I don't think explaining server environments in depth was the goal of this thread (maybe it is, don't know). Further I have/had no intention to personally attack you but you are the one calling things 'lame' instead of giving your own suggestions. Thats one thing... But you also said things which are completely false which needed some correction.
Anyway, GT2 does not appeal for everyone. There is also a dedicated GTR server but it suffers from the same disease as the open wheel one. Whole lot of emptiness most of the time. The reason that GTR is restricted is because it's very unsafe having GTR's driving around the track like an idiot crashing all FXO/RB4/XFG/XRG and whatever from the road. In my opinion you can only mix GTR(/GT2) with NGT... Yes.. Just like in the CTRA days...
But... LFS has experienced some decrease in popularity the last two years and it's just very difficult to offer everything to everyone's personal liking. So there need to be compromises and GT2 instead of GTR on the main server is one of them. (I'd rather remove them permanently but that gives some resistance

There are lengthy discussions about this already on our own forum. I'd rather like to see and keep the lfsforum general. Some attention to other server environments is healthy too