The online racing simulator
In two minds about LFS
(17 posts, started )
In two minds about LFS
(Long story short, no wheel, windows XP, 360pad has no deadzone, PS2 pad wont calibrate=hypersensative control, so spend most time on blackwood driving car I can control)

How do you long timers cope? I've only been here a short while and already I'm tired of the same old sh*t
If I'm gonna lose a place ie:(undefendable/wrong road position etc) I take that medicine because thats racing. But on the other hand with the role reversed I'm forever being punted off the road, tagged down the straight, smacked from behind (not rubbing but hit at 100mph closing speed) And all this for 7th place or something like that.

I seem the have the knack for avoiding In most cases the dreaded 1st corner debacle's and although I'm not as fast as most drivers here (1:34.5 pb) I try to defend my place as is my right (no waving or extreme blocking included)

I guess what I'm really trying to fish out here is S2 the same (only S1 atm) because of the above mentioned control issue
I don't want to spend anymore more money meaning the S2 license & g25/27 on what is fast becoming a very frustrating experience , this is a fantastic game ruined by awful petulant moronic driving.

PLEASE tell me S2 is better....
we dont, lfs has only ever really been a tool for trolling as it has no true realisim ( like all games ) wheels dont work like they do irl...

u mad ? cause i aint. If anything its just a laugh is all...
Quote from theirishnoob :we dont, lfs has only ever really been a tool for trolling as it has no true realisim ( like all games ) wheels dont work like they do irl...

u mad ? cause i aint. If anything its just a laugh is all...

Thank you for those pearls of....wisdom?
TBH If there is a mod/dev whatever, lock/close this thread I'm to old for this sh*t.
Quote from Kerguelen :Long story short, no wheel, windo...

Get a wheel.

Quote from Kerguelen :How do you long timers cope? I've only been here a short while and already I'm tired of the same old sh*t

S2 has more content. I'm still on KBs (getting a wheel soon, hopefully)

Quote from Kerguelen :...on the other hand with the role reversed I'm forever being punted off the road, tagged down the straight, smacked from behind (not rubbing but hit at 100mph closing speed) And all this for 7th place or something like that.

Find another server, has some good races.

Quote from Kerguelen :I guess what I'm really trying to fish out here is S2 the same (only S1 atm) because of the above mentioned control issue
I don't want to spend anymore more money meaning the S2 license & g25/27 on what is fast becoming a very frustrating experience , this is a fantastic game ruined by awful petulant moronic driving.

Once you get S2, you'll see a huge increase of servers that have friendly racers. As you can see, most of the forum are friendly S2 racers.

Quote from Kerguelen :PLEASE tell me S2 is better....

It is
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :It is

It isn't. There's just more of it. More cars. More tracks. More servers. More people who aren't total idiots. More people who are total idiots.

Try the servers there you can find some good racing. Most of the idiots have been banned.

PS. Get a wheel.
A wheel would be like getting a whole new game. It did it for me, I was a mouser for years and got a G25.

It will not be enough to keep you interested, unless you are into hotlapping. You will have to actively look for places to drive. Find out what you want from online racing (winning, sprint races, endurance, fast switching combos, AS3 GTRs...) and then you will be able to select a few servers you like. is ok for pickup races, combo switches often / track voting is on. There are not so many racers in each class though, and you can find anything driving standard wise (from learning the track by wall hitting to alien fast). There are also quite a few leagues around, and many "niche" servers.

LFS itself is not so important, the fun is in racing - for that you need decent physics, and good opposition. If you can spice that up with tactics (setup, pitstops) and adrenaline, you're good to go - but that could also be in RFact. or IRacin.

Good luck. And try a wheel
Quote from Kerguelen :TBH If there is a mod/dev whatever, lock/close this thread I'm to old for this sh*t.

You're pretty young compared to some of the lads that move around here.
Quote from Kerguelen :[U][I]

PLEASE tell me S2 is better....

S2........ Is better

Drift Servers: Better
Race Servers: Better
Rally Servers: Better
Cruise Servers: Better
Random Servers: Better

S2 overall: 100% (if not more) better! More servers, More Tracks, More Cars, More players.

LFS with a wheel: Actually very close to realism no matter what some fools say here. I drift/race/rally on LFS and irl. Not much difference apart from being able to feel every move you make (Bumps etc). Driving physics in LFS are the best ever. So screw anybody who thinks differently!

