Arrive and Drive Servers
(32 posts, started )
Arrive and Drive Servers
I've not been on LFS for some time now due to not having the time through work etc. The thing I enjoyed the most was you could just arrive and drive.

I mostly used servers like CTRA before it went belly up and a couple of others that I cannot remember.

I'd like to get back on when I get time now, but can't seem to find any servers with rotating tracks and a choice of cars, maybe even a points system? The only populated servers I see is AS National with the FZR etc.

Does anything like the above exist anymore!?
Try ones.
Yeah is quite good there is usually always some good racing. Tho it can be very confusing with the different classes mixing up in the start of the race but I think it's still very enjoyable.
I myself really miss CTRA too. Used to love the tight XFG/XRG racing.
Cheers for the replies.

I don't mind mixed classes, it was great when you had to gain a certain amount of points to drive a more powerful car, solved so many problems!

Not meaning to dig up the "good old days", I'm sure there is still good and close racing to be had here!
Cargame is lame. Forced intake restriction on the GTR's makes them boring.
Quote from andyb1982 :Cheers for the replies.

I don't mind mixed classes, it was great when you had to gain a certain amount of points to drive a more powerful car, solved so many problems!

Not meaning to dig up the "good old days", I'm sure there is still good and close racing to be had here!

To be honest there isn't much "close" racing there. There are like 5 or 6 classes on track, meaning that most of the time you won't get more than like 6 or 7 opponents in class. Clearly not the optimal conditions to have close racing.

However, if lapping/being lapped/fighting with a slow and unconsistant guy from a faster class is your thing, then why not.

Quote from Forbin :Cargame is lame. Forced intake restriction on the GTR's makes them boring.

Well, GTR is one class out of 5 or 6 there. Certainly you could try something else if you have a problem with intake restriction?

I mean, it's a bit like saying "motorsports are lame because F1's DRS is a stupid gimmick".
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Well, GTR is one class out of 5 or 6 there. Certainly you could try something else if you have a problem with intake restriction?

I mean, it's a bit like saying "motorsports are lame because F1's DRS is a stupid gimmick".

I find TBO and STD dull as well. And no one ever races LRF. Open wheel isn't even an option on Cargame, which is also lame.

Frankly, I have no idea why they're consistently the most populated racing server.
Quote from Forbin :I find TBO and STD dull as well. And no one ever races LRF. Open wheel isn't even an option on Cargame, which is also lame.

Frankly, I have no idea why they're consistently the most populated racing server.

Don't blame the hosts. They did have a Open wheel server (not sure if its still there) but it wasn't used much. I just checked, and there is a GTR multiclass server with NGT/GT3/GT2/GTRs. servers are there, but if they're empty who's to blame?

More so; I'm a fan of TBO+LRF and some NGT, and thankfully you can find a bit of that in their servers. I suppose your timezone might have something to explain the "no one ever races LRF?"

From what I understand, people have been suggesting to restrict the GT2/NGTs from their server and simply limit it to STD/TBO/LFR; and let the people drive the GTRs in the GTR server; but that might result in low numbers both servers. (Why fix something that ain't broken; I've taken part in countless of multiclass races with GT2/NGT/LFR/TBO classes, and having a fine battle with others in my class.)

I believe (IMO) they are popular because they've got what most people want in online servers; other drivers!

I'd love to have a race or two STD@FE1, but even if I host a server will there be anyone else to race with? If you can meet the requirements, try the UFR Challenge.

i.e. EQ Worry went to great lengths to try and make establish a server; run by a number of established teams; so that at least some of the team's members would help to populate the server. Sadly, it didn't catch on.

Then there was the LFS 350$ 24-7 Event ( with interesting combos etc; it was cancelled for another reason, but even a cash reward didn't keep many people interest for long.

A number of servers have been popped up over the last couple of moths/years but nothing has worked because there simply just dont' seemed to be enough interested people to keep going for a while... In the end, when the time permits, those who are online end up in

On the other hand, there always seems to be people on LFSF to talk about about the lack of servers. I for one, am thankful that the cargame servers are alive and well, just so that I can have a race or two when I have the time.
there are simply too many servers and not enough racers!

five minutes ago there were 1100 racers (600 of them were demo drivers) online and 360 servers!

we´ve seen spikes of racers at over 2000 racers, but then there were almost 600 servers for those!

the popular combos got popular to some degree, because they are the few populated servers.

since in this day and age all fuzz is about social networks and automatic friend finders - why not implement automatic match making in lfs?
instead of having so many servers with only a few people in it let lfs world join these players based on their lfs stats to form races with full grids. the moment you choose automatic match making instead of manually joining a server you could be taken to a free server by lfs world to meet fellow racers that got sent there because your stats match. that should give good, close racing. there could even be choices if somebody likes to race with better drivers to learn racing lfs world could join these racers aswell. if somebody does not fit to the choosen server and is constantly crashing or deep below average times lfs world could take him to another server with some slower racers for the next race automatically.
this could be implemented for car and track rotation aswell. instead of browsing all servers for one that is providing the track/class/length of race you want, there should be some interface like in single player where you choose your car and/or track and that´s it! you will be taken to a fitting server and can choose a setup to race with. that way there even could be pick up endurance races where you can join a race that is allready in progress and take over a car from a player that is having a break or is leaving the game. this could be fun in s3 with night and weather to play 24 hours endurance races.

peace, mo
Quote from Forbin :Cargame is lame. Forced intake restriction on the GTR's makes them boring.

