, thank you

HA i can host servers!
(11 posts, started )