With S2 you would be VERY pleased compared to what you are right now. Tbh its worth more than £12 on top of S1 for what you get
#10 - CSU1
Quote from Kerguelen :(Long story short, no wheel, windows XP, 360pad has no deadzone, PS2 pad wont calibrate=hypersensative control, so spend most time on blackwood driving car I can control)

How do you long timers cope? I've only been here a short while and already I'm tired of the same old sh*t
If I'm gonna lose a place ie:(undefendable/wrong road position etc) I take that medicine because thats racing. But on the other hand with the role reversed I'm forever being punted off the road, tagged down the straight, smacked from behind (not rubbing but hit at 100mph closing speed) And all this for 7th place or something like that.

I seem the have the knack for avoiding In most cases the dreaded 1st corner debacle's and although I'm not as fast as most drivers here (1:34.5 pb) I try to defend my place as is my right (no waving or extreme blocking included)

I guess what I'm really trying to fish out here is S2 the same (only S1 atm) because of the above mentioned control issue
I don't want to spend anymore more money meaning the S2 license & g25/27 on what is fast becoming a very frustrating experience , this is a fantastic game ruined by awful petulant moronic driving.

PLEASE tell me S2 is better....

There are a number of guides related to the use of gamepads, here's one, and there are a few others around if you search for them.

Try to steer clear of DD servers like (to begin with) as mentioned above and choose your company/servers wisely as there are a lot of messers out there.

You'll find that there are mainly four types of racing that go on in LFS, competitive, Destruction Derby, Cruising & Drifting...personally I stay away from the latter two as I preferre a good close race as I suspect you too do.

Gamepads com into their own when on DD servers where extreme lock-lock speeds are required for getting out of trouble, using a wheel in this situation is not impossible but is more impractical in terms of comfort.

Try not to get too discouraged as the good of the many really do outweigh the bad of the few in LFS, there is heart-stopping close racing to be had almost every evening on the majority of the servers pending your ability not to balls it up and retain your nerve keeping at the top of the pack.

If you are any way serious about wanting close real racing get any wheel.

hope this helps
It also sounds to me like you're just not very good at racing yet. Being passed is easy. Passing is much harder. Being overtaken requires no skill, only self control. Passing requires skill and an appreciation that the other person might not have self control.

The face you can't overtake whilst using rubbish controllers isn't really a fair reason to judge LFS quite so harshly.

You'll learn as you drive/race more, and then you'll find the appeal of racing simulators.
If you want deadzones, get DxTweak.
You can drive well with a mouse as well, only downside being you cant control amount of thrust precisely, but you'll learn to handle that in the end. And depending to your drivingstyle relatively fast usage of tires.

TBH i wouldnt change to wheel if i had the chance anymore... maybe pedals, but not wheel.

Racing itself is just practice practice and practice
Quote from Mille Sabords :A wheel would be like getting a whole new game. It did it for me, I was a mouser for years and got a G25.

How and where?
I've been looking for a decent G25 that wasn't overpriced for a few months now. My FFB on my old wheel broke so now I'm stuck with driving without FFB.
I can get a G27 for ~330€ here, but that's a bit too much for a G25 with 4 more buttons. And then if I'm lucky I find a G25 for ~200-250€. To much, for a used wheel, considering a new G27 costs a tad over 300€. A while back when those were still available prices were around 170-180€. So now I'm pretty much stuck, and don't tell me ebay, because I'm not fond of that bidding system. In other words, I hate it. Do any companies in your countries still hold the G25 and would ship abroad?
Quote from -RitariÄssä- :...only downside being you cant control amount of thrust precisely,...

Don't understand how you can make such a statement. Using LFS with a mouse/kb is like ordering a pizza with nothing on it. Not even tomato sauce.
The quality time increases 100-fold if not more by using the full potential of LFS, i.e. a proper hardware. But that's just my opinon. I'm glad tho that many users enjoy LFS even with mouse/kb, I know I would have a hard time appreciating it for what it really is.
Well to be honest, I don't understand you, Kerguelen. In just 16 minutes you went from asking people their opinion and advice, to "please, close this thread" and not even bothered to check what other people, other than "theirishnoob", have to say on that matter.

Way to go! :thumbsdow
Wait, my wheel also has zero deadzone :cartman: OMG!!!111!111eleven!!

In two minds about LFS
(17 posts, started )