Sorry, but you are a dumbass with your answer...

The intake restriction is because they are GTr2 class car, so before talk nonsense investigate a little...
Quote from andyb1982 : The thing I enjoyed the most was you could just arrive and drive.
I'd like to get back on when I get time now, but can't seem to find any servers with rotating tracks and a choice of cars, maybe even a points system?
Does anything like the above exist anymore!?

DeadMenRacing have a week of short races (around 10 min) each night, which culminates in a one hour race on Thursday evening and then the car and track combo is changed for the following week.
Airio is used for points scoring during the week and they have their own standings for the one hour race.
This week its FOX@SO6 and next week its the XRG@?
All welcome, although the server goes private during qualifying for the duration of the one hour race.
Quote from Inouva :Sorry, but you are a dumbass with your answer...

The intake restriction is because they are GTr2 class car, so before talk nonsense investigate a little...

What's the difference?

Whatever you want to call it, it's dull. Full-power GTR's are fun. The S2 tracks are probably even designed around them.
Quote from Forbin :What's the difference?

Whatever you want to call it, it's dull. Full-power GTR's are fun.

Obviously they're just slower, easier on tires and that allows people to drive more closely. Hence the reason CTRA GT2 (currently GT3) was so popular.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Obviously they're just slower, easier on tires and that allows people to drive more closely. Hence the reason CTRA GT2 (currently GT3) was so popular.

The only way you get proper, close racing is having two or more drivers of similar skill-level at the same point on the track. It really doesn't matter what they're driving, they'll have a close race.

Sure, with a slower car, you might have a driver extend his lead over another, less skilled driver by a mere few tenths every lap instead of seconds and end up technically closer together when the checkered waves, but is that really "close racing?"

If "slower, easier on tires" is the goal, why not give the cars even less power? 10HP should make the cars really slow and easy on the tires.
Forbin I never thought someone else with this opinion exists. Pure non-restricted GTRs ftw. Driving some dumbass GT2 was since the beginning a no-go for me. I was forced by some league races in MoE etc. But I never had fun. It's like being with a girl which does have one boob instead of two.
Quote from Mysho :It's like being with a girl which does have one boob instead of two.

Saves your having to choose which one to play with though!
Quote from Forbin :What's the difference?

Whatever you want to call it, it's dull. Full-power GTR's are fun. The S2 tracks are probably even designed around them.

And you ask the difference within a GTR vs GTR2?, ok...

GT2 is like drive ( Almost ) a xfr or ufr but with the diff of the downforce and a bit more of Hp
Come to cargame and try it, if you got the balls and the skills of course
Quote from Inouva :And you ask the difference within a GTR vs GTR2?, ok...

I asked what is the difference between a GT2 and forced intake restriction on a GTR. I'm well aware the intake restrictions are used in an attempt to form a new class. It doesn't make them any more than watered-down GTR's.

Quote from Inouva :Come to cargame and try it, if you got the balls and the skills of course

Win or lose, I wouldn't have fun, so why? What's the point? What do I have to prove by racing GT2? That I am good (or bad) at something I don't like doing?
(JayEyeBee) DELETED by JayEyeBee
Quote from Forbin :I asked what is the difference between a GT2 and forced intake restriction on a GTR. I'm well aware the intake restrictions are used in an attempt to form a new class. It doesn't make them any more than watered-down GTR's.

Win or lose, I wouldn't have fun, so why? What's the point? What do I have to prove by racing GT2? That I am good (or bad) at something I don't like doing?

Becuase with intake they can make a gt2 class car, why is so hard to understand that?

you are moaning about the intake restriction and then you say there is no point to drive a gtr with intake, that why i told you come and test it yourself
Because it is. I'd much rather be racing a full-power GTR. I ran that race because my team needed me. I was more interested in helping my team than actually racing that car.
Quote from Inouva :if you got the balls and the skills of course

We learn something new about you every day...
Quote from Forbin :Because it is. I'd much rather be racing a full-power GTR. I ran that race because my team needed me. I was more interested in helping my team than actually racing that car.

You must be the CoRe member who entered the other day to cargame to rage about the intake and ragequit the server
Quote from Inouva :You must be the CoRe member who entered the other day to cargame to rage about the intake and ragequit the server

Are you saying it is unreasonable to expect a server with GTR's enabled to have GTR's? Am I not allowed to voice my displeasure in a single line of text at not being able to race a proper car, particularly on a server that appears to have a monopoly on large grids? How is deciding I do not want to race GT2's and disconnecting to go somewhere else a "ragequit?"

Arrive and Drive Servers
(32 posts, started )