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Well done again mr Montoya!
(88 posts, started )
#26 - aoun
Are you alright? How the hell am i comparing them 2. Im saying Montoya has or HAD something Senna had. Im not saying Montoya is better. Get your facts right mate .


Listen, Im not blind. I know what Montoya is doing. I know hes ****ed up for the last 2-3 years. I know that hes not as good as he used to be, im not saying hes the best etc, i was just trying to remind people instead of bashing the guy, take a look at what he used to be like. then think to yourselfs, whats montoyas problem instead of, HE MADE A MISTAKE MONTOYA IS SHIT. HE IS CRAP. hhmm..
I think lots of drivers has what Senna had, talent. Montoya did know how to drive no doubt but he is doing silly mistakes over and over again. And in his best days which are over, he had the best car just build for him, now when he is in Mac and the car isnt perfect he is just a shadow. And just happened to think where are the columbian Montoya fans? Few years back you used to see them cheering to Montoya allmost in every race, now I havent seen a Coumbian flag in the audience. They left their man?
#28 - aoun
"I think lots of drivers has what Senna had, talent."

Not really. Every racer in F1 has talent. But Senna had something else. They said he had like a spark or something else in him which made him do what no one could do. Alonso has what Schumy has (except the cheating thing). Schumy doesnt have what Senna had. Kimi has what Mika had (fast, real fast). Mika doesnt have what Senna had. Who else? DC, no. Fisi, no. Button, no. Montoya, yes .

But your other points,

" Montoya did know how to drive no doubt but he is doing silly mistakes over and over again. And in his best days which are over, he had the best car just build for him, now when he is in Mac and the car isnt perfect he is just a shadow. And just happened to think where are the columbian Montoya fans? Few years back you used to see them cheering to Montoya allmost in every race, now I havent seen a Coumbian flag in the audience. They left their man? "

Very Instresting, i agree .

Another thing i would like to comment on Montoya.

Im a massive fan of him, and i always will be. But one thing and thats Motor Racing is a cruel sport. Its either yes or no, have to be at the right place at the right time, and i think that seeing how F1 seems to be the goal, the aim of most drivers, that if you cant cope in there (which montoya cant seem to) then get on outta there! If Montoya was doing what hes doing now 15 years back, then its ok.. but now F1 is a bussness, not a sport and teams want what is good for them, they dont care if theres talent or potential, if a driver is winning races, being good or crap, thats what they want.
Well, Montoya has lost his "spark" I guess.
His consitency i improving at least. He now makes mistakes at EVERY GP. lol
i guess montoya is like senna. They both know how to drive into others.
Montoya was great in CART, but as the standard of driving required to be great is less there it flattered him. He has not, not once, in F1 proven himself to be a great driver. Sure he passes people now and again, and some of those have been good, but he lacks raw pace, a cool head, consistency, and an eye for keeping out of trouble. In F1 he's nothing but a waste of space.

I hope he goes back to US racing. He might even dominate there again.
#33 - aoun
2 Things.

1. "Well, Montoya has lost his "spark" I guess."

Thats what i was kinda implying. Hes lost such a great thing he once had.

2. "He has not, not once, in F1 proven himself to be a great driver."

Where the hell were you in 2001-2003? Mars? Them seasons are what made him one of the best drivers!

pfft! :P..
Best drivers for underperforming, and then having to pass a few people on the way to under achieving finish. In that respect he was VERY good.

Sure, there have been flashes of, well, not quite genius, but flashes of skill. Just a shame they occur about once every 4 years.
Montoya (+ to a lesser extent Kimi) seems unable to do anything but push too hard, sometimes they can be brilliant, just as truely great drivers can be but whenever they need to do anything but push 100% they just can't do it. Judging by the performance of DC in the Maclaren in recent years Kimi should not have been winning races, the pace he gets out of the car is remarkable but he pushes it far too hard, look at the number of times his car broke down compared to DC.

As much as I don't like him there is no doubt in my mind that the greatest driver of recent times has to be Schumacher. When was the last time his car packed up? He knows how hard to push and when to back off, that doesn't mean to say however that he doesn't push the car hard, he just knows when to stop. I remember hearing he went through 7 tubs in one of his Benneton years.
Quote from ajp71 :As much as I don't like him there is no doubt in my mind that the greatest driver of recent times has to be Schumacher. When was the last time his car packed up? He knows how hard to push and when to back off, that doesn't mean to say however that he doesn't push the car hard, he just knows when to stop. I remember hearing he went through 7 tubs in one of his Benneton years.

