The online racing simulator
Heellp!!!! Cannot unlock. [solved]
hello everyone, i just downloaded the game and been practicing for a wile, the game works great but when i try to go online racing, it says "user name not found" i can log to the forum (as u may see) and can change my account details on the web. I'm a demo player btw
Please do check your Game Password in your account details in the main webpage.
Quote from Deejayyaj :Please do check your Game Password in your account details in the main webpage.

Yeap, i have change it and even tried with a new account and i still cant log online, it keeps showing a message of "user name can't be found"
Uninstall then reboot your PC. Make a new fresh install then try to log your game pass and username.
Quote from Deejayyaj :Uninstall then reboot your PC. Make a new fresh install then try to log your game pass and username.

Done, and still not working
That's odd...
Do you have the latest version 0.6B? When I type lucho_valverde to the unlock dialog, I get "Bad game password" error, which makes sense.
made it, i had a problem with my keyboard, it was adding a " " at the end