I think you are right, but Alonso can do that too.

But I remember Australien GP this year, where Schumacher tried to get Button and was clearly over the limit... That accident and the Monaco incident are the reasons, why Alonso is so far ahead... Schumacher probably beat himself this year.
#37 - aoun
Mm.. I guess i ahve to agree with Michael. He does know where the limit is. But with Australia, he knew the limit, he just wanted to see how far over the limit he could go. So he did know if it was the limit or not.

A good quote he said was something like.. how can you know how far you can go when you havent tried it. Similar to that he said after the incident.
#38 - Gunn
I love that video of JPM where he is walking along in the paddock with his girl, chuckling at the media attention that is brewing in front of the Ferrari camp, when he walks straight into a TV camera. He immediately swears at and abuses the camera man even though it was his own fault for not watching where he was walking. Funny stuff.
You broke my f***ing head. He broke my f***ing head. You f***ing idiot, you broke me f***ing head. F***ing idiot.

*Connie looks abashed and tries to shut him up*
Heheee, that just shows how Montoya organized the whole mess, he hits Kimi and Button and Button knocks Heidfield flipping. Didnt see that for sure before.
Quote from Blackout :Heheee, that just shows how Montoya organized the whole mess, he hits Kimi and Button and Button knocks Heidfield flipping. Didnt see that for sure before.

Maybe DC is his idol (think Spa)
Again I will defend a driver who was caught out, not just plain rubbish. If you watch the video you can see that Kimi slows rapidly exiting the left hand part of the corner, just before the TV camera cuts away you can see how fast Button and Monty catch him. The difference being that button has room to his right where as Monty has no where to go but Button and Kimi. Which he did. It was unfotunate but the accident was started by Kimi.
The driver who comes from behind is allways to blame, doesnt matter if the car in front would be 3 laps down. And from that footage you cant really tell if Kimi lifted, and most importanly why. He was allmost off the track and on the grass. You cant see if there was someone front of him, or was he too close and afraid of understeering to other car, you just cant know. All you can see is Montoya making a contact. Its no excuse from Montoya to say "he lifted". Don't go kamikaze to T1.
If you wanted to put blame on someone other than Monty then I'd actually say it was Ruben's fault...

Watch the replay of the incident on YouTube from Kimi's camera and you see he slows down as quickly as Rubens did. Also if you look at the normal footage there is a big gap in front of Rubens to the Ferrari's and Renault's in turn 3.

At the end of the day though...even the FIA have said no one driver was specifically to blame and it was just a racing incident. Even Ron Dennis said it was just one of those things that can happen in T1...although i bet he was still ever so slightly annoyed
Who was to blame for this particular incident isn't that important it's just the fact that Montoya has yet again ended up in the middle of it shows that had he maybe had a brain cell operating he would have been more cautious.
#47 - aoun
If you go to the F1-Live forums its a load of crap cause from that little hit causeing a pile up.. there was a good 8-10 theads bashing JPM. Pfft thats why im here .

PS. That Camera hit video i coulndt stop laughing!! YOU ALMOST BROKE MY F***KING HEAD YOU F***KING IDOIT!! lmao
Quote from yegadoyai :Again I will defend a driver who was caught out, not just plain rubbish. If you watch the video you can see that Kimi slows rapidly exiting the left hand part of the corner, just before the TV camera cuts away you can see how fast Button and Monty catch him. The difference being that button has room to his right where as Monty has no where to go but Button and Kimi. Which he did. It was unfotunate but the accident was started by Kimi.

I disagree. It was Monty's responsibility to ensure he didn't hit the back of Kimi even if Kimi decided to do an emergency stop. There might be several cars spread across the track with no way through for example.
On the road I agree that JPM would be responsible for the accident. No question. However this is racing, the same rules do not apply. There is an understanding between drivers that they will all try to get round the track as fast as possible, in genral they will follow the racing line and there numerous guidelines for passing and blocking. At no point does it say that the driver behind should ensure that if the driver in front decides to slow down at a point that is unexpected (the exit of a corner for example) that he should be able to avoid an accident. That would just be silly. The reason I lay the blame on Kimi was because I couldn't see/remember who he was following but yea there was quite a gap from Rubens to the Ferraris/Renaults and he had the most room (no one on the outside only Kimi on the inside and with plenty room) so his unexpected slowing caused Kimi to do likewise leaving Button and Monty with very little room. If monty had not hit Kimi I suspect that button would have still run wide to avoid Kimis car possibly causing a different accident.
pfff, right!

Well done again mr Montoya!
(88 posts